Henna and Cellophane Clear


My 13yr old Men
Has anyone used a cellophane like sabastines clear with the henna or do you use it after and how did you do it (the process)?

My goal is to have glossy hair. I have done the henna glosses and it was not so glossy. I love the color deposit I get with henna but no shine.
You might not get a good response because it's the Holiday weekend and members might not check in until Monday. I wish I had an answer for you. Why don't you PM Khadija?

Also did you do a search in the Henna threads for the word "sebastians"?
Why don't you try it and see. Henna is natural and should not give an adverse reaction. If you can use it before or after a relaxer, it shouldn't be a problem.

If your hair is already henna'ed, take some harvested hair and apply the Cellophane as a test if you are afraid to do a full application.
any more experience with cellophane over henna out there? I'm ready to try it rather than continuing to use henna. Any advice? I am primarily trying to cover my gray until I'm am brave enough to go fully gray. I'm nervous because the henna - I'm told - will never go away so I'll have a long stretch.