HAIR breakage!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Does hair breakage cause Split ends?

Can hair breakage be repaired without clipping the ends?

Last night I used a hot comb to straighten my hair a bit and I experienced some hair breakage (I think because the come tooth was too small and my hair is very tightly curled). I also didn’t use a heat protectant –just the plain hair itself. For the past 3 months I have been baggying and moisturizing everyday-no heat at all. Now I’m worried it may turn into split ends –or start shedding- or it may continue to break….not sure what to do if I should cut it or not …I’ll be getting braids today. I honestly don’t think I’ll be using a hot comb again!!!!
My last bout with hair breakage was NOT stopped with trimming. But that is because my reason for breakage was that my hair was over moisturized and needed protein. I wish that I had not trimmed after all. I lost 2 months of progress when all I really needed was a protein treatment.

I think it is important to find the reason for the breakage and use trimming as a last resort - unless you do see split ends. And if you do see split ends, just dust them if possible.