Has anyone tried Phyto index I and switched back to index II?


New Member
I am using Phyto index II but I am considering switching to index I. However, I don't want 60 bucks to go down the drain. I have mainly 4a texture with a little 3c in the back and medium to thick density. I want a slight wave to be left to my hair but I would also like it to look like my hair was relaxed.

Anyone try index I and II that can offer some help?
i've tried both, but im mostly 4a with lots of density. IMO index 1 was too mild and left me underprocessed and i ended up relaxing soon afterwards. index 2 gets me straight with body if left on for 20 mins. i'm sure if you left the index 2 on for a shorter time you'd get the slight wave texture you want.

This last touch-up I did Index 1 and my hair looks like it would if I were almost due for a touch-up and that was at the end of May. I usually go 2 months between but this time I'm going to have to cut that short. Index 2 got my hair very straight...it was beautifully conditioned and shiny.