Hate the taste of flaxseed oil, click here!! Lemonade flaxseed oil


New Member
I hate the taste of regular flaxseed oil but I really wanted to take the liquid because you get soo many more benefits with less time. I mean I would have to take 7 of my 1200mg flaxseed oil capsules to get the same amount of omega fatty acids as one spoonful.

So this led me to start looking for other ideas and products. That is when I found Lemonade Flaxseed oil from Barleans. Let me just say that this stuff is great.:yay: :yay: :yay: I really, I mean really, hate flaxseed oil but this one doesn't bother me at all. I get no funny after taste and I don't have the urge to gag when I take it. It has a light lemon flavor that isn't too strong or medicinal. I take it with a shot of ice tea and it just tastes like lemon ice tea to me.:guiness: I have since given it to my brother and sisters and my parents and they like it to and they are the most supplement phobic people I know. The bottle I bought is almost gone because they took it all. So if you hate the taste of flaxseed oil aswell, give this a try. Omega fatty acids do wonderful things for our bodies and with this product, their is no need for anyone to go without.:D Hope this helps someone.
Aw man!! I bought this HUGE bottle of Balreans and now I have to finish it. I haven't taken it in a month bc the taste is sooo grossssss!! I got mine from Whole Foods, where'd you get yours?
tuffCOOKiE said:
Aw man!! I bought this HUGE bottle of Balreans and now I have to finish it. I haven't taken it in a month bc the taste is sooo grossssss!! I got mine from Whole Foods, where'd you get yours?

I bought mine from the barleans website. I didn't see it at any other place. I saw the orange flavor but not the lemonade. Regular flaxseed oil makes me want to throw up. I can't take it.
Thanks for this. I've been taking flaxseed oil for about three weeks now and the taste is really starting to get to me.