Help With Itchy Scalp


Well-Known Member

I need some help from this god awful itching in my scalp. Its so bad and nothing so far has relieved it.

1). I drink almost a gallon of water daily.

2). Washing at least 5x per week due to exercising and itching. I use V05 to co-wash and use shampoo once per month. I use shampoo more often now because of the itching. ORS Uplifting Shampoo. I try to make sure that the conditioner doesn't touch my scalp but this isn't 100% full proof.

3). I use a mix of JBCO and Jojoba Oil on my scalp, nightly.

4). Even just putting water on my scalp makes it itch dreadfully when I moisturize.

The wen conditioners help me with my scalp - especially the tea tree one.

I cowash several times each week.

Perhaps you can buy some tea tree oil and mix it in with the conditioners that you already use. Not sure what ratio though. You can probably get tea tree oil at drugstores or order online.
Neem oil, or a cool Aloe Vera Juice rinse. Also, using a co-cleanser instead of plain conditioner. I definitely second Wen, as well as Ren, or Deva-Curl No Poo.
Try peppermint essential oil after you shampoo. Rub it with your fingertips onto your scalp. Smells nice. Equally effective is Tea Tree oil as shenitab says. They're very light and won't clog your pores.
How long has your scalp been itchy? Do you use styling products? How do you wear your hair after washing?
Its been itching for months now, but it recently got real bad. I only use shampoo/conditioner/JBCO/Jojoba Oil/Grapeseed oil(rarely).

I put my hair in twists after washing.

I also take Cod Liver Oil and MSM.
Hm... have you been using the same ORS poo and VO5 conditioners? It sounds like you are allergic to them; not that you are doing something wrong. I know you said you don't allow the conditioner on your scalp, but that may help provide your scalp with more moisture.

How do you dry your hair?
Hm... have you been using the same ORS poo and VO5 conditioners? It sounds like you are allergic to them; not that you are doing something wrong. I know you said you don't allow the conditioner on your scalp, but that may help provide your scalp with more moisture.

How do you dry your hair?

Yep, I've been using the same ORS Uplifting shampoo and VO5(I use Strawberries and Cream mainly).

So I should let the conditioner touch my scalp? I thought that caused buildup which in turn caused itching?

I air dry my hair.
I had the same problem recently and what really helped was bentonite clay. I bought it from the vitamin shop and just followed the directions on the back. I mixed it with enough braggs apple cider vinger to make a runny consistency and applied it directly to my scalp and let it sit for about 30 minutes. My hair was in twists at the time so it was pretty easy to get to my scalp. It rinsed out pretty easily since I only applied it to my scalp and not the length of my hair. I shampood and conditioned afterwards and the end result was an itch free scalp, and frizz free twists.