Has ur Big Chop driven your man away?

lol...I agree. That would really be shallow but hey, there ARE some shallow busters out there.

I guess it's a wrap.
lol...I agree. That would really be shallow but hey, there ARE some shallow busters out there.

I guess it's a wrap.
Cat_Eyed_Cutie said:
Amen Digital! I was about to type the same thing, girl you better get out of my head and quit stealing my thoughts! lol

[/ QUOTE ]

I think most probably fall into the category of not being driven away, but being like "DAMN!!!" From what I understand from being around a bunch of guys - it's one of those trophy things - you walk into the room with a woman with long luscious hair on your arms (any texture) you're going to get a lot of looks from the other fellas in the room and the women are going to be admiring your lady! That's what i've been told anyway. Also, a lot of guys like pulling long hair. I don't mean to be offensive or gross or anything. Just repeating what I hear fellas saying!!! They fantasize about long hair and unfortunately in this society it's seen as very feminine and yes, men do like it. Our men who are great guys, will not leave us if we chop all our hair off (some may find they actually love it!), but the reaction of MOST will be "DAMN! Now why did she have to go and do that!!"
yeah thats how my best friend is (eventhough we act like we are a couple). He doesnt like it, but on the flipside he says he can see my face more and that i am pretty.....so anyway screw what he thinx
When I first met my b/f he met me with a weave that was half way down my back but I told him from the getgo that it was so no suprises. He even would sweep the floor when it shed!

When I took it off and he saw my hair at ear length he wasn't driven away but suprised to see me looking different. He liked it though (heck too bad if he didn't anyway
Nope...I have noticed men approach me as if I am strong, powerful, with dignity...I'ts not like a "Say it loud, I'm Black and I'm proud!" attitude...but more of a "My sistah.." attitude. It is quite sweet.

My husband...he loves long hair...so do I...but once he got used to the cut...he cannot keep his hands out of my coils!!! Both of us cannot have HIF disease ON THE SAME HEAD!!!
I bc on a whim, while my husband was out of town.He didn't like the patches I cut into my hair, but after a month he liked it. It's getting to an akward length, too short for nice twists too long for a nice twa. My husband's different though, as long as it's real, he likes it. He hates weaves and wigs
More along the line of "Dang!" except this one was mighty extreme. We fought abou this for a while until I got frustrated and said I was going to get a perm. Then he said "Naw don't do that!" since he could obviously see that I had put a lot of time into it. Once he said that I DARED him to come at me talkin' bout a perm again!

So don't be surprised if he acts weird for a whiiiilllle. Mine did. But is he still here? Yes!