Henna Brands in the Indian Stores


Well-Known Member
I really want to try the Jamila Henna from mehandi but I would prefer to buy it around my area first to see if henna works for me before making a purchase online. The problem is, the indian stores around me don't carry Jamila. They either carry their "house"-(homemade) brand or some other type of BAQ henna.

Has anyone purchased henna from a store around their way and had good (same) results as buying henna online? What brand of BAQ henna did you purchase?

I've used Reshma Henna purchased from Indo/Pak/Bangla stores in my area. It worked great!
However, they stopped selling it at one of the stores nearest me.

They now have something in a silver package--'Minar' brand. The lady at the store said it was the same as the Reshma, but it didn't say BAQ on the package, so I didn't buy it.

I've also purchased from mehandi as well. My next batch (that I need to order this week) will be from HennaSooq.
They have jamila at my local indian store. Just make sure that if you buy it from the store that it has a date stamped.
I bought a couple of Hesh brand hennas the first time last year. I went back the other day and they didn't have Hesh so I bought Reshma. I hennaed last night so far so good.
Check hennaforhair.com I think she lists brands okay to use. My store carries Dulhan and always has a date stamp. I only bought it after seeing it on the site. I just ordered Jamila and Yemeni from Hennasooq though cuz I wanna see the difference.
I also buy Reshma henna and its fabulous. A package costs $2.99 at the local Indian store up the street from me.
I bought the Reshma Henna today as well, and it's pretty huge. I wasn't sure if it was all natural so thanks to this thread, now I do. :)

I havent used Henna in a long time though, for some reason today I had the impulse to give it another shot. I used it when I was natural and my hair hated it, Now that I have a perm I'm giving it another shot, because I have a feeling i'll give thicker and possibly frizzier hair, which is a great thing for me, so when i straighten i'll appear to have more body =0
the store near me carries reshma henna, & it's FABULOUS! it gives my hair this awesome wine burgundy reddish tint, as opposed to jamila's fire engine red. plus the dye release time is shorter with reshma than jamila. i actually prefer reshma.
the store near me carries reshma henna, & it's FABULOUS! it gives my hair this awesome wine burgundy reddish tint, as opposed to jamila's fire engine red. plus the dye release time is shorter with reshma than jamila. i actually prefer reshma.

Hi Poookie :)
How do you mix up your Henna? do you add lemon to it by anychance to release the color?
Right now I just mixed mine by boiling lipton tea and honey together and then mixing everything together and leaving it to sit.

What's your recipe? please share.. thanks ;)
I would like to know how to use henna the correct way as well!

I don't think there is a real 'correct' way, but i think some recipes work better than others ahah... I wanna achieve a reddish tint in my hair.

So far this is what i've gathered;
____You have to mix your henna powder with warm or hot water
____Leave it to sit over night
____You can add honey or lemon or evo or drops of other essential oils.

But everyone does it differently, there was once a massive henna thread but i can't find it :(
I just put my henna in and set my timer for 4 hours...
I think an hour or two will do, but i remember girls who are into the henna decoration telling me they had to sit at least 8hours for the color to truly come out, Idk I want to have some sort of color or streak in my hair, I doubt that will happen on the first try. But since I don't have a busy day today, i'll be sitting in with it for 4 hours.
Umm Stelladata, I *heart* your hair! Anyhoo, I liked Reshma and I got practically an instant color release from it.