Garlic Oil for Shedding


New Member
I've started a "Reduce Shedding Regimen" and wanted some advice. I have the garlic shampoo, conditioner and pills but also wanted to make a "garlic hair grease" as a finishing touch.

I finally found a place that sells garlic oil and not in capsule form, could one of our resident chemist tell me which I should purchase and a possible garlic oil-to-coconut oil ratio to reduce shedding?

Here are the two version:

Garlic Tincture, 100% Organic - 2 fl. oz
Other Ingredients: Grain Alcohol 45-55% by volume, Deionized water


Garlic Oil Tincture, Alcohol Free Nature's Way - 1 fl. oz.

Other Ingredients: Olive Oil, Water

Which do you think would be best or does it matter?

Thank you ladies in advance. :yep:
I feel kind of silly that I didn't see the garlic post that was 6 threads down from mine.

Ok, I got additional information there; however, does anyone know which oil would be best? I really want to make a coconut/garlic oil concoction to oil my scalp for a couple of weeks for maximum results.

Again, thank you for any thoughts, suggestions or recommendations :grin:
Aggie, a member here, had a homemade garlic recipe that she made to combat shedding. I tried searching for it but couldn't find it.
Honestly, I think you can make your own. All you need is a little minced garlic and olive oil.:look: