Honey Regimens Please


Well-Known Member
I've seen some threads about honey being used for shine. What are other benefits of putting honey on your hair? Do you use honey as a pre-poo or do you mix it in with your conditioner. I am 8 weeks post relaxer and would like to stretch to twelve. Will adding honey help soften my new growth?

Thanks in advance for your help!
Honey acts a natural Humectant. It draws moisture into your hair. I add it my conditioner as a pre-poo treat.,for conditioner washes or just regular old condtioning. It my main staple. :)
It softens my hair a lot. I use it w/every deep conditioning or conditioner wash. For conditioner washes, I add about a 2 tbsp to each cup of conditioner. For deep conditioning I add 1/2 cup honey for each cup conditioner. You can adjust that recipe to your liking though. I've seen people use equal amounts of honey and conditioner or just equal parts of honey & olive oil. Try it out, see how you like it.
Like ChocoKitty, I use honey in my conditioner (cholestrol) along with EVOO and use it as a deep conditioner with a plastic cap under the dryer.

I found some interesting facts and great recipes using honey on www.honey.com...

Honey Is A Sweet Treat For Skin
Cleopatra is said to have ruled Egypt with an iron fist. Apparently, it was also a smooth fist, since she was one of the more famous people in history to use honey for its skin-enhancing properties. In fact, Cleopatra's legendary milk and honey baths are just one of many historical examples of people using honey to pamper their complexions. While Cleopatra didn't know why honey softened her skin, new research suggests the queen of the Nile was definitely onto something.

Manufacturers have used honey in everything from hand lotions and moisturizers to bar soaps and bubble baths. One reason they use honey is for its wholesome, all-natural image; more and more consumers are demanding cosmetics and personal care products made from natural ingredients. In the case of honey, however, image is just the beginning.

First, honey is a humectant, which means it attracts and retains moisture. This makes honey a natural fit in a variety of moisturizing products including cleaners, creams, shampoos and conditioners. Honey also acts as an anti-irritant, making it suitable for sensitive skin and baby care products. Honey's prospects in skincare are looking even sweeter; research is currently underway to develop a process using honey to create alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs). AHAs are an important ingredient in many skin creams and moisturizers because they help exfoliate the skin. Increased exfoliation, or renewal of the skin cells, can give skin a younger, more vibrant look.

Look for honey in store-bought beauty products or try whipping up some simple beauty recipes yourself.

Historical Honey Beauty Secrets
Madame du Barry, the infamous last mistress of Louis XV, used honey as a form of facial mask, lying down for a rest while the honey did its work.

Cleopatra of Egypt regularly took honey and milk baths to maintain her youthful appearance.

It was said that Queen Anne of England used a honey and oil concoction to keep her long hair lustrous, thick and shiny.

It was claimed that another famous Englishwoman, Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, used her own secret recipe for a honey water to keep her hair beautiful.

Chinese women have a tradition of using a blend of honey and ground orange seeds to keep their skin blemish-free.
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Thanks you all for your replies!

Does matter what type of honey I get? Can I just buy if from the grocery store?
I think you should invest in a honey that as natural as possible. I use Sue Bee Clover Honey. I buy large bottles from Costco. It lasts me a while since I condition very often.
i either mix it with my conditioner or deep conditioner either as a prepoo treatment or deep conditioning treatment. i also mix it with water and pour that on my hair as a final rinse and i dont rinse it out. I make sure the mixture is really watery. Like 3 cups of water to 1tsp.
Wow that is GREAT info... you ladies always seem to know what I need. I'm 9 weeks post and for the past 3 days my NG is KNOTTED! but I didn't touch it. Waiting till tomorrow for wash day. I want to go up to 12 weeks post... I will definitely use honey... I think I'll use it on my skin too, some parts feel really dry... thanx! :)