Hair Too Moisturized = Puffy Flat Ironed Hair??


Well-Known Member
Today, someone commented on my blog under my review of the Huetiful steamer saying that since I completed 40 mins worth of steaming, my hair was too moisturized which is why when I flat ironed my hair, it came out puffy. Note: my hair is always blow dried before flat ironing.


From my experience, puffy hair is as a result of not enough moisture.
And if too much moisture causes puffy hair, why isn't my hair puffy when I leave my conditioner in for 12+ hours with the purpose overdosing on moisture for a sleek, relaxer straight flat ironed hair.

If you are not familiar with what moisture does for natural hair when flat ironing, CLICK HERE
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IME my flat iron job turns out kind of puffy each time because i always do a hard core protein right before i flat iron. mind you ive only done it twice since being natural.
i think when the hair is extra moisturized the hair will come out extra smooth and straight. not puffy.
well couldnt overmoisturized hair be like trying to flat iron slighty damp hair? the hair will never get straight until all moisture has evaporated from the hair.
IME my flat iron job turns out kind of puffy each time because i always do a hard core protein right before i flat iron. mind you ive only done it twice since being natural.
i think when the hair is extra moisturized the hair will come out extra smooth and straight. not puffy.

if you have only flat iron 2 times how do you think it is a reasonable conclusion that your puffy results are because of the protein treatment?:ohwell:
I super deep condition whenever i wash, and sometimes i do protein treatments as well... My hair comes out the silkiest, smoothest and straightest when I use the "chase the comb method." It is a bit of extra work, but the results are always "relaxer like" and consistent : )

Heres a link>

I dont use a comb as small as hers though, and i dont blowdry my hair as straight.
OP yes, when my hair is over-moisturized (i have very fine strands) it becomes extremely mushy when wet:spinning:....and quite PUFFY/POOFY when dry:yep:
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It has happened to me. If my hair is moisturized with a moisturizer product with water as the top ingredient, it will not get straight. My hair laughed at the flat-iron the few times I have tried this. My hair has to be dry before flat-ironing. I blowdry with Mane N Tail Conditioner and then flat-iron with grease in my hair. That's the only way my hair will get sleeky straight and stay straight without reverting.
I think the question is being misunderstood. I know how to flat iron. --->MY TUTORIAL. My hair is ALWAYS silk straight with TOO much body when I overnight DC. Also, my hair did not appear overly moisturized/mushy after steaming but when I flat ironed the results were puffy after using the Huetiful steamer.

I think my review proved that the steamer probably does not really moisturize as the distributors claim and someone is attempting to find holes in my many trials with the Huetiful steamer by saying because I steamed for 40 minutes instead of the 20, that is the reason why my hair was puffy when I flat ironed.
I think the question is being misunderstood. I know how to flat iron. --->MY TUTORIAL. My hair is ALWAYS silk straight with TOO much body when I overnight DC. Also, my hair did not appear overly moisturized/mushy after steaming but when I flat ironed the results were puffy after using the Huetiful steamer.

I think my review proved that the steamer probably does not really moisturize as the distributors claim and someone is attempting to find holes in my many trials with the Huetiful steamer by saying because I steamed for 40 minutes instead of the 20, that is the reason why my hair was puffy when I flat ironed.

i saw your flat iron video being used as a tutorial or best flat iron method example on one of these other hair sites.... bhm, cn, hairlista, somewhere don't remember
if you have only flat iron 2 times how do you think it is a reasonable conclusion that your puffy results are because of the protein treatment?:ohwell:
back when i was transitioning(for 11 months) i had a ton of new growth and i used to flat iron every week. i would only pass over each section once because i was afraid of heat damage but my hair got bone straight each week. i always used a moisturizing deep conditioner over night before i flat ironed.
now im natural and i use protein pretty often. my hair is naturally thin and very fine yet after i flat iron(and i had to go over each section 3-4 times doing the comb chase method with a padlle brush) my hair still looked extra thick and puffy.
i attribute it to the protein because while transitioning i hardly used protein and now i use it several times a week.
im sure some people will say its the difference between being relaxed and natural however my hair was not relaxed bone straight and i was transitioning at the time for 11 months. i use the same flat iron now as i did back then.
Hmm, interesting. But I don't know that steaming (heat + water) and deep conditioning on dry hair (I think your hair is dry) with body heat can be equally compared. Interesting theory, though.

ETA: My theory would that your hair wasn't moisturized enough. I'm only saying that based on your review of the steamer. Assuming that to be accurate, your hair couldn't have received the moisture it needs.

It just proves that once you find your golden technique, don't fix it if it ain't broke. (Just saying in general)
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I experience this when moisturizing with a product that contains glycerin high on the ingredients list.

Sent from my T-Mobile G2
I think the question is being misunderstood. I know how to flat iron. --->MY TUTORIAL. My hair is ALWAYS silk straight with TOO much body when I overnight DC. Also, my hair did not appear overly moisturized/mushy after steaming but when I flat ironed the results were puffy after using the Huetiful steamer.

I think my review proved that the steamer probably does not really moisturize as the distributors claim and someone is attempting to find holes in my many trials with the Huetiful steamer by saying because I steamed for 40 minutes instead of the 20, that is the reason why my hair was puffy when I flat ironed.

Your hair might be puffy when flat ironing after steaming vs. deep conditioning overnight because of the steam water. Just like when you go outside in the rain with flat ironed hair it swells, steaming the hair humidifies the hair so much that if you try to straighten the hair without locking in that moisture, the hair will swell. One way to lock in the moisture so that the hair will not swell is by doing a cold rinse when rinsing out conditioner and using a corrector, like Porosity Control or French Perm Stabilizer. You could also use something like a serum which also locks in moisture in hair to prevent reversion/swelling.
I'm thinking that you are on to something and that the moisture from steaming is extremely temporary. I'm thinking once you blow dry, it pretty much zaps all that moisture out. Whereas when you overnight DC the conditioner has had more time to get in the strand and you simply rinse off the excess. I dunno. Just thinking out loud.
Your hair might be puffy when flat ironing after steaming vs. deep conditioning overnight because of the steam water. Just like when you go outside in the rain with flat ironed hair it swells, steaming the hair humidifies the hair so much that if you try to straighten the hair without locking in that moisture, the hair will swell. One way to lock in the moisture so that the hair will not swell is by doing a cold rinse when rinsing out conditioner and using a corrector, like Porosity Control or French Perm Stabilizer. You could also use something like a serum which also locks in moisture in hair to prevent reversion/swelling.

I rinse with cold water always. Serums were used especially because my hair was so puffy.

Also note, the same conditioner used when overnight conditioning is the same conditioner used when steaming.

Just making sure people are aware that I don't steam without there being conditioner on my hair. I also apply the product the same every time (amount and manner).

My understanding of hair swelling in humidity is because your hair is in search of moisture. When I overnight DC, my hair is so well moisturized that humidity does not make my hair swell and/or frizz.
I'm thinking that you are on to something and that the moisture from steaming is extremely temporary. I'm thinking once you blow dry, it pretty much zaps all that moisture out. Whereas when you overnight DC the conditioner has had more time to get in the strand and you simply rinse off the excess. I dunno. Just thinking out loud.

"Extremely Temporary" is being very generous. :lol: I'm thinking along the lines of false advertisement...or maybe not so false because the steam is literally moisturizing your hair with water.....just not the inner layers :nono:
I'm not certain/convinced that moisturized or not moisturized enough hair determines whether the hair is poofy or not after a flat iron.
to me...
we are discussing two types of moisture

moisture from a product
moisture from hot water which creates steam...

so i can see how there can be two diff end results...
I'm not certain/convinced that moisturized or not moisturized enough hair determines whether the hair is poofy or not after a flat iron.

i dont either:ohwell:

i do think you are on to something but i dont think its is as cut and dry as frizzy straightened hair = hair lacking in moisture.
to me...
we are discussing two types of moisture

moisture from a product
moisture from hot water which creates steam...

so i can see how there can be two diff end results...

But that SAME product is on the hair while steaming.

Trial 1: Product
Trial 2: Product + Steam
I think the question is being misunderstood. I know how to flat iron. --->MY TUTORIAL. My hair is ALWAYS silk straight with TOO much body when I overnight DC. Also, my hair did not appear overly moisturized/mushy after steaming but when I flat ironed the results were puffy after using the Huetiful steamer.

I think my review proved that the steamer probably does not really moisturize as the distributors claim and someone is attempting to find holes in my many trials with the Huetiful steamer by saying because I steamed for 40 minutes instead of the 20, that is the reason why my hair was puffy when I flat ironed.

I disagree with this (about steaming not being moisturizing). Steaming is different from overnight DC'ing because the steam lifts the cuticle slightly and more moisture can get in. No matter how long you DC, your cuticle will not lift. I don't have an example of flat ironing but with DC'ing - When I used the KBB Luscious Locks Mask, the first time I did an overnight DC, and my hair was so soft and awesome. The second time, I used my steamer for 30 min (not Huetiful, so I'm not stanning for them by any means lol), and my hair was TOO moisturized. My hair was crazy puffy and it looked like I blew my hair out! I have gotten puffy hair many times when I use too many moisturizing products and slack on protein, so I know what over moisturized hair looks like.

ETA: Let me add that I actually like DC'ing for a few hrs with a plastic cap or overnight better than steaming. It's nice, but if your hair is not dry or damaged I think it's fairly easy to get over moisturized. My hair likes steaming best with a DC that contains protein as well.
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I disagree with this (about steaming not being moisturizing). Steaming is different from overnight DC'ing because the steam lifts the cuticle slightly and more moisture can get in. No matter how long you DC, your cuticle will not lift. I don't have an example of flat ironing but with DC'ing - When I used the KBB Luscious Locks Mask, the first time I did an overnight DC, and my hair was so soft and awesome. The second time, I used my steamer for 30 min (not Huetiful, so I'm not stanning for them by any means lol), and my hair was TOO moisturized. My hair was crazy puffy and it looked like I blew my hair out! I have gotten puffy hair many times when I use too many moisturizing products and slack on protein, so I know what over moisturized hair looks like.

ETA: Let me add that I actually like DC'ing for a few hrs with a plastic cap or overnight better than steaming. It's nice, but if your hair is not dry or damaged I think it's fairly easy to get over moisturized. My hair likes steaming best with a DC that contains protein as well.
see this just goes to show everyones hair is different. many people have stated that their hair gets puffy with too much moisture. however my hair hangs with too much moisture. it becomes stringy and limp. however, protein plumps my hair up. so when i flat iron with too much moisture my hair is smooth but i guess its the other way around with others.
see this just goes to show everyones hair is different. many people have stated that their hair gets puffy with too much moisture. however my hair hangs with too much moisture. it becomes stringy and limp. however, protein plumps my hair up. so when i flat iron with too much moisture my hair is smooth but i guess its the other way around with others.

Maybe I wasn't making sense - protein plumps my hair but does not make it frizzy/frazzled. My hair will still hang and look limp but there is much less clumping in my hair as if I had brushed it out. I usually need to wash my hair and use a protein condish to get my hair back to normal. I've never flat ironed after steaming (or DCing, lol) so I couldn't comment on that.
Maybe I wasn't making sense - protein plumps my hair but does not make it frizzy/frazzled. My hair will still hang and look limp but there is much less clumping in my hair as if I had brushed it out. I usually need to wash my hair and use a protein condish to get my hair back to normal. I've never flat ironed after steaming (or DCing, lol) so I couldn't comment on that.
oh o get it now. i was picture plump big hair in my head when you said puffy:lachen: but i think i know what you mean now.
oh o get it now. i was picture plump big hair in my head when you said puffy:lachen: but i think i know what you mean now.

I hope so lol b/c I don't think I'm making any sense. Plump=good, fat, moisturized looking hair, Puffy=unclumped swollen strands (almost exactly like the before-CG hair in the Curly Girl book)...okay I'm gonna shutup now. :lol:
But that SAME product is on the hair while steaming.

Trial 1: Product
Trial 2: Product + Steam

It's like what you said. The steam + conditioner probably caused your hair to become frizzy. I disagree with the steamer not being super moisturizing as it is definitely a boost than from just deep conditioning under a hooded dryer or overnight deep conditioning. Your hair in particular might have benefited enough from steaming treatments, as some other naturals have said that after steaming for a while, their hair does not have the same effect as it did once they started steaming on a regular basis. Just like products that might have worked for a long time in the beginning stop working after a while, once your hair has become "trained" to retain moisture at a much better rate than previously via steaming, it will not have the same dramatic effect as it did in the beginning. It does not mean steaming is not effective, it just means your hair probably is much healthier and has enough moisture in it to not see major change.
I'm a little slow... this is referring to inability to straighten without the fluff, and not reversion?

I flatiron often, over moisturize even more often, :lol: and steam sometimes. The "puffiness" that can accompany these is experienced only BEFORE flatironing and usually prevents the puff/fluff/poof, whatev. I'm eager to understand this.

Sent from my T-Mobile G2
Maybe the steaming (for that long at least) caused your cuticles to lift but your leave-in products didn't help to settle them. Your hair is gorgeous by the way.:yep:
I think my review proved that the steamer probably does not really moisturize as the distributors claim and someone is attempting to find holes in my many trials with the Huetiful steamer by saying because I steamed for 40 minutes instead of the 20...

I think you are making a sweeping generalization. Many products claim to do this and that, but some just aren't compatible with some hair types. When I get my hair pressed she used a steamer and my hair has never been that silky and it did not revert. Now when I just use my hooded dryer, because overnight DC sucks butt on me, my hair is poofy.