How Do You This This Pre-Poo Will Work: WRTC, Shikakai & Oils?


I found an Indian store in my area, by accident, today. They had Dabur Alma Oil, Parachute Coconut Oil, Coconut Milk, BAQ Henna, Shikakai soap and Alma & Shikakai powders, but NO Indigo, Cassia, DABUR Vatika Hair Oil, DABUR Anmol Pure Coconut Oil or KEO KARPIN Hair Oil.

Anyway, I had been wanting to try a coconut hair smoothie that someone posted a while back. It was WRTC, coconut milk and coconut oil. I want to mix this up, but, also add some avocado oil, alma oil and Shikakai. I want to leave it on for one hour, under a plastic cap, before I wash. I'm going to store the 28oz bottle in the fridge.

Here's the recipe I'm thinking of:

2/3 bottle of WRTC
Half package of Shikakai powder (50gm)
One ounce of Coconut oil
One ounce of Avocado Oil
One ounce of Alma Oil
Fill to top of bottle with Coconut Milk

Do you think this will work as a good pre-poo?

Will the Alma oil make my permanently colored hair darker? Why does everyone post that Alma oil smells bad? Mine smells nice.
I've never used shikakai that way with just oil so not sure how it will work. Why not mix up a small portion first to see the consistency & texture first? I usually mix shikakai in condish for co-washing and it leaves my hair strong, conditioned and shiny. . .
Sounds yummy to me. I agree with neroli. Mix up a small back and test it out first. That way you don't have to waste an entire batch, and, you can tweak it to see what works better.
ITA with the other ladies about the sample batch, wouldn't want to waste all those wonderful products. What a lucky find.
Shikakai is used to wash hair, so it might not be so effective in a pre-poo. Try a small batch as the other ladies have suggested and see how it goes.

ETA: Because coconut milk is perishable, maybe just add it to the amount of pre-poo you're using on an as needed basis. Once the milk goes off, your whole bottle would have be thrown out too.

Good luck!
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Shikakai is used to wash hair, so it might not be so effective in a pre-poo. Try a small batch as the other ladies have suggested and see how it goes.

ETA: Because coconut milk is perishable, maybe just add it to the amount of pre-poo you're using on an as needed basis. Once the milk goes off, your whole bottle would have be thrown out too.

Good luck!
Yes, I forgot about this. You definitely don't want to put that spoiled, sour stuff on your hair. Your scalp is already a breeding ground for bacteria. Can you imagine what spoiled coconut milk could do to your hair and scalp??