Hide Your Hair Til April Fools 2007 Challenge

EbonyPerez said:
I'm not revealing until May 19th
That evening actually
Sorry guys!!!
I MIGHT consider it blowing it out just for April Fools and for the sake of this challenge
Ebony your siggy pic is gorgeous love the waves.
Hi Ladies,

It's been awhile. Been taking a break from the board and from hair care.
I did not reveal my hair on April 1st per the Challenge because I had to trim off all the length I had acquired and I had serious breakage around my hairline and crown. I was very unhappy about it.

I think I am going to go back to my stylist and have him do my hair regularly. My hair was longer(except for my henna - that I love) when he was doing it.

I can say my hair looks healthier but I didn't feel comfortable with my "results." I have decided to curb my fanaticism and keep my hands out of my hair!

I'll pop in from time to time to say hello, but it won't be often. Good luck to all of you and I'll talk to you later!
How's it going ladies? Me, myself, I'm hanging in there. Still washing, dcing once a week, co washes every other day, and baggying ends. I'm currently 6 weeks posts and I cant wait for my next touch up. I'm aiming for 12 weeks as always but never make it past 10 weeks because I get anxious and want to see how much growth I got. My hair is itching right now as I type and I just washed and dc'd. Hope that means more ng:D What's going on with you ladies?