HELP! Newbie here: I don't know my hair type!


New Member
Hello everyone!
I've been natural for about 3 months, so I have new hair growth. I really would like to know my hair type, and I'm curious to know how my natural hair would look when its longer. My hair is really short and damaged, and I'm now transitioning by doing protective styles (kinky twist). The good thing is that I did take pictures of my natural hair, before I twisted them:



Can you guys please tell me what my hair type is? And what my natural hair would look like if it was wayyyy longer? Thanks!
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Hello everyone!
I've been natural for about 3 months, so I have new hair growth. I really would like to know my hair type, and I'm curious to know how my natural hair would look when its longer. My hair is really short and damaged, and I'm now transitioning by doing protective styles (kinky twist). The good thing is that I did take pictures of my natural hair, before I twisted them:

I can't say based on your pics. Are you natural or transitioning to natural (3 month post relaxer)? Your OP is unclear.
Dang, I feel like a forensic haircarologist. LOL.

I don't think there is enough information. In order to get a more accurate reading I would have to see your hair wet. But maybe a more seasoned forensic expert can tell based on the photos.

Good luck.
Your new growth is barely visible in those pictures. It also looks like you are transitioning and not fully natural, as your ends seem to be chemically straightened. If you would happen to have any pictures of your hair wet, or closer pictures of your NG, we might be able to help you a bit more.

HHG :)
Wirey 4a/b. It's hard to tell from your pics whether you'd have defineable curls. Next time you wash and condition your hair check your new growth while it's wet to see if it tends to clump together or not.