Haitian Ladies: Jamaican Black Castor Oil is really......

after rereading this thread... im definitly going to start prepooing with the maskerti... i cant imagine putting it in my hair and actually keepn it in... so prepooing with maskerti mixed with eggyolk maybe... from now on.. sounds like a plan :)
we'll see how this works
That is awesome. But nah whenever I smell it I throw up. When I was younger my mom made a watchamacallit in creole? Medecine with it. That thing that cleanse u and make u go to the bathroom. That was disgusting. Since then I throw up whenever I smell castor oil. Even if its 100 ft away. Yuck.
Does anyone know how it's produced? Is it sulphurated for that burnt smell? I'm going to try and find some. I think there's a vendor for it here...somewhere.

My grand mother used to make this all the time. I the Masketi seed (to me it looks more like a bean than a nut) had to be riped and dried. it's usually sun dried like beans (if you're familiar with small farmers harvesting methods). The it is roasted like nuts. I think the roasting is what gives it the burn smell. Then they mash it in a "Pilon" which make it look almost like peanut butter. The Masketi seed has a thin hard coating to it. I'm not sure what happen to it. I don't remember them taking it off. I think it gets mashed too. After mashing, they put it on a pot over fire. That process produce the oil. I'm not sure if all of it becomes oil or if the oil has to be separated from stuff like the hard thin shell.

If anyone REALLY want to know, PM me and I'll ask my mom for a more accurate step process.
I hope I can find this is FL when I go hit the states in two weeks :)

I need to ask my mom.
Woey gadou koze! Merci OP!!

My moms is ALWAYS telling me about how maskerti is SO amazing and a Haitian cureall and I always just nod and smile but always didnt pay her no mind, the same way I didnt pay her no mind when I was transitioning and she told me to wash in braided sections, the same way I didnt pay her no mind when she said egg is a great DC for the hair....in recent yrs I've stopped second guessing my moms suggestions she knows what she's talking about:yep:

I'm definitely gonna hit up my fam and ask for some!:grin:
I brought some Huile from a woman in the mountains of Haiti. I just brought an empty bottle and she filled it up for me. It was $2 in total!!!! It doesn't smell at all
There is a Botanical Store on Flatbush that sells it. Jackie's Botanical on Flatbush ave between Ave I and J. They sell it for $10 a bottle.

also on Ave K and flatbush there is a store called tony's health food, I got mine there $13 for the 8 oz. I am going to go the Jackie's when I need a refill, it is cheaper.
Is it just me or do you find that the Haitian one smells stronger though?..that's the only reason why I use the JBCO over the Haitian one. But I use the Haitian one for chest rubs, muscle rubs etc...it's good stuff and it's been around me since childhood. love it.
Is it just me or do you find that the Haitian one smells stronger though?..that's the only reason why I use the JBCO over the Haitian one.

Same here. The Haitian one has a distinctive, burt smell, whereas JBCO does not. I too, use the Haitian Castor Oil for medicinal purposes (especially with a three year old at home prone to colds and fevers) but JBCO goes on my hair ad scalp.
I have some of this at home and I need to start using it again. Maybe it's just me but I don't think the scent is that bad.
Is it called, "L'Huile de Masqueti" in Haitian-Creole? I might have to pick up some of this. If I can take the herbal smell of Amla Oil, then I know Jamaican Black Castor Oil can't be that bad.
Palma Christi is the ish!!!! I use it for everything. I do need to start using it on my hair again. Thanks for the thread OP and thanks to whoever bumped it up.
Merci OP!! I was just about to buys some JBCO but now i know I can just run to the cabinet and grab some............its cold now too.........i'm sure my mom is about to re-up on some so we can put it all over our chest and nose lol..........now i'll just add some to my hair too............
my grandmother hand made me some and sent it with my aunt. I have to say it's a lot less sticker than JBCO and the unrefined castor oils and my hair feels great. Maybe I'm biased :grin:.
I am starting to use it again. My hair LOVES it, but only when I'm consistent. Gonna use this as a staple for the next 5 months to see how much growth I'm able to retain.


I haven't used this consistently, but my sister has. She went from Ear length hair to grazing apl in about 9-10 mos!!! When I asked about her reggie, she told me she started DC'ing AND she uses the l'huile masketi (HBCO) as a moisturizer. I was like ahhhhh:wallbash: ! You are supposed to use oil to seal!! But what do I know? Her hair is longer than mine! :perplexed

beans4reezy: I'm gonna try your sis' reggie. I've been stuck in a rut, but we'll see if anything changes (I'm optimistic it will). I asked my mom for the l'huile maskreti and she sent over 2 bottles!

Who long is your sister's hair now?

@beans4reezy: I'm gonna try your sis' reggie. I've been stuck in a rut, but we'll see if anything changes (I'm optimistic it will). I asked my mom for the l'huile maskreti and she sent over 2 bottles!

Who long is your sister's hair now?


Yeah! Go ahead and try it, I swear, that's all she used on her hair. But now, her hair is back to neck length...she cut all that hair off when she got pregnant...now she's over here telling me I have beautiful hair...I'm like, YOU DID TOO! :lachen:
I am new to the site and came across this thread. When I first smelled JBCO it reminded me of a childhood scent and now I know what it is from! Being of haitian descent, the women in my family used this to heal aches and pains. I just called my mom to ask her if she has any and she told me I should have asked her last month when she went to Haiti :perplexed. Guess I will have to just use JBCO until another family member takes a trip to the island. This is my 3rd BC and now I am eager to get back the thick SL hair I had as a child. I will use this for 3 months and evaluate my results :drunk:.