Hair Anorexia


New Member
I think I really have this problem. No matter how long my hair seems to be getting , it still looks very short to me. Even my sister, who teased me when my hair was short and broken, asked me why I still wore a weave if my hair was shoulder legnth. Although I am seeing some progress, when I look in the mirror I feel like I look like a chicken head. WTH is wrong with me?
I will probably be in the same boat once I reach my goal... because I am already this way, when everyone else thinks my hair is a nice length - AND they think it is healthy (when I KNOW it isn't)...

I am a bit obsessed now that I am in full swing with this hair growing thing, so I know even waistlength will not satisfy me... I will prpbaby still think it is damaged and dry and "see thru"

Look at the bright side, having H.A. will just give you something to keep you focused on. I know it helps me to keep my mind off of worrying about other things - like MEN!
Count me in! My hair is finally Bra lenght but I still think my hair is only medium lenght and not spectacular...I think a will be impressed once I get to my goal of waistlenght, then again who knows?
I have a TERMINAL case of hair anorexia! Wanna know how bad?

I haven't worn my hair down and straight since 1999. I'm deathly afraid that I won't be happy with the length, so to stave off disappointment, I've worn it curly, pinned up, french-twisted, cornrowed wet-setted, roller-wrapped and every other possible way I can think of (except bone straight) for 6 years.

Tell me I don't have a problem. :lol:
Glad to know I'm not alone. My hair has def made a change but I am about 3 inches away from bra strap. My bf keeps on pressuring me to wear my own hair. He says "It's a cool length" but I'm cool. I don't know if I'll ever be able to wear my own hair, i'm so used to the weaves that I don't feel like my hair will ever measure up.
mrsgreene said:
I think I really have this problem. No matter how long my hair seems to be getting , it still looks very short to me. Even my sister, who teased me when my hair was short and broken, asked me why I still wore a weave if my hair was shoulder legnth. Although I am seeing some progress, when I look in the mirror I feel like I look like a chicken head. WTH is wrong with me?

***slowly raising right hand*** My name is CBC, and I am a Hair Anorexic. No matter how long or thick my hair seems to get, it consistently looks too short or too thin to me. My SO has said to me on several occassions, "baby, you got a lot of hair" or "your hair is getting so long" and I still do not see it. I have even gone so far as to obsess that, when I reach my brastrap length goal, my hair won't look right because it will be thin and the ends "see through". :confused: Plus, I am convinced that my hair is dry as a tumbleweed in the Arizona desert.... :ohwell:
mrsgreene said:
Glad to know I'm not alone. My hair has def made a change but I am about 3 inches away from bra strap. My bf keeps on pressuring me to wear my own hair. He says "It's a cool length" but I'm cool. I don't know if I'll ever be able to wear my own hair, i'm so used to the weaves that I don't feel like my hair will ever measure up.

This is exactly how I feel. But I am detemined to try to wear my own hair next year. I have so much anxiety over this. :ohwell:
I suffer from this, and will always suffer from it. Even though my hair is an inch from brastrap I feel like i'm at chin length.
i think my boyfriend would say i have it because he thinks i have "enough" hair he doesnt understand my whole timeline i have had going for ummmmmmmmmmm 2yrs b4 i met him
I'm graduated with a BA in psychology but I plan to back to school next semester to take a couple classes as prereqs for grad school. One of the classes I am going to take is Independent Research. I think this would be a very good topic to research and collect data from sistas on their attitudes about their hair. Who knows maybe we can get a disorder classified lol