Hair Stylist Ruined My Hair. I'm so through with stylists!!!


Well-Known Member
Yesterday I went to get my hair relaxed because I wanted a good professional one after Mizani BB left me so underprocessed. After searching high and low and reading reviews, I found a stylist. When I got there, I specifically told the stylist my hair is prone to severe tangles when wet and that a wide tooth comb and gentle combing is the way to detangle. It was like he listened to nothing I said! He tore through my hair detangling it with a BRUSH and when he was done there was so much hair in his brush I almost cried. Then he proceeded to try to wrap my hair and I told him I don't wrap my hair because it tangles too much..........guess what he did? wrapped it anyway!!! More torn hair in the brush!!! After it was all said and done, my ends were so thin and then he had the nerve to tell me my ends were thinning out and I needed about 3 inches cut. Of course my ends were thin after he ripped my hair out!! I refused to let him cut anything but I'm so upset because my hair looks awful. Should I cut it all off or salvage what I have? I had done well doing my own hair and had it looking great! It's bra strap length but now I'm afraid I've had a major set back thanks to this stupid stylist. I'm so done with stylists!!
I'm sorry to hear what happened OP. If I were you I might trim a bit to even it out.

Next time OP if you feel like your stylist isn't listening to you then just leave. It's your hair and your money.
I don't have any advice but I do want you to know I sympathize with you. That sounds like an awful experience. Next time please speak up, it's your hair and your money...I know, it's easier said than done.
I'm sorry this happened to you! I think that it might be a good idea to trim a few inches, but I'm glad that you did not let that awful stylist do it for you! Your hair would probably be up to your ears! I've never had an experience like yours but just reading them is enough to put me off going to the salon ever again!
That's messed up, that's why I have been doing my year now since 2003 and never looked back.

I think you should cut your losses and cut it. In the long run you will gain a whole head of hair that is healthy.
Take a few pics and post them and include a before shot. Your hair may not be as bad as you are thinking. We are our worst ctitics and are especially hard on ourselves. I learned almost a year ago that speaking up is key! Sometimes you may have to get a bit extreme when working with stylist that think that they know EVERYTHING about hair.
Sorry OP this happened to you. Posting a before/after like mentioned would help us give a fair analysis.
I can't stand stylists that don't listen. That's why I haven't been to one in years. I agree that you should find a before and after pic to post because it may not be as bad as you think. Next time a stylist is not listening to you, just leave, wet hair & all. Keep a baggy & hat in your bag and put it on once you see that brush or fine tooth comb.

Then run and don't look back.
Reminds me of a post I made a few weeks ago. Same thing happened to me with a stylist EXCEPT while I was in mid-wash and saw her grab a tiny comb during a shampoo, I got my happy behind up real quick, threw my wet hair under a base ball cap (full of shampoo an all) and walked out! Didn't pay a dime. All I know is that I wasn't about to have a setback because a stylist refused to listen to me. Went all the way home and finished my own wash and set with NO set backs. You have got to have your own back because at the end of the day, you're the one with the set back and the stylist is the one with your hard earned money.
That's horrible. Slowly trim a little to even your ends & keep it well moisturize so you can retain length...

Happy Hair Growing!
pre_medicalrulz said:
Reminds me of a post I made a few weeks ago. Same thing happened to me with a stylist EXCEPT while I was in mid-wash and saw her grab a tiny comb during a shampoo, I got my happy behind up real quick, threw my wet hair under a base ball cap (full of shampoo an all) and walked out! Didn't pay a dime. All I know is that I wasn't about to have a setback because a stylist refused to listen to me. Went all the way home and finished my own wash and set with NO set backs. You have got to have your own back because at the end of the day, you're the one with the set back and the stylist is the one with your hard earned money.

Can you bump that thread?
Reminds me of a post I made a few weeks ago. Same thing happened to me with a stylist EXCEPT while I was in mid-wash and saw her grab a tiny comb during a shampoo, I got my happy behind up real quick, threw my wet hair under a base ball cap (full of shampoo an all) and walked out! Didn't pay a dime. All I know is that I wasn't about to have a setback because a stylist refused to listen to me. Went all the way home and finished my own wash and set with NO set backs. You have got to have your own back because at the end of the day, you're the one with the set back and the stylist is the one with your hard earned money.

See...that's why I can't be bothered to go to one now. I didn't do all of this for some lack wit to screw up my progress because they're too "Professional" to listen! Hearing you ladies stories has me positive that I just need to stay home, and do it myself. :nono:

Lol, the salon has now become the scariest place on earth! :lachen:
Aww...I'm sorry about your experience =/ maybe you should take a pic or 2 of your hair and when you've calmed down from the shock look at them and evaluate your hair...a lot of times I think a minor issue is a major one when I'm upset, after I've calmed down I can see it for what it is...hopefully it's not as bad as you think =)
Did you go on a recommendation? If not, my advice to you is don't ever go to a stylist you don't really know and ask for a relaxer or other chemical treatment.

I'm so sorry this happened to you. Try a protective style for a few months. I'm so glad you didn't let him cut your hair. He probably would've cut way more than 3 inches. Next time this happens say something or get up and leave. Most stylists hate me LOL because I stop them immediately. I also bring my own comb and hair products just in case.
Reminds me of a post I made a few weeks ago. Same thing happened to me with a stylist EXCEPT while I was in mid-wash and saw her grab a tiny comb during a shampoo, I got my happy behind up real quick, threw my wet hair under a base ball cap (full of shampoo an all) and walked out! Didn't pay a dime. All I know is that I wasn't about to have a setback because a stylist refused to listen to me. Went all the way home and finished my own wash and set with NO set backs. You have got to have your own back because at the end of the day, you're the one with the set back and the stylist is the one with your hard earned money.

pre_medicalrulz, Girl, I have done this twice! Both times the stylists had a know-it-all attitude and did no seem equipped to handle 3c/4a hair without extremely rough and careless styling.

OP, I learned after getting 4-5 inch haircut against my will as a teenager, to speak up against stylist even if it means walking out during the middle of a service. At the end of the day, it's your hair, who care if you piss your stylist off. You'll feel better about saving your hard work from a setback.
Yup. Time to just cut it and take it as a lesson learned. The minute he stopped listening is the minute you speak up, and the minute you find they aren't listening,, you leave period. It's your hair on the line, no need to worry about "appearances" at this point. Sorry to hear this and I hope your hair recovers soon!
Yesterday I went to get my hair relaxed because I wanted a good professional one after Mizani BB left me so underprocessed. After searching high and low and reading reviews, I found a stylist. When I got there, I specifically told the stylist my hair is prone to severe tangles when wet and that a wide tooth comb and gentle combing is the way to detangle. It was like he listened to nothing I said! He tore through my hair detangling it with a BRUSH and when he was done there was so much hair in his brush I almost cried. Then he proceeded to try to wrap my hair and I told him I don't wrap my hair because it tangles too much..........guess what he did? wrapped it anyway!!! More torn hair in the brush!!! After it was all said and done, my ends were so thin and then he had the nerve to tell me my ends were thinning out and I needed about 3 inches cut. Of course my ends were thin after he ripped my hair out!! I refused to let him cut anything but I'm so upset because my hair looks awful. Should I cut it all off or salvage what I have? I had done well doing my own hair and had it looking great! It's bra strap length but now I'm afraid I've had a major set back thanks to this stupid stylist. I'm so done with stylists!!

I'm sorry to hear about this awful salon experience. I can imagine how up set you are. If I were you, I'd try to wait a little while before I made any decisions. It's easy to end up with hair you really hate by cutting too soon after a problem.

Put it up, wear a bun or something until you feel better, then evaluate the situation and see what needs to be done. 3 inches is a minimum of 3 months of hair growth--for some it's even more. Give it at least a couple of weeks before you make any decisions. Good luck to you.
Yesterday I went to get my hair relaxed because I wanted a good professional one after Mizani BB left me so underprocessed. After searching high and low and reading reviews, I found a stylist. When I got there, I specifically told the stylist my hair is prone to severe tangles when wet and that a wide tooth comb and gentle combing is the way to detangle. It was like he listened to nothing I said! He tore through my hair detangling it with a BRUSH and when he was done there was so much hair in his brush I almost cried. Then he proceeded to try to wrap my hair and I told him I don't wrap my hair because it tangles too much..........guess what he did? wrapped it anyway!!! More torn hair in the brush!!! After it was all said and done, my ends were so thin and then he had the nerve to tell me my ends were thinning out and I needed about 3 inches cut. Of course my ends were thin after he ripped my hair out!! I refused to let him cut anything but I'm so upset because my hair looks awful. Should I cut it all off or salvage what I have? I had done well doing my own hair and had it looking great! It's bra strap length but now I'm afraid I've had a major set back thanks to this stupid stylist. I'm so done with stylists!!

I'm sorry to hear about this awful salon experience. I can imagine how up set you are. If I were you, I'd try to wait a little while before I made any decisions. It's easy to end up with hair you really hate by cutting too soon after a problem.

Put it up, wear a bun or something until you feel better, then evaluate the situation and see what needs to be done. 3 inches is a minimum of 3 months of hair growth--for some it's even more. Give it at least a couple of weeks before you make any decisions. Good luck to you.
I am sorry OP that you ended up with a chitty stylist. :(

I say cut your hair....then you are already one big step closer to a healthy head of hair again. It will grow back before you know it. :)
It may be a good idea if next time, you say "My hair gets tangled when wet. Do you mind if I comb out my hair after you wash it?" before you go, weigh their response, then make your decision whether you can trust them or not.

My stylist said she does not mind if we bring our own combs. She will detangle roughly, but it seems like she is open to anything.
I never was a regular salon goer. This is even more reason to avoid salons. I am DIY all the way. I may go occasionally one day to pamper myself but I can really do it at home. Most of the information you need to care for and achieve certain styles is all searchable on here and on other sites.

I am soo sorry this happened to you. Why didn't you speak up and/or leave? I know that I am soft spoken but when something important to me is on the line I WILL speak up. Do not let stylist or "expert/professional" destroy your progress. You are the expert on YOUR hair. You know what it likes and what it can or can't handle. Unless the stylist is a trusted person, tell them how you want your hair handled or if you want a trim or not. If they are being difficult or negligent just leave. Both money and hair saved.

Hope you have a speedy recovery. =)
I'm sorry this happened to you Brighteyes. We have to learn how to start walking away. I've sat in that chair while questionable things were said and done and just stayed. Never again. Suck it up, be bold, make someone mad, and walk away (happy).
The minute he grabbed a brush to detangle your hair you should have made like the road runner and :roadrunner:.

A trim never hurts if your ends are in bad shape. A trim and a little TLC should put you right back on track.
I'm not sure why many people have a hard time speaking up. I know it may seem rude but in all actuality it's not. You're simply and politely telling them, 'I got it'. LOL!