How Often Do You Comb Your Hair


New Member
I comb my hair every day in the shower with conditioner on it now. After reading alot of strings on this website I tried to do like alot of women on here do and only comb my hair every week or so. That didn't work for me. My hair got very angry at me!!! All the curls decided to get together and fight:sad:!! I had the biggest mess of tangled hair I have very seen on one person's head. It looked fine when I was at work and out and about but when I tried to run my fingers thru it I couldn't!!! So Saturday morning I decided to wash my hair with a little watered down shampoo then I tried to deep condition it. Well like I said earlier my hair was pissed off at me and I couldn't get a garden rake thru it. I mean I had to really work with it and then I had alot of hair come out!!! :ohwell: I was freaking out!! Now I've gone back to my old routine of condition washing it every morning in the shower, comb it out with conditioner in it, rinsing that out and then putting leave in conditioner in it and letting it air dry. So far I am loosing the normal amount of hair per day 30-40 strands.

So how about you??? How often do you comb your hair out?? Just curious.
everyday when i cowash i was also a victim of not combing for 2 days i swore my comb was going to break never again
Well thank God I'm not alone!!! I mean I had to really talk to myself and tell me not to cry cause sooooo much hair came out in my comb and in the shower!!!
Typically twice a week. That's because I twist it up and I don't have to comb it until I rewash. When I wore wash n go's, every day in the shower. My hair would start a coup if I didn't, and my finger would be the victims!:swordfigh
Well, I'm hooked on twists now. So I may wear those for five days, then twist out with my fingers only for 3, and then rock a puff for 2 or 3 days -so I'm looking at a good week and a half of no comb. And tonight, I'll just part it and put some bentonite clay in it and wash/con/dc/leave- in and twist back up. At this rate, I may go until the end of the summer without needing a comb! :blush:
hmm i use to comb my hair everyday but now i comb it when i feel like it so maybe once a week and when i do comb i only comb on wet hair with conditioner...combing dry is a no no for me
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Well, I'm hooked on twists now. So I may wear those for five days, then twist out with my fingers only for 3, and then rock a puff for 2 or 3 days -so I'm looking at a good week and a half of no comb. And tonight, I'll just part it and put some bentonite clay in it and wash/con/dc/leave- in and twist back up. At this rate, I may go until the end of the summer without needing a comb! :blush:

Gosh your hair is so thick!!! I wish I could go a week and a half without combing. When I wasn't combing it out every day that really did cut down on my morning routine!! That I really miss!! Maybe one day I'll try the twists I think I want to wait a little longer to make sure I didn't do any permanent damage to my hair. Maybe I'll try it by the end of the summer. If so I'll make sure to post pics.
hmm i use to comb my hair everyday but now i comb it when i feel like it so maybe once a week and when i do comb i only comb on wet hair with conditioner...combing dry is a no no for me

I'm getting a little sea sick from all those waves in your hair Sxyleogrl!!! Your hair looks really thick and healthy though. Whatever you're doing keep it up!:yep:
I've tried the low-mani thing twice, once about a year ago and again last week. Both times were horrible. I lost so much freakin hair, it was crazy. Never again will I do low-mani, unless I'm in braids or something. I comb once a day after I moisturize.
I only comb on wash days. Once a Week. When I do need a "touch up" I will take my Denman and gently do a quick brush only on the areas needed.:look:

At night, I moisturize and Scarf.

Now that I am phony-bunning, it's alot easier "not to comb" and also less of a temptation:yep: Everything pretty much stays neatly tucked away until the next wash day.
My hair would revolt on me as well, unless I had it in some kind of protective style, that didn't need to be redone for a week at a time. Right now, it's 3x a week because I co-wash after Mondays and Wednesday's work outs. After Friday's workout, I just pre-poo with oil so I can give it an Ayurvedic treatment on Saturday. But then I will comb it while I'm rising the deep conditioner out in the shower.

This week has been different because I put some flat twists in on Saturday and wore headwraps Sunday through Thursday, so I didn't have to comb. Today it's in a twist out. Tomorrow's detangling will be interesting! :drunk:

If I were to comb every day in the shower, it'd take me 25 minutes. Every day. :nono: Whereas now, I do it once a week and it takes me 45 minutes to an hour. Much easier this way. I can put it off for 2 weeks but then the detangling session just takes way too long. Once a week suffices fine.

Now, I fingercomb every day that my hair gets co-washed. So almost every day. This way, my hair doesn't tangle too much... just get a few shed hairs out and keep the tangles from compounding. Especially if I'm bunning a lot that week. :yep:
Once a day for the most part. I co wash 4 or so days a week and I comb once I get out of the shower. The other days, I typically comb at night before bed.
maybe every 2 days. I can go 3 in the winter when I cowash less. I don't really think wet detangling is for me, so I try to do it on dry hair with a paddle brush. I use a denman on the nape and hairline in the morning to make a smooth ponytail or bun, but I only comb to a depth of where bangs would be.
Gosh your hair is so thick!!! I wish I could go a week and a half without combing. When I wasn't combing it out every day that really did cut down on my morning routine!! That I really miss!! Maybe one day I'll try the twists I think I want to wait a little longer to make sure I didn't do any permanent damage to my hair. Maybe I'll try it by the end of the summer. If so I'll make sure to post pics.

:lachen:Yes, my hair is crazy thick. I'm almost a little of afraid of it getting any real length. Not sure if I'll be able to handle on my own then....:ohwell:
I comb once a week when I wash - even then I could prob get away with a finger comb... this may change as my hair gets longer though