How long does it take you to . . .

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Blow dry your hair?

Flat iron your hair?

Curl your hair (with a curling iron)?

Roll your hair (at night or before sitting under the dryer)?

I know the answers will vary based on the length and texture of one's hair. I got inspired to ask this because it takes me forever and a day to flat iron or curl my hair -- mostly because I don't do it very often. Hair drying used to take a long time, too, but now I've got it down to about 10-15 minutes.
Blow dry your hair?
I have not done it in so long, I can't remember. I guess totally after towel drying about 10 min without using a comb or attachment. If I do it to dry dampness after airdrying, only a couple of min. Both on medium heat.

Flat iron your hair?An hour.

Curl your hair (with a curling iron)? I don't really use a curling iron. If I do, it is when I am going out or something and I have may one little section that needs a touchup. Even then I have been trying to use Carusos for that.

Roll your hair (at night or before sitting under the dryer)?
I roll my hair 4-5 nights a week and it takes me 5 min. I use about 10 Annie X-Large Satin covered foam rollers. Still trying to master wetsets.
Blow dry your hair?
5-10 minutes. I only blow dry to get my hair dry, not in a style.

Flat iron your hair?
45-60 minutes. My hair is thick, so I have to use very small sections or else it won't get straight.

Curl your hair (with a curling iron)?
Don't do this.

Roll your hair (at night or before sitting under the dryer)?
15-20 minutes and I only airdry.