Hair Cut - from WL back to BS


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies!

I did my relaxer last week at 13 1/2 weeks post. I usually relax at 10 weeks and will stick to that schedule in the future. My hair gets so thick at the roots, that the ends suffer and break from the manipulation needed to part my roots. Other than that, my texlax results came out great.

I went to Reniece yesterday for a wash and cut. She cut almost 5" and i'm back to brastrap length. I'll add pics later when the hubby gets home and takes them. Here is a video update in the meantime

Its weird that my hair feels short now (I know, I know I have hair anorexia) but I love the blunt ends. My goal is to get back to WL by the end of the year.

Thanks for reading and Happy Mother's Day.

One can only dream....Your hair is quite lovely bsl & wsl! I would kill for that ponytail!

Did you intend for her to cut that much?
WSL or BSL, your hair is beautiful! Standing by for some photos! :)

Editing my post: Just saw your update today ....OOOOOOOOOOO EMMMMMMMMMMMM GEEEEEEEEEE!
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Your skin is flawless, :)
Beautiful teeth, sorry I am a teeth girl. LOL!

Your hair cut is beautiful too, :)

One can only dream....Your hair is quite lovely bsl & wsl! I would kill for that ponytail!

Did you intend for her to cut that much?

Yes, I did. She asked me at least 3 times to make sure too. LOL I love how she cuts my hair, so I figured if she cut it blunt then all I have to do is keep my ends intact and I won't need a trim for the rest of the year.

Your skin is flawless, :)
Beautiful teeth, sorry I am a teeth girl. LOL!

Your hair cut is beautiful too, :)

Thanks, I'm a teeth person too lol.
You did what I want to do!!!!! :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:

I have every intention of getting a MAJOR haircut in July, but I keep on going back and forth as to what length I want. I am currently hovering somewhere between HL and TBL, but only like 1/4 of my hair is that length. I want to get a blunt cut and get rid of my layers, yet I am petrified of how I'm going to feel once the hair is gone :sad::sad:. Seeing how happy you are with your current length and how lovely your hair looks puts me a little more at ease. Thanks a million for posting. I'm sure I'll be coming back here for motivation before I go get my cut!
Your hair would look amazing even if you shaved it bald :lol:. Your hair looks wonderful with the new cut and I'm sure it will be back to WL before you can blink :)
nice! your hair looks super healthy. what is you plan for getting back to wl?

Pretty much the same regimen I usually do in the summer. I'll post details on my blog soon. One thing I plan to limit is my use of direct heat. I need to keep my ends thick, so I don't have to trim again. I'm debating about doing my winter protective style in the summer but lord knows I'd be so hot and sweaty lol.

You did what I want to do!!!!! :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:

I have every intention of getting a MAJOR haircut in July, but I keep on going back and forth as to what length I want. I am currently hovering somewhere between HL and TBL, but only like 1/4 of my hair is that length. I want to get a blunt cut and get rid of my layers, yet I am petrified of how I'm going to feel once the hair is gone :sad::sad:. Seeing how happy you are with your current length and how lovely your hair looks puts me a little more at ease. Thanks a million for posting. I'm sure I'll be coming back here for motivation before I go get my cut!

I used to be so scared of cutting more than an inch of hair at a time. But once I got to waist length, it was like 'ok, I can grow my hair that long' so if I cut it, I don't have to worry about not being about to reach the same length as before. You made it to TBL so take comfort in knowing that when you cut it, it will grow back to that length with time. Cut a little at a time so you don't go into shock though lol
Beautiful hair!!! I just posted a comment on YT (I'm NaturallyDominican)
I want to grow out my hair hip length and then maybe blunt cut it to WSL. I have a V shape and it sometimes gets on my nerves. I don't think your hair looks short at all. Can you show us a comparison picture of the back? I'd love to see it. I looooove how the front of your hair is an even blunt length.
Beautiful hair!!! I just posted a comment on YT (I'm NaturallyDominican)
I want to grow out my hair hip length and then maybe blunt cut it to WSL. I have a V shape and it sometimes gets on my nerves. I don't think your hair looks short at all. Can you show us a comparison picture of the back? I'd love to see it. I looooove how the front of your hair is an even blunt length.

Thanks for supporting my channel. I'm waiting for DH to get home so he can take the pictures for me.
I got scared when I read the title :giggle: but your hair looks amazing, it's always so picture'll be back to WL in no time
Beautiful hair!! I just watched your videos and enjoyed all of them. I feel you on the blunt ends. I went from MBL to a little above BSL last week with a blunt cut and I'm loving it. My hair and ends looks super healthy now, and my hair is so easy to comb now with less tangles. And when my hair gets too long, it seems to age me anyway, so I think I look a little younger now. :yep: No regrets whatsoever. Keep up the great work!
Looks beautiful , you're giving me blunt hair envy :lol:
but I'm still greedy for more length and I just did a small cut in Feb 3 inches so I'm not cutting even anytime soon.
LOVE the blunt too! You are definitely not alone in wanting it. Reneice did an excellent job - congrats.
This is a sign that I need to cut my recently achieved MBL hair back to BSL, for beautiful, blunt, healthy ends like yours. Now if I can gain somethe thickness as your hair and your hair are beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
i love your hair!

and i love the cut!

i'm a fellow reneice client too. :)

i just went to reneice and got a cut, so i know how you feel. but i only cut about 2 inches...isn't it funny how even though your hair can still be long, you feel "bald" when you get a cut?

no matter, your hair looks gawgus! the ends look amazing.