Heat Trained Natural Hair vs. Texlaxed: A Question

newbie here.

I started getting my hair pressed when I was 5 yrs old it was pretty & shiny & soft.The shrinkage wow:nono: then pulling w the hot comb made my head sore. when I got older I got a relaxer. I still have a relaxer.:grin:
Looking at old photos my hair was shiny & full from wet setting.
I'm the first to admit I won't experiment w a texlax its more chemicals?
I saw a bald texlax lady on youtube:nono:.....( that would be me if I tried it)
I'm fascinated by the the waves & coils coming out my scalp:blush:... what's really interesting is when I pull the blow dryer thru
it's straight! the ng is shiny & straight:yep:
My hair has grown from simply stretching my relaxers.
once a month I wash after DC for at least 40,min & using 4 products + steam cap.:ohwell: I allow my hair to airdry a little & then I BLOW DRY!!

I have no problems w blow drying. It has helped me on my journey. if I didn't use heat I would be a nightmare.
I only flatiron after a relaxer or if I wanna see if I need a dusting.
My hair like the heat...
I want to grow out the relaxer with out the BC. we will see....:spinning:
I will always rely on heat to help me.....:grin:

@virtuenow Really interesting article :yep: I'm grateful for LHCF because for one, I can understand what the article says :lol:, and secondly, I've learned techniques to minimize relaxer and heat damage the article illustrates. For example, pre-poo and post-poo with coconut oil lessens hydral fatigue and protein loss, using leave-ins with glycerin or propelyne glycol to prevent moisture loss when I tension blow-dry. Coming with product and wide-tooth combs or finger combing to lessen mechanical damage, etc. etc.. there's so much more.

Side note: Interesting how the article states that "virgin African hair" is more resistant to heat damage on average than Caucasian hair.
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My hair did OK when I was a heat trained natural. However, I destroyed my curl pattern. I was unable to even do any natural styles.:nono: I would say it depends on what you want in your natural journey. I know that I prefer strait styles and pony tails on my hair. if I ever did transition to natural, I would keep my hair in a protected styles and straiten once in a while. I never used high heat on my hair, natural or relaxed. I think that is why my hair is better off texlaxed.