Honeysuckle rose = frizz?


New Member
I am wondering if anyone has had any problems with AO honeysuckle rose. I recently purchased this because of the rave reviews on here and whenever I use it, I seem to wake up with frizz the next morning. This hasn't happened with other conditioners that I have used so I am wondering why this one would make my hair frizz so. Does anyone have any suggestions, or has anyone else experienced this?
I am wondering if anyone has had any problems with AO honeysuckle rose. I recently purchased this because of the rave reviews on here and whenever I use it, I seem to wake up with frizz the next morning. This hasn't happened with other conditioners that I have used so I am wondering why this one would make my hair frizz so. Does anyone have any suggestions, or has anyone else experienced this?

Need More Information. Are you Sleeping in the Product? Are You Relaxed or Natural? Or Rinsing and Styling and you have Frizz the next day?

I've never had a Problem with HSR or any other AO Product actually causing Frizz.:nono:

I tend to always use mine as a DC'er with Heat. i.e. Heat Cap, Steamer or Dryer.
^^^^^ I am using it for a co washing, so putting it in then rinsing it out. Then I moisturize my hair, seal it with oil and wrap with my satin scarf. The next morning there is frizz. I am natural.
I've found that HSR is not the best for frizz control. AOWC is better for frizz control, though it's not as moisturizing as HSR IMO.
AO HSR and AOWC both have "Hops" in the ingredients and for some people this causes frizz. I found that out on another board after having serious problems with AOWC drying me out. However, in my case I believe it was a combination of the "Wheat Germ Oil," which carries a small trace of protein (I'm protein sensitive) and the "Hops." FYI, both of these are in AO HSR, which is why I didn't try that one after my experience with the AOWC! I didn't want to waste my bottle and it has great slip so now I pour some of it in my hand along with Aussie Moist. Then rub my hands together and apply to my hair. It alleviated the dryness problem for me. HTH
AO HSR and AOWC both have "Hops" in the ingredients and for some people this causes frizz. I found that out on another board after having serious problems with AOWC drying me out. However, in my case I believe it was a combination of the "Wheat Germ Oil," which carries a small trace of protein (I'm protein sensitive) and the "Hops." FYI, both of these are in AO HSR, which is why I didn't try that one after my experience with the AOWC! I didn't want to waste my bottle and it has great slip so now I pour some of it in my hand along with Aussie Moist. Then rub my hands together and apply to my hair. It alleviated the dryness problem for me. HTH

Can you help me understand what you mean by "hops"? I am currently at school so I don't have my conditioner bottle with me. I would love to know what ingredent(s) is/are "hops". This way I will be less likely to spend money on something that I wont work for me. Last night I cowashed with Jason Organics A,C&E vitamin conditioner and I didn't have the same frizz problem. I think I will try mixing the HSR with coconut oil and hopefully that will help. I will finish the bottle, but I will not be repurchasing.
Hops- the stuff used to make beer:



It has antibacterial properties. Not sure if it does anything else, but I would guess so. Think of beer rinses in hair.
I used the HSR and am not really a fan. But I do LOVE the White Camelia conditioner, I can tell a difference between which one I use to flat-iron my natural hair. WC wins!
I used the HSR and am not really a fan. But I do LOVE the White Camelia conditioner, I can tell a difference between which one I use to flat-iron my natural hair. WC wins!

Interesting. I'm a little nervous to try any other AO because they aren't cheap and I don't want to waste my money.