
I used Nupur henna for the first time yesterday and now I wish I didn't. It turned my grays a really brassy/orange looking color. I am able to hide it if I wear my hair curly, but I am so sad right now. I only had it in for 10 minutes and it really stained the middle of my hair. Is there a way to color it dark again? I am not going to use henna again. Too much brassiness. :nono::blush: I also noticed that my hair feels more rough. I am so disappointed at my results, but I intend to still protective style in twists. I'll just hide my hair under my silk cap until I recover.:ohwell:
Did you dc after and for how long? The color will darken, it does take a couple of days though.
I've never used Nupur... only Jamilla. They probably would have stained a bit darker if the henna had been left on longer. :(

The only way I know to darken is to henna again and indigo on top of it or mix a blend of indigo and henna to get a richer brown as opposed to red.

Maybe someone else will chime in.
You can use Indigo A New Henna Thread

As for the roughness of your hair did you use to much ACV or Lemon Juice or did you not condition afterward. There's a lot of things that could give you that result. I would always do a patch test before I start just to be sure of the outcome. Also, read through this thread there are recipes on how to make your henna give deeper tones. I wouldn't give up on henna just yet

edit: for future uses you can add instant coffee to your water to deepen color, or you can add indigo a few minutes before you put the henna on your head, and there' always Katam
You can use Indigo A New Henna Thread

As for the roughness of your hair did you use to much ACV or Lemon Juice or did you not condition afterward. There's a lot of things that could give you that result. I would always do a patch test before I start just to be sure of the outcome. Also, read through this thread there are recipes on how to make your henna give deeper tones. I wouldn't give up on henna just yet

edit: for future uses you can add instant coffee to your water to deepen color, or you can add indigo a few minutes before you put the henna on your head, and there' always Katam

What is katami and how do you use it? Henna is all right, but it greatly loosened the patch in the front of my hair which is less dense than the rest of my hair. I wonder if I am tempting fate with henna.:nono:
Did you research before applying the henna? Henna is known for causing gray hairs to become orangy/brassy??

I would have done a strand test before.
Henna is supposed to turn your hair orange. It can turn your hair blacker if you use indigo. Maybe next time go for cassia- same conditioning effects of henna minus the color
Also you really need to up your moisture after henna-ing. it acts like protein. Also it's hard to wash out if you use it straight up. it may take a few cowashes to get all of it out.
Just cowash and do a lot of moisture DCs in the upcoming weeks
Honetly I know it can be a lot but i would just read through that thread and do the research before you go out and buy more stuff, but just so you know Katam is added into the henna kinda like how Indigo is except it gives browner tones.
What is katami and how do you use it? Henna is all right, but it greatly loosened the patch in the front of my hair which is less dense than the rest of my hair. I wonder if I am tempting fate with henna.:nono:

In addition to dyeing hair orange it's also known to loosen texture
My hair turned orange the first time too:yep:It will darken in a couple days and as you continue to henna it will become more of a red. Also you need to leave it on longer than 10 minutes.
Unless you do a henna gloss, dryness is to be expected. Also, amla is supposed to tone down the brightness of henna and aid in counteracting the loosening effects of henna. Unless you frequently henna, your hair should eventually bounce back from the looseness.
Perhaps you should have done a strand test

Perhaps you should have added indigo

Perhaps you should co-wash then DC.

I could go on.

Did all this except a strand test.:ohwell: I should have just used my rinse and called it a day. Now, I'm stuck with the possibility of losing my hair. Lesson learned. I will never henna again! I am going to invest in amla oil to hopefully darken my hair and lessen the henna effect. Does this mean I can't use a hair color or rinse to darken my hair?:look:
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Did all this except a strand test.:ohwell: I should have just used my rinse and called it a day. Now, I'm stuck with the possibility of losing my hair. Lesson learned. I will never henna again! I am going to invest in amla oil to hopefully darken my hair and lessen the henna effect. Does this mean I can't use a hair color or rinse to darken my hair?:look:

Don't give up on henna! The benefits are amazing once you find your mix. As someone else said, I think your color outcome would've been different had you left it in longer. I have both katam and indigo I may post for sale because I like Nupur's dark-red tint.

Did you use the 9-blend or the other one? I like Nupur's 9 blend because of the hibiscus and aloe - really moisturizing. If your hair feels rough, it could be protein sensitivity, not enough co-wash/rinsing, or it's time for another moisturizing DC. Either way, I wish you luck!
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Sorry that happened to you :( . I LOVE Nupur but I usually leave it on overnight to get a dark color. I would recc. you add indigo. or just put indigo on top to tone it down.
DDT what was your desired outcome from the henna? It leaves the hair a reddish, orangey brown. I think you can put a rinse over it but from my understanding most cellophanes are protien too. If your hair feels hard, I would wait until it is back to normal. I am very curious about why you were using it. I remember a thread by you a little while ago and you were saying that you were indecisive about your hair and that you were going to leave it alone and let it grow. I really think that would help you.
You can actually do a second step for the indigo. I have about 30-40% gray and without the second step, the grays will be red or red-orange. I always followed up my henna with an indigo step to darken it. You can do the indigo for 30 minutes for a medium dark black-ish color.
I was hoping to darken the grays without using indigo.:look: I am just freaking out because the color was so brassy looking. I do however like how my hair feels. I just wish I could darken without indigo because I am scared to mess up my hair. I used the Nupur 9 blends henna. It wasn't bad, but I just don't think the red color works on me. :nono: I am OK because it darkened a little. I was so nervous yesterday.:lol: I believe I will do more research before trying henna again. I wonder if I can use hair dye if I use cassia. I really love the way my hair feels.:spinning:
I used Nupur henna for the first time yesterday and now I wish I didn't. It turned my grays a really brassy/orange looking color. I am able to hide it if I wear my hair curly, but I am so sad right now. I only had it in for 10 minutes and it really stained the middle of my hair. Is there a way to color it dark again? I am not going to use henna again. Too much brassiness. :nono::blush: I also noticed that my hair feels more rough. I am so disappointed at my results, but I intend to still protective style in twists. I'll just hide my hair under my silk cap until I recover.:ohwell:


try leaving it on longer....no less than 1/2 hour to get it darker. with 10 minutes it only *just* started color.

Make sure you rinse it out very well with some V05 or Suave.....Veeeeeerrryyyyyy weeeeelll. LOL! Wheat Germ Oil in the paste(after it has cooled) will help with rinsing.

You only left it in for 10 minutes? I thought henna needed to be left in for at least a half hour. I wouldn't throw in the towel just yet, I just think you need to do it and leave it in for the right amount of time, and follow up with a good conditioner like others have said.
The Nupur henna was easily rinsed out. I made a mistake and use a protein conditioner and that is why my hair felt rough. I did a co wash with Vo5 moisture milks today and my hair feel amazing!:yep: I guess I can try it one more time because I don't know if I can use a dye now, anyway.:ohwell: I am an indigo newbie and it looked so messy on you tube.:look: I am going to be researching more. Your advice is always appreciated, ladies! Please keep them coming! Can you ladies who use indigo or the product that makes the hair brown tell me where you buy it?
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tea or coffee can help make henna brown and adding conditioners or yogurt (plain) will help dim down the red color that henna produces. You can always add the henna to your conditoners or DC and use it that way. I usually have my henna on for way more than 10 minutes. It takes 3 days or so for the true color of the application to settle.

Also i get BAQ henna and related materials from mehendi or hennasooq websites. YOu can try indian stores too and that will be cheaper, the quality and purity may not be optimal though.
DDT what was your desired outcome from the henna? It leaves the hair a reddish, orangey brown. I think you can put a rinse over it but from my understanding most cellophanes are protien too. If your hair feels hard, I would wait until it is back to normal. I am very curious about why you were using it. I remember a thread by you a little while ago and you were saying that you were indecisive about your hair and that you were going to leave it alone and let it grow. I really think that would help you.

I tried it for hair color purposes. I am no longer indecisive about my hair. I BCD Dec. 9. I am recovering from this temporary set back.
OP Sorry your experience wasn't the best, but practice makes perfect. Don't give up just yet. As suggested earlier, read older threads, or even watch youtube tutorial, here's one I like: YouTube - Henna Gloss Tutorial I recently did a henna application for a friend and I used Amla oil, reetha, shikakai together boil in rose water then I mixed with henna powder. I got this recipe from my paki friend and the results were great. She left the paste on for about 8 hours (she went to work) I placed a shower cap over her hair, wrapped it with saran wrap, she put on a wig cap and wore her wig. HTH. I haven't tried it yet, but I will it the warmer months. My paki friend told me if its too cold outside you could catch a head cold with the henna.
OP Sorry your experience wasn't the best, but practice makes perfect. Don't give up just yet. As suggested earlier, read older threads, or even watch youtube tutorial, here's one I like: YouTube - Henna Gloss Tutorial I recently did a henna application for a friend and I used Amla oil, reetha, shikakai together boil in rose water then I mixed with henna powder. I got this recipe from my paki friend and the results were great. She left the paste on for about 8 hours (she went to work) I placed a shower cap over her hair, wrapped it with saran wrap, she put on a wig cap and wore her wig. HTH. I haven't tried it yet, but I will it the warmer months. My paki friend told me if its too cold outside you could catch a head cold with the henna.

I don't think I'm giving up henna at all! My hair has been so incredibly soft since doing the treatment that is over riding the brassy grays. I intend to include more Ayurveda in my hair regimen! Thank you ladies for the encouragement.:yep:
Did all this except a strand test.:ohwell: I should have just used my rinse and called it a day. Now, I'm stuck with the possibility of losing my hair. Lesson learned. I will never henna again! I am going to invest in amla oil to hopefully darken my hair and lessen the henna effect. Does this mean I can't use a hair color or rinse to darken my hair?:look:

You're not going to lose your hair. I had a henna mishap that was much worse. I mixed it with apple juice and a little lemon juice, clarified my hair and applied it overnight. The next day when I washed it out, my hair was completely stripped. I panicked big time and posted a thread about it back in 2008. My hair was so fragile I was afraid to touch it. But with time, and lots of TLC, it completely recovered and regained its moisture. I didn't even have a setback.

Like others suggested, I would also recommend that you read through one of the henna threads and work on your plan of attack. The color is easily fixable, and the dryness will improve with some deep conditioning. Also make sure that you got all of the henna out. It usually takes me several poos and condishes to get it all.