Hair Type Hype

Natrlchallenge... do u leave this mixture on your hair for the whole day and then wash it out and reapply it???
Also, how did u mix all those products together? Did you melt that Sulfur 8 and Frenchee's in order to get it to mix with the Glover's, Surge, and other products you have in the mix??? :confused:
Natrlchallenge, perhaps you can do twists to transition. Will that work? I used to be able to leave mine in for 2-3 weeks. You will still be able to apply the oils, mtg, etc.
I only use the the sulfur 8 mix as a prepoo then wash it out. If anyone wants to know my sulfur 8 recipe, please look at my thread the stinky challenge update or look at Koffie's post I dare you to take the stinky challenge. This is where I got my sulfur 8 recipe. All I know is that the stuff works and my growth doubled when I started to use mtg. I want all the ones who are still abit confused to check out the 2 threads I mentioned. I don't know how to bump it up, but in the search engine put stinky challenge and u will find the answers u seek. The originator of the sulfur 8 mix is Koffie. She is a member of this site so u can also ask her how the sulfur 8, glover's mix works. If you don't belive me, ask the original stinky challenge master! :lol:
Natrlchallenge said:
I'm sorry if my reply is a bit slow. I've been using mtg for at least 2 months. I had 7" of hair when I started, went to 10, then got it cut to 7 again and now I'm back to 10". So far, I'm getting 2.5" of ng per month. the first time I used it I got 1" of ng in 2 weeks. Now I'm getting a very wavy and almost curly ng. :eek: This has never been my texture b4 and I'm so excited to see the outcome. :lachen:
Pardon my ignorance, but what is MTG, and what's IN this stuff?
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