Have you Ever Had a Setback?

I've had so many prior to my HHJ. I dyed my hair then relaxed it within days... microbraids ate my edges (twice, you would have thought i would have learned my lesson the first time). Then tea tree braids made my hair a tangled mess the second time. Then once i tried to transition with no knowledge of what to do and ended up relaxing a tangled mess... let's see what else? oh, just letting anybody do my hair (i'm about as picky as mother letting her child go on a first date - actually, that's a good analogy, because if you're going to feel my hair up with your hands, i need to know where those hands have been!!).

No, I've had no setbacks (as far as hair loss) since i started in February 2008. I feel like it hasn't grown any, but i think I have hair anorexia, so my statement could be very biased.

Now my hair is revolting the dye job that i did in February 2010. i think the color did a number on my texture and you can't even tell that i've not had a relaxer in over a year, it's half straight, half wavy, then there are some extra hairs sporadically that you just have the "WTF? OMG" face for. it's tragic, but i make do with it.

I thought i was the only one who's lost hair from tree braids.... hair tangled, had to cut
color... always lost (that's why i'm studying you ladies with color)
I had a major, major set back in 2008. I was doing just fine all natrual but for some reason my hair did not seem it was not getting past shoulder length. 6 years went by and I knew something was wrong because my hair never takes that long to grow back from a cut. So I called myself going to give it some help and put a dry curl in...loved it but it started as chemicals always do breaking my hair off. Then to top it off I started using that dry shampoo on what was already very weak hair. I rub so much of my hair out that you could see through it. I just said oh well I will cut it all off. I took the hair clippers and took it all down to 1/4". I had to learn forreal what my hair likes and don't like. I had to learn that my hair does not like protien either...oh that was another thing I was doing was doing mega tek at the sametime as all above...
So now that I have found out what not to do to my hair it is thiving. I am about back to where I was before I cut it except that I grow in layers so I am not all one length like I was.
wow! a wave nouveau?? what's a dry curl?

I believe my iron (ferritin) has been very low for years, however I guess it just finally took its tole....My hair begin shedding in the shower sooo much but I didn't think anything of it b/c hair is suppose to shed.. But it would shed so much that the shower would clog and that is when I figured something is not right.. I went to the doctor to get a blood test done.. Results came back no thyroid problems, not lupus, not anemic... :nono:... Hair still shedding :cry:

Made a appt w/my phcp to see dermatologist.. Of course I was doing my research online reading everything that I could about excessive shedding.. Talk to the dermatologist and even showed her pictures, and told her what I though it was, that my ferritin may be extremely low and my hair may be in the telogen effluvium phase! The dermatologist was looking at me like :blush: wow you really trying to find out..... Ahhh yeah..

Had blood work done....

Guess whatttttt.......... She called me and said you're right :grin::grin: She sounded sooo surprised :ohwell:... Dermatologist said for healthy women my age my ferritin should be 40mcg and my was a mere 11 :wallbash:.. She prescribed me iron tablets to take 3 times a day... :yep:..

Then bammmmmmm I became pregnant :ohwell: and my iron levels went back down b/c baby was taking my iron :cry:.. Then when I delievered my dd I continued taking my iron tablets and my iron went up to 37 :grin: .. So my iron levels are now back in check... and I'm still taking iron supplements but once a day :grin:...

I bc in march of this year to start over with a head of new healthy hair... :grin:
:look: Errr, lets just say I used to have 'Undefeated Setback Champ' as my siggy.

I've had so many setbacks. I've been on my HHJ for four years and have never made it past APL. I've gone from shoulder length to nape length back to shoulder length, stayed stuck and should length, got 3 inches away from apl length all to go back to nape length again, only to grow it back to shoulder. And I JUST went from shoulder back to nape length since I BC'ed to be 100% natural.


The important thing is to not give up. I KNOW my hair can grow, because I've seen it. I know that when I give it proper care and stay the *** away from those damn scissors, my hair grows like weeds.
Also, the biggest lesson I learned was in late 2009 when I was three inches from APL and I stupidly let someone I didn't know :censored: with my hair and damage to the point where I had to cut it back to nape length.
That all important lesson is,
No one will ever, ever, EVER, care for your hair or treat it as well as you do, so keep those "stranger b***h" hands away from it!
I have suffered a setback and still in the recovering stages.

In the years of 2008-2009, I must have had my hair braided up (extensions) a number of 4 or 5 times and all by African women. Not to offend anyone, and I hope I don't, but African hair braiding is the worst thing u can do to your hair especially if ur natural. I did my BC August 28, 2008 and guess what my length is today? SL! That's it! November 2009 I took my last braids out and my ma had to cut a substantial amount of hair because it was matted and knotted beyond repair. Also, my edge were eaten away (which you will see pics of soon if you're apart of the megatek challenge). So yes I have had a setback and learned to never ever EVER let anymore African women or braid extensions back into my head again.
I think I'm going to classify what's happening now as my first setback. My hair has been shedding more than I was comfortable with so I started babying my hair and being extra careful with it. Using my seamleass comb, taking off my rings when handling my hair, etc. Things seemed to get better but I read a thread on black tea rinses. Big mistake for me!! I steeped my tea and let it set overnight. I pre-pooed my hair and in the morning proceeded to wash with TJ TTT and rinse with the tea. I immediately noticed my hair felt hard. After waiting 15 min and rinsing, hair started coming out in gobs! Why? Why did I jump on a band wagon? Me losing 10 hairs a day is was better than 50! I was doing just fine but nooooo:wallbash:, Cat had to just try something new even tho nothing was really wrong. I'm dealing with it now and going back to just listening to what my hair needs and doing that instead of trying what everybody else does.
My hair was on it's way to apl until I messed up and used too much MT. I ended up with protein overload. My hair started to break off a lot and I lost a lot of length. I kick myself to this day, because my hair was actually in the best condition that it was ever in.

I was being greedy by wanting longer hair fast instead of nurturing what I had, which was already nice. I could actually style my hair and feel good, but now I have a hard time styling my hair at this length, especially when the hard new growth comes in. It is almost at sl now, but we'll see what it is when I get my next touch up. Lesson Learned!![/QUOTE]

You took the words out of my mouth. Currently experiencing a setback :nono:. I was experiencing alot of dryness, breaking, and shedding since having my baby. I went to my hairstylist and asked her to RELAX MY HAIR to 95% instead of 50% as I am texturized. She did not want to do it but I was so fed up:wallbash: . Anyway, immediately afterwards I regretted it, especially once I felt my hair. It felt thin and overprocessed. Some parts were so straight that I could not wear a WNG, my regular style for the past 4 years since I started growing my hair out.

I then used the Aphogee 2 step to see if I could cut down on the breakage. The aphogee dried my hair out something fierce, even though it cut down the breakage. I started trimming off the damaged ends on my own, then called my stylist before I did a 2nd BC, which I was tempted to do, so I lost about an inch and a half. I am now going in to see my stylist next week to see if she could save my hair. I am so upset. I could not even bring myself to write this until now :sad:. When I think about my hair I feel sick, seriously. Your stories gave me the courage to post this.
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I don't think that this one is major, but recently I tore out a quarter sized section of my hair at the nape with my denman - to about two inches.

I've been using it successfully for months. Now I'm really going to bury it.

It's my fault and now I don't trust myself with one anymore.

It's not noticeable because my hair covers it and it's not a clean circle. There still is long hair mixed in with the shorter hair. Thank goodness.

Yet another setback. No more denmans. Yet again. :(

Fortunately it's in my fastest growing section. I know It'll be back to its old self again in a few months. :)

How she escaped a beat down is the better question.

Well, I told her I didn't get trims too often because of scissor happy beauticians. She assured me she wasn't and even pointed out beauticians who were.

She was cutting while I was turned away from the mirror and another chick was sweeping (behind my back) while she was cutting so I didn't see the amount of hair until a lock fell on my shoulder. My heart jumped but I didn't trip because I thought for sure that she may have given me layers (denial is the first stage). I asked her how much she was cutting because it looked kinda short. This **** replied "oh about an inch". I said "that looks like more than an inch". "Okay, an inch and a half, your hair still touches your back".

The entire story is in my blog. Pics in fotki:sad:

And ya didn't beat the :flyingwitdown? Oh, hell no. fletgee is taking off her shoes and earrings. Were is the salon? I'll do a :auto: by beat down for free.
I had a setback last year. I was sick and suffered very bad insomnia. Did not know what was wrong with me, but I found out I have Lupus, so maybe that was the reason.

Anyway, my hair fell out in clumps. It was weird!

So I wore braids and did not relax for 7 months. I also started being more mindful of my health and the power of sleep and rest. My hair is much better now. I ended up cutting off all the old relaxed ends and starting over. I did relaxed the new hair that I grew during braiding and I am happpy about that.

Not only did braids give my hair a well needed rest, not relaxing really made me learn about my hair. I realized that my nape does not need a relaxer as often as the rest and which side of my hair grows faster and the texture of my hair and how inconsistent it is all over.

Now, I am soooo careful and I am still scared that it might happen again if it was related to the lupus. Since I have been taking better care of myself tho, things have been good.
Wow... Sorry to hear you have been diagnosed with Lupus. My younger sister was diagnosed a few years ago.. Lupus can be a lot but it can be controlled. Please take care of yourself....

I had a setback last year. I was sick and suffered very bad insomnia. Did not know what was wrong with me, but I found out I have Lupus, so maybe that was the reason.

Anyway, my hair fell out in clumps. It was weird!

So I wore braids and did not relax for 7 months. I also started being more mindful of my health and the power of sleep and rest. My hair is much better now. I ended up cutting off all the old relaxed ends and starting over. I did relaxed the new hair that I grew during braiding and I am happpy about that.

Not only did braids give my hair a well needed rest, not relaxing really made me learn about my hair. I realized that my nape does not need a relaxer as often as the rest and which side of my hair grows faster and the texture of my hair and how inconsistent it is all over.

Now, I am soooo careful and I am still scared that it might happen again if it was related to the lupus. Since I have been taking better care of myself tho, things have been good.