Happy New Year and So Long....

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
It's been a long time coming and now it is here. This will be my last thread on Long Hair Care Forum.

I can't believe I've been here for 8 years!!! Wow...time surely goes by so fast..it really does:yep: I do have some wonderful news: I'm going to be a grandmother...once again! I am so excited and look forward to seeing my little precious grand baby come into the world. Exciting times for me! :yay:

I won't take up too much of your time, but I did not want to leave without saying goodbye. I know that there have been some great times here with many of you and I have met so many wonderful people. You ladies have been so gracious to me, loving and caring....some of you have truly kept me on my knees and many of you kept me on my toes...literally :lol:

I thank God for the time spent here with you and although I know that we won't interact anymore, you will always be in my heart and in my prayers.

From the bottom of my heart, I want you to know that I love each and every one of you and will miss you very much. :love2:

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May He make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. May He lift up His Countenance upon you and give you....Peace!

Just wanted to say good bye!! And congratulations on becoming a grandma!!
Thank you my sister!

Continue in the things that God has spoken to you through His Word. His Word never fails. May the Lord bring a renewal in your heart this year for more of Him!

God's riches blessings upon you and your family!

Precious Wavy...

You and Pastor 'A' live in my heart................Always...

Congratulations on your new grand baby! I wish you all the best. I hate to see you go, but your presence here will definitely be remembered. May God continue to watch over you.
Congratulations on your grand baby!!! We will miss you. Stay blessed. You've been such a light in the forum
Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to reply to my post. It means so much to me that you replied and it shows the Christlikeness that is in you by your kind words of love and blessings extended to me for my soon-to-be grandchild. :Rose:

I am so happy and it makes it even that much more special that you are happy for me too. Thank you, thank you!


Nice & Wavy

Precious Wavy...

You and Pastor 'A' live in my heart................Always...

We know :kiss: and I am so blessed to have you as my friend. :rosebud:

So glad of the fire that is in you from the Holy Spirit and that you are here on the forum. You are a woman after God's own heart!

Bless you, my friend! :love2:
Congratulations on your new grand baby! I wish you all the best. I hate to see you go, but your presence here will definitely be remembered. May God continue to watch over you.
Thank you so much for your kind words! :rosebud:

You have such an important ministry here on the forum...continue to be a light upon a hill, which cannot be hidden!

God bless you and thank you again!

Congratulations on your grand baby!!! We will miss you. Stay blessed. You've been such a light in the forum
Oh sis....thank you so much :kiss:

Allow the Lord to use you more on this forum...don't ever feel that no one will care what you have to say or listen...trust, they do!

God bless you, always!

Many blessings to you and your family! Enjoy your new addition!
Thanks, again and I truly plan on enjoying him/her. I can't wait to touch the baby and hold him/her. I can't wait to find out if the baby is a he/she...:lol:

God bless you, always....

Good bye Nice & Wavy and I wish you the best that life can give you in the future!!

You have been a wonderful poster on this board and will be missed. Time flies...
God bless, Nice & Wavy, and many congrats on your new grand baby. When God brings him/her into the world, I trust that the little one will be truly blessed to have you.

God bless you again, and may the Lord always be your Light :D!
God bless, Nice & Wavy, and many congrats on your new grand baby. When God brings him/her into the world, I trust that the little one will be truly blessed to have you.

God bless you again, and may the Lord always be your Light :D!

You words are so sweet...thank you and God bless you, always!
I just saw this but Nice & Wavy, I will miss you!! Love you dearly and my the Lord Jesus continue to bless you:)
Man, am I going to miss you. You have no idea how many times I came in here looking for some helpful advice and God used you to tell me just what I needed to hear, even when I was wrong. You were just so kind to me.

I am very sad that you will not be on this site anymore:sad:, but I am very glad that I came into contact with you while you were here.

Take care of yourself, spoil that grand baby and look for me someday, somewhere in heaven. I will be the one with a bowed down head, lifted hands, and bent knee's shouting, "Holy, Holy, Holy, Thank You Jesus, Bless the Lord oh my soul, Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow, (well-you get the picture). :yep:
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