Haitian Ladies: Jamaican Black Castor Oil is really......

Small update, I found an 12 oz bottle at my parent's house, I wanted to snatch the whole thing but my sister said that my dad uses it occasionally for a "metsin" lol. I took a small container and will be harassing my grandma next.
So I went to a new beauty supply store around my area and while I was browsing, I noticed that had Tupperware on the shelves. I noticed it was oil one had mango oil, coconut oil and "tea oil" (I'm assuming its tea tree oil). Then I noticed another container that had a dark oil in it. I looked for a label and didn't see one then I smelled what got on my hands and was like "yup, that luille masketi" (or however you spell it). BUT IT SMELLED GOOD! I am used to the oil that stinks. I always thought it smelt worse than JBCO. Then I asked the owner to make sure that it was in fact luille masketi and he said "Yes, it's straight from Haiti." Then a Haitian lady in the store heard our conversation and said that she wanted to see. So she opened it and smelled it. And the owner was like, why you gotta smell it? And she said because there are two different nuts that they use to make the oil and the oil made from the bad one is the oil that smells.

This was the first time I heard this. Any and every luille I've come across STANK. Anyone heard of this?
ok yall are tripping. :lol: I actually like the way huile maskreti smells. It reminds me of my childhood in Haiti, where they called me tenderheaded cuz i couldn't handle rough combing or tight braids. :rolleyes:
So I went to a new beauty supply store around my area and while I was browsing, I noticed that had Tupperware on the shelves. I noticed it was oil one had mango oil, coconut oil and "tea oil" (I'm assuming its tea tree oil). Then I noticed another container that had a dark oil in it. I looked for a label and didn't see one then I smelled what got on my hands and was like "yup, that luille masketi" (or however you spell it). BUT IT SMELLED GOOD! I am used to the oil that stinks. I always thought it smelt worse than JBCO. Then I asked the owner to make sure that it was in fact luille masketi and he said "Yes, it's straight from Haiti." Then a Haitian lady in the store heard our conversation and said that she wanted to see. So she opened it and smelled it. And the owner was like, why you gotta smell it? And she said because there are two different nuts that they use to make the oil and the oil made from the bad one is the oil that smells.

This was the first time I heard this. Any and every luille I've come across STANK. Anyone heard of this?

If the bad oil works that well, I wonder how well the good oil will work? and How do i get my hands on some?