G Craig Lewis new blog about November Election

You do realize that if McCain is elected and dies during his presidency(which is a very big possibility) that SARAH PALIN WOULD BE THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES RIGHT?????????????:grin: At least Obama has Biden, what does McCain have? A twit who doesn't even know what her own job as VP would entail !!!!!:grin:

Now McCain I can deal with. He's not going to do anything but the same ole crap Bush does as he has been doing since Bush humiliated him AND his "Black out of wedlock" daughter:rolleyes: causing him to lose the nomination but I digress. But Sarah Palin? The chick who has insulted every Muslim in the world by not so subtly associating their names with terrorism? Sarah gets in there as VP expect worse than Sept.11.

Don't be fooled Roe vs.Wade will NEVER be reversed. If neither Reagan or either of the Bush's couldn't do it John McSame sure can't.

I really wish Christians would stop harping on that:spinning: Oh and gay unions.:grin: We need to clean our OWN house before we even begin to worry about what the world does. Let's deal with OUR premarital/extramarital sex issues and out of wedlock pregnancies, gay choir directors and "Ministers" of Music first THEN we can confront the unsaved on their mess :drunk:

Now Ms.Honey, you already know that getting into heaven only involves being against abortion and gay rights. Who cares about the lying, slandering, and cheating John McCain and Palin have been doing. They are against abortion so they can do that. Who cares that Jesus wants us to look out for our brother and sisters but yet Palin has cut funding in her own state to help those very same teenage mothers who opted to not abort and McCain doesn't really care about the middle class. I mean all that other stuff in the bible really doesn't matter as long as you are against those two things. Gosh don't you know anything?!!! :rolleyes: Q

ETA: Oh and we see what an experienced person as President got us. Yeah we are doing great. We sure did fix Irag and conquer Afghanistan. :rolleyes: Although some of the best Presidents have had very little experience. Q
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I think it's were he stands on the issue that matters, to me how you view the life of the innocent deals with your character and ethics and reflects how you value human life or devalue it. I can't always change the law but that don't mean i have to stand in agreement with it to pacify anybody. Please God not man. At least Sarah wants to drill as another prophet stated the antichrist will assume leadership over OPEC and whatever countries fall under opec he will easily take over, if America can be independent of the oil , or drill more here, at Sarah will try to get that done. Not Obama. Obama is running as the lead of that ticket not Biden, and like i stated he is not qualified to me. Not that there is a roadmap that is set on how too, sorry i can't drink the kool aid on the war Mcain will bring or keep us in lest i forgot the bible say there will be wars and rumors of wars, regardless of who is elected in the days leading to the end of the age.

The truth is also i don't believe that Obama/Biden can fulfill half the promises . I feel America is in a state of transition of the supermacy in world leadership, i feel China is the arising/new leader. Some jobs aren't coming back, globalization is in effect, and that is something that is a reality. Im speaking my opinion. I think Obama tells many americans what they want to hear, but economically cannot be delivered, China has the money to lend to us to get tax refund checks, did you know where are refunds came from earlier this year and that country is taking place as a dynasty over america economically, they have more manpower, as last day prophecy indicates anyway.

Energy is important and a way to bring more jobs, and make america more competive and effcient, at least Sarah deals with that anyway with her position in Alaska.
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Now Ms.Honey, you already know that getting into heaven only involves being against abortion and gay rights. Who cares about the lying, slandering, and cheating John McCain and Palin have been doing. They are against abortion so they can do that. Who cares that Jesus wants us to look out for our brother and sisters but yet Palin has cut funding in her own state to help those very same teenage mothers who opted to not abort and McCain doesn't really care about the middle class. I mean all that other stuff in the bible really doesn't matter as long as you are against those two things. Gosh don't you know anything?!!! :rolleyes: Q

ETA: Oh and we see what an experienced person as President got us. Yeah we are doing great. We sure did fix Irag and conquer Afghanistan. :rolleyes: Although some of the best Presidents have had very little experience. Q

Everyone will not agree on everything but most defintely I know i stand on political issues based on moral conviction and biblical. I can go tit for tat on finding where Mcain lied or Obama lied, cheated whatever. The issues i care for go beyond abortion, but that is what was being discussed when i added, but regardless like i said war will happen, not because of republicans because Jesus said before the end of the age, there will be wars and rumors of wars. Bottomline.
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Everyone will not agree on everything but most defintely I know i stand on political issues based on moral conviction and biblical. I can go tit for tat on finding where Mcain lied or Obama lied, cheated whatever. The issues i care for go beyond abortion, but that is what was being discussed when i added, but regardless like i said war will happen, not because of republicans because Jesus said before the end of the age, there will be wars and rumors of wars. Bottomline.

You are right but I look at ALL of the issues as a whole. Like I said before it is about choosing the lesser of 2 devils and the lies and hate that has come out of John McCains and Palin's mouths speaks volumes to me. I don't drink koolaid at all so no worries here. Yes wars will happen but it is sad when they happen based on lies and misleading people. I am sure the parents of those 4000 plus soldiers who have lost their lives would agree as well. I am glad I am able to be objective and not just all into one side. Yes I have made my choice and I support them after much praying, fasting, and looking at ALL the issues.

I don't look to the world's leaders to lead me spiritually. I have Jesus, my bible and my Pastor for that. I too am pro-life for myself but I can't speak for anyone else. Just like God gives me free will to make a choice, I give it to others as well. I would never enforce something on someone God himself wouldn't. Besides if the republicans wanted to get rid of abortion, they would have. But they won't because it keeps the base right where they want them.

Yes Obama will have an uphill battle because of the how the last 8 years has set us back. But McCain doesn't have a clue about the middle class and how we are affected. As far as the antichrist is concerned I am not worried because at the end of my bible, we win. We need more than just oil. Our problem is being too oil dependent PERIOD. We need to look into wind and solar energy as well. We need to bring everything back home so we won't have to worry about China and owing all of these other countries. Focusing on other forms of energy like wind and solar will bring more jobs back to the US as well. We have to think outside the box and not just be one-sided that is how we got into a lot of the mess we are in today. Q
You are right but I look at ALL of the issues as a whole. Like I said before it is about choosing the lesser of 2 devils and the lies and hate that has come out of John McCains and Palin's mouths speaks volumes to me. I don't drink koolaid at all so no worries here. Yes wars will happen but it is sad when they happen based on lies and misleading people. I am sure the parents of those 4000 plus soldiers who have lost their lives would agree as well. I am glad I am able to be objective and not just all into one side. Yes I have made my choice and I support them after much praying, fasting, and looking at ALL the issues.

I don't look to the world's leaders to lead me spiritually. I have Jesus, my bible and my Pastor for that. I too am pro-life for myself but I can't speak for anyone else. Just like God gives me free will to make a choice, I give it to others as well. I would never enforce something on someone God himself wouldn't. Besides if the republicans wanted to get rid of abortion, they would have. But they won't because it keeps the base right where they want them.

Yes Obama will have an uphill battle because of the how the last 8 years has set us back. But McCain doesn't have a clue about the middle class and how we are affected. As far as the antichrist is concerned I am not worried because at the end of my bible, we win. We need more than just oil. Our problem is being too oil dependent PERIOD. We need to look into wind and solar energy as well. We need to bring everything back home so we won't have to worry about China and owing all of these other countries. Focusing on other forms of energy like wind and solar will bring more jobs back to the US as well. We have to think outside the box and not just be one-sided that is how we got into a lot of the mess we are in today. Q

I see, and agree on the sadness of war and energy and so many things. I only gave my opinion, i don't feel to add anything else at this time but see where you are coming from.
I see, and agree on the sadness of war and energy and so many things. I only gave my opinion, i don't feel to add anything else at this time but see where you are coming from.

I see where you are coming from as well. We all want what's best for our country. We can discuss topics and keep it holy. Much love. :kiss: Q
I just do not see how Obama is qualified to be the President of the United States, community organizer? little time in the senate, That's all its takes, oh and change. Without going into everthing, i don't see it, Joe biden said it when running... U mean in 2008 u have the morning after pill, condoms, birth control pills and you STILL want to give any woman the legal right to abort a baby in america, outside of rape/incest. 1970/2008 things have changed...so what is the real reason you still support abortion? " I'm clinging to my Bible, as long as live Joker!"

Warning: There is way to much truth in the above post.
The Repubs promise the same thing ebery election and NEVER come through. If you ladies really believe that McCain and Palin care one bit about an aborted child I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. That's their way of tricking themselves out to Christians that think they're gonna have some kind of political pull with the candidates.

How can you say don't abort an unborn baby but push for the death penalty? Isn't a life a life? Don't murder an unborn baby but make handguns, which ONLY purpose is to kill a human being, not animals, legal? Y'all need to stop clinging to y'all bibles and open them up and read them!!!!!

Yes ladies, judge them on their stance, not the hypocritical crap and rhetoric they spew. Sarah Palin is a racist and a bigot and has ALREADY angered Arab nations. Forget the Arab nations, she has insult our Arab citizens. She is not slick in what she's doing. Even top REPUBLICAN politicians said she is not fit to be VP let alone President.

Besides McCain doesn't even want her as VP:grin: It was the ONE thing the Christian right got out of the Republicans for their money. I am sooo glad Sarah was chosen. She is single handedly turn the Independent and undecided voters towards Obama. THEY can see her hatefulness and McCains. Why is it that the religious right can't?:drunk:

YEAH PALIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know if G. Craig Lewis is right or not but I will say this, yes I have come to the conclusion that it is wrong to abort a child. But these are not just the issues that we should be voting on. It says in the bible that you should also care for orphans and widows, help the poor and feed the hungry...Republicans are not about that. Jesus said that the most important commandment behind loving God with all your heart, mind, soul is to love your neighbor as you love yourself. Now, this does not seem to be something most Republicans are interested in doing...it seems like they are all about, "I got mine, so get yours." On the other hand, it seems that many Democrats have this moral stance of "If you don't ask for my advice, I won't give." So, on both sides you have people not loving their neighbor as they should, whether it be morally or giving financial support.

Now, this is what I believe should be the deciding factor. If any of the men are wrong, I would want someone who is open to correction from the holy spirit. Who would not be stubborn in their man-made idealogies or way of thinking, but will do what is right when God tells them. Who is that man? Well, I don't know. But I do believe in praying for our leaders believe that prayer can lead our nation in a way we want by God speaking to the hearts of our leaders. That is why we should not cease praying if Obama or McCain is elected, regardless which one is your choice. If Christians vote a certain way and continue to pray the candidate elected, then our nation will be led by God. Prayer is very powerful, moreso than most people think. If you have so many prayers, petitions reaching heaven from righteous people, God is merciful and has enough grace to act on our behalf. Please, don't forget that "the earnest prayer of a righteous man availeth much." Which is why I am fasting on Tuesday so that even though I want to see a black president and will vote for Obama unless I receive a revelation from the holy spirt, I even moreso want to see God's will done. May your will be done God, not mine...in Jesus name I pray. Amen.
The Repubs promise the same thing ebery election and NEVER come through. If you ladies really believe that McCain and Palin care one bit about an aborted child I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. That's their way of tricking themselves out to Christians that think they're gonna have some kind of political pull with the candidates.

How can you say don't abort an unborn baby but push for the death penalty? Isn't a life a life? Don't murder an unborn baby but make handguns, which ONLY purpose is to kill a human being, not animals, legal? Y'all need to stop clinging to y'all bibles and open them up and read them!!!!!

Yes ladies, judge them on their stance, not the hypocritical crap and rhetoric they spew. Sarah Palin is a racist and a bigot and has ALREADY angered Arab nations. Forget the Arab nations, she has insult our Arab citizens. She is not slick in what she's doing. Even top REPUBLICAN politicians said she is not fit to be VP let alone President.

Besides McCain doesn't even want her as VP:grin: It was the ONE thing the Christian right got out of the Republicans for their money. I am sooo glad Sarah was chosen. She is single handedly turn the Independent and undecided voters towards Obama. THEY can see her hatefulness and McCains. Why is it that the religious right can't?:drunk:

YEAH PALIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Actually, it was during a republican administration that the ban on partial birth abortion was passed, and also the proposal for the federal marriage amendment (that did not pass I might add).

Am I reading your post correctly? Are you comparing a convicted murderer to an unborn baby who has not even had a chance to enter the world?

Yes a handgun can kill someone, but shouldn't a person have a right to protect themselves and their families?

Things compared have to have equal characteristics.

Are you quoting Obama with your clinging to your bibles comment? What law or rule exactly are you referring to? Please dont just throw out colloquialisms with no apparent basis or fact to back it up.
Actually, it was during a republican administration that the ban on partial birth abortion was passed, and also the proposal for the federal marriage amendment (that did not pass I might add).

Am I reading your post correctly? Are you comparing a convicted murderer to an unborn baby who has not even had a chance to enter the world?

Yes a handgun can kill someone, but shouldn't a person have a right to protect themselves and their families?

Things compared have to have equal characteristics.

Are you quoting Obama with your clinging to your bibles comment? What law or rule exactly are you referring to? Please dont just throw out colloquialisms with no apparent basis or fact to back it up.

A life is a life. Whether a convicted murderer or an unborn child. Yes I'm comparing them. Why is it wrong not to kill them as babies but ok to kill them as adults. And WHO are the majority of folks on death row? Is it white folks? Nope it PEOPLE OF COLOR!!!! And who are the majority of folks getting killed with handguns? Are they homeowners being invaded or the invaders that enter their home or white people? No but OUR people, people of color.

But let's talk about these babies the right are so desperate to save only during election time:grin: Who are they trying to save? WHITE BABIES. Yep more white women abort their babies than any other race. THOSE are the babies their fighting for. Not ours or anyone elses. This is not about anything but keeping them in the majority. They couldn't care less whether or not non white babies are aborted. If they cared so much why cut funding to help care for these babies who AREN'T aborted.

Oh and I was quoting babydollhair on the clinging to the bible phrase. Whether it's her own or borrowed from anyone, don't know, don't care.

It's doesn't matter anyway Obama will win the election Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!
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A life is a life. Whether a convicted murderer or an unborn child. Yes I'm comparing them. Why is it wrong not to kill them as babies but ok to kill them as adults. And WHO are the majority of folks on death row? Is it white folks? Nope it PEOPLE OF COLOR!!!! And who are the majority of folks getting killed with handguns? Are they homeowners being invaded or the invaders that enter their home or white people? No but OUR people, people of color.

But let's talk about these babies the right are so desperate to save only during election time:grin: Who are they trying to save? WHITE BABIES. Yep more white women abort their babies than any other race. THOSE are the babies their fighting for. Not ours or anyone elses. This is not about anything but keeping them in the majority. They couldn't care less whether or not non white babies are aborted. If they cared so much why cut funding to help care for these babies who AREN'T aborted.

Oh and I was quoting babydollhair on the clinging to the bible phrase. Whether it's her own or borrowed from anyone, don't know, don't care.

It's doesn't matter anyway Obama will win the election Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, the bolded is a good point and I would like to ask, "Is funding for abortion cut among the republicans?" I mean, it's great to talk all this stuff but I am what their actions show? How are they cutting the funding of abortion clinics?
A life is a life. Whether a convicted murderer or an unborn child. Yes I'm comparing them. Why is it wrong not to kill them as babies but ok to kill them as adults. And WHO are the majority of folks on death row? Is it white folks? Nope it PEOPLE OF COLOR!!!! And who are the majority of folks getting killed with handguns? Are they homeowners being invaded or the invaders that enter their home or white people? No but OUR people, people of color.

But let's talk about these babies the right are so desperate to save only during election time:grin: Who are they trying to save? WHITE BABIES. Yep more white women abort their babies than any other race. THOSE are the babies their fighting for. Not ours or anyone elses. This is not about anything but keeping them in the majority. They couldn't care less whether or not non white babies are aborted. If they cared so much why cut funding to help care for these babies who AREN'T aborted.

Oh and I was quoting babydollhair on the clinging to the bible phrase. Whether it's her own or borrowed from anyone, don't know, don't care.

It's doesn't matter anyway Obama will win the election Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really believe that you just want to argue and not have a discussion so I will not make this reply very long. There are too many untruths in your post to try and address and I am not here to argue or debate with anyone. My purpose for posting in the Christian forum is to be a light to those who may read and it appears that you only want to be argumentative. God is still working with me on my patience...

Also, many people think this is an issue only Christians care about. That is not so - people of different faiths or no faith at all for that matter have determined that this gruesome procedure of death needs to come to an abrupt end.

The question here is do you feel if it is wrong or right? One should start there first I believe. If you feel that some only care about the white babies, then maybe you should rise up and stand for the black babies...

Whoever is elected, I pray that those who have determined that abortion is vile and inhumane will hold their leaders accountable and push for the end of this murder. Although I fear that Obama will have to repay those groups who have helped him in this election.
I really believe that you just want to argue and not have a discussion so I will not make this reply very long. There are too many untruths in your post to try and address and I am not here to argue or debate with anyone. My purpose for posting in the Christian forum is to be a light to those who may read and it appears that you only want to be argumentative. God is still working with me on my patience...

Also, many people think this is an issue only Christians care about. That is not so - people of different faiths or no faith at all for that matter have determined that this gruesome procedure of death needs to come to an abrupt end.

The question here is do you feel if it is wrong or right? One should start there first I believe. If you feel that some only care about the white babies, then maybe you should rise up and stand for the black babies...

Whoever is elected, I pray that those who have determined that abortion is vile and inhumane will hold their leaders accountable and push for the end of this murder. Although I fear that Obama will have to repay those groups who have helped him in this election.

You can believe what you want but you are the one whose post is full of errors. You have your point of view but that's all it is, your point of view. If McCain is the light that you bring, that light is from a dim bulb.

The question is not whether one believes that abortion is wrong or not. The question is how can someone sit there and tell a bold face lie about having a passion for life and turn around and push to have handguns legalized, send thousands of AMERICANS to there deaths over oil, (I believe WE'VE lost about 4,500 soldiers I don't even think that counts American civilians lost), or push for the death penalty which kills mostly black folks who commit crimes not white?

You show me in the bible where Jesus says to destroy our enemies. You show me where the Lord says that one life is worth more than another. He said forgive those who trespass against us or am I mistaken about that also. Oh and what about all of the innocent folks who have been unjustly prosecuted and executed. The majority of those were who???? YEP black men!!!!! Where is the outcry for those lives????

Another question. If Jesus is our Rock and our SHIELD why would we have need of handguns to protect us? Forget about non Christians, let's talk about the Christians who push for and back these things. I thought that the weapons of our warfare were not carnal? Oh and shotguns and rifles will protect you just the same right? Why handguns? BECAUSE MOSTLY BLACK FOLKS ARE KILLED WITH HANDGUNS!!!!!!! Our young black men. Our sons. If white boys were being killed with handguns they would have BEEN banned AND not backed by the NRA!!!!! Hand guns are easy for someone to conceal and easy to carry. It's hard to hide a shotgun or rifle under a hoodie or t-shirt. As long as it's black boys and other boys of color dying in our streets and not white ones the "CHRISTIAN" right have no problem with them.

Obama will have to repay those groups that have helped him win the election. McCain has already repaid his with Sarah Palin. Who vetted Sarah and why was she chosen?

I am ProLife and believe abortion is murder. I wish all abortion clinics went out of business BUT I have enough sense to know that NO president is EVER going to be able to overturn Roe vs. Wade. I also know that NO president will EVER end homosexual relationships so I would not even waste my vote on moral issues that are CHURCH issues not CIVIC issues. Is the president supposed to be the President of the right wing Christian or the President of the United States. The last time I checked, everyone in this country isn't Christian. The president is supposed to represent WE the people not SOME OF US the people. God has given us free will. If Jesus chose not to stop us from making a choice as to what we chose to do with and to our own bodies, why are we so hell bent to try and stop folks from doing it. Those are sins comitted against THEIR OWN BODIES!!!!!!!! It is their PERSONAL DECISION AND PERSONAL BUSINESS!!!!

Oh and I do stand up for black women and their unborn children but with God's truth that ALL life is important not just white life and not just life of the unborn but the lives of those who are already here. Now when the religious right start lobbying against the death penalty and for handguns laws, THEN they will become credible. Right wingers want vengence not justice. Wouldn't it be better for the murderer on death row to live and have to be faced with the consequence of his actions for the rest of his life? Wouldn't it be in line with the will of God to let him or her live and give him the opportunity to repent, convert and go to heaven? Why aren't they pushing for those lives too? Why? Because they are not killing "acceptable" whites. There may be more whites on death row than blacks but how many of them are actually being executed compared to the non whites?

What about the children who are already here? Where are the laws pushing against child molesters, rapist and murderers to REMAIN in prison? Where are those lobbyists? Where is the outcry for THOSE babies. Why haven't the right demanded for THAT to be an issue in choosing our President? Let's not pick and choose which babies lives are worth fighting for.

We need to take the blinders off and ask God to reveal to us PERSONALLY how we should vote and what issues are important to Him instead of following blindly behind some candidate who KNOWS he can not ever stop abortion or gay relationships:nono:

Vote for who aligns with your civic needs or even those who are pushing for laws that are forced upon others not sins of free will and laws that will NEVER be overturned.
Yes, only time will tell and folks are gonna learn from bold-faced lying on Jesus:yep: Let's all keep an eye on the future of these "ministries" to see what the Lord's response to their prophesies will be and to all of those who spewed that hatred:yep:
You can believe what you want but you are the one whose post is full of errors. You have your point of view but that's all it is, your point of view. If McCain is the light that you bring, that light is from a dim bulb.

The question is not whether one believes that abortion is wrong or not. The question is how can someone sit there and tell a bold face lie about having a passion for life and turn around and push to have handguns legalized, send thousands of AMERICANS to there deaths over oil, (I believe WE'VE lost about 4,500 soldiers I don't even think that counts American civilians lost), or push for the death penalty which kills mostly black folks who commit crimes not white?

You show me in the bible where Jesus says to destroy our enemies. You show me where the Lord says that one life is worth more than another. He said forgive those who trespass against us or am I mistaken about that also. Oh and what about all of the innocent folks who have been unjustly prosecuted and executed. The majority of those were who???? YEP black men!!!!! Where is the outcry for those lives????

Another question. If Jesus is our Rock and our SHIELD why would we have need of handguns to protect us? Forget about non Christians, let's talk about the Christians who push for and back these things. I thought that the weapons of our warfare were not carnal? Oh and shotguns and rifles will protect you just the same right? Why handguns? BECAUSE MOSTLY BLACK FOLKS ARE KILLED WITH HANDGUNS!!!!!!! Our young black men. Our sons. If white boys were being killed with handguns they would have BEEN banned AND not backed by the NRA!!!!! Hand guns are easy for someone to conceal and easy to carry. It's hard to hide a shotgun or rifle under a hoodie or t-shirt. As long as it's black boys and other boys of color dying in our streets and not white ones the "CHRISTIAN" right have no problem with them.

Obama will have to repay those groups that have helped him win the election. McCain has already repaid his with Sarah Palin. Who vetted Sarah and why was she chosen?

I am ProLife and believe abortion is murder. I wish all abortion clinics went out of business BUT I have enough sense to know that NO president is EVER going to be able to overturn Roe vs. Wade. I also know that NO president will EVER end homosexual relationships so I would not even waste my vote on moral issues that are CHURCH issues not CIVIC issues. Is the president supposed to be the President of the right wing Christian or the President of the United States. The last time I checked, everyone in this country isn't Christian. The president is supposed to represent WE the people not SOME OF US the people. God has given us free will. If Jesus chose not to stop us from making a choice as to what we chose to do with and to our own bodies, why are we so hell bent to try and stop folks from doing it. Those are sins comitted against THEIR OWN BODIES!!!!!!!! It is their PERSONAL DECISION AND PERSONAL BUSINESS!!!!

Oh and I do stand up for black women and their unborn children but with God's truth that ALL life is important not just white life and not just life of the unborn but the lives of those who are already here. Now when the religious right start lobbying against the death penalty and for handguns laws, THEN they will become credible. Right wingers want vengence not justice. Wouldn't it be better for the murderer on death row to live and have to be faced with the consequence of his actions for the rest of his life? Wouldn't it be in line with the will of God to let him or her live and give him the opportunity to repent, convert and go to heaven? Why aren't they pushing for those lives too? Why? Because they are not killing "acceptable" whites. There may be more whites on death row than blacks but how many of them are actually being executed compared to the non whites?

What about the children who are already here? Where are the laws pushing against child molesters, rapist and murderers to REMAIN in prison? Where are those lobbyists? Where is the outcry for THOSE babies. Why haven't the right demanded for THAT to be an issue in choosing our President? Let's not pick and choose which babies lives are worth fighting for.

We need to take the blinders off and ask God to reveal to us PERSONALLY how we should vote and what issues are important to Him instead of following blindly behind some candidate who KNOWS he can not ever stop abortion or gay relationships:nono:

Vote for who aligns with your civic needs or even those who are pushing for laws that are forced upon others not sins of free will and laws that will NEVER be overturned.

Humbly I would take into consideration that as a believer you have a dual citizenship.So while God can forgive a convicted murder for committing a homicide (s), there is still civil law here that can result in capital punishment of the death penalty. The law is meant to protect and provide justice.The bible says the following in regard to authorities below. The taking of the life of unborn is totally seperate issue clearly,in comparison that a child's life is taken without any transgression of the law except conception, while a person of death row is supposed to have been found guilty without reasonable doubt. :

Romans 13
1LET EVERY person be loyally subject to the governing (civil) authorities. For there is no authority except from God [by His permission, His sanction], and those that exist do so by God's appointment.(A)
2Therefore he who resists and sets himself up against the authorities resists what God has appointed and arranged [in divine order]. And those who resist will bring down judgment upon themselves [receiving the penalty due them].

3For civil authorities are not a terror to [people of] good conduct, but to [those of] bad behavior. Would you have no dread of him who is in authority? Then do what is right and you will receive his approval and commendation.

4For he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, [you should dread him and] be afraid, for he does not bear and wear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant to execute His wrath (punishment, vengeance) on the wrongdoer.

5Therefore one must be subject, not only to avoid God's wrath and escape punishment, but also as a matter of principle and for the sake of conscience.

6For this same reason you pay taxes, for [the civil authorities] are official servants under God, devoting themselves to attending to this very service.

7Render to all men their dues. [Pay] taxes to whom taxes are due, revenue to whom revenue is due, respect to whom respect is due, and honor to whom honor is due.

Again with dual citizenship a believer has the protection and authority in God, also as american you the right to bear arms and to practice self defense. God is not mad if protect yourself. The Lord did not correct his servants, but clearly instructed them in the passage below to get swords.


36Then He said to them, But now let him who has a purse take it, and also [his provision] bag; and let him who has no sword sell his mantle and buy a sword.

37For I tell you that this Scripture must yet be fulfilled in Me: And He was counted and classed among the wicked (the outlaws, the criminals); for what is written about Me has its fulfillment [has reached its end and is finally settled].(E)

38And they said, Look, Lord! Here are two swords. And He said to them, It is enough.

As a believer it is important to look at scripture in its proper context and ask God for understanding and wisdom to truely discern that which is good and evil, maturing from milk to meat.

Hebrew 5:14

14But solid food is for full-grown men, for those whose senses and mental faculties are trained by practice to discriminate and distinguish between what is morally good and noble and what is evil and contrary either to divine or human law.

Also i think in keeping along some of your points,i do not know that the bible states that God does no longer judge nations for the sins of the people? Within the bible it is clear that God will intervene to take his hand off a nation, chastise a nation, and also i have seen were He even destoryed some of them, because of the sins of the people.

Just wished to share that...
Answers in below in red.

Humbly I would take into consideration that as a believer you have a dual citizenship.So while God can forgive a convicted murder for committing a homicide (s), there is still civil law here that can result in capital punishment of the death penalty. The law is meant to protect and provide justice.The bible says the following in regard to authorities below. The taking of the life of unborn is totally seperate issue clearly,in comparison that a child's life is taken without any transgression of the law except conception, while a person of death row is supposed to have been found guilty without reasonable doubt. :

So you do not believe that God can convert the sinner or is it only the not so bad in society's eye sinners? Let me ask you this. What about the innocent people who were wrongly accused and received the death penalty? They weren't murderers just black men used as scapegoats. A life sentence would have spared them from dying over someone elses sin. NO innocent life is worth losing.

David sinned against God by raping Bathsheba. There was a baby before Solomon, remember? What happened to that baby? That INNOCENT baby who in your own words concerning aborted babies was "taken without any trangression of the law except conception" was taken by who? Yep, God. God killed that innocent baby. What should we have done to stop Him? Would you like to explain to God how He should have taken the life of an innocent baby? Oh I forgot only unborn babies should be spared death because only they are innocent and worthy of life.

Romans 13
1LET EVERY person be loyally subject to the governing (civil) authorities. For there is no authority except from God [by His permission, His sanction], and those that exist do so by God's appointment.(A)
2Therefore he who resists and sets himself up against the authorities resists what God has appointed and arranged [in divine order]. And those who resist will bring down judgment upon themselves [receiving the penalty due them].

3For civil authorities are not a terror to [people of] good conduct, but to [those of] bad behavior. Would you have no dread of him who is in authority? Then do what is right and you will receive his approval and commendation.

Ok so explain slavery, Jim Crow laws and segregation in the U.S. to me please. Are you saying that God believes that NO civil authorities are a terror to people of good conduct? Should we have remained subject to the "civil" authorities because those were the laws?

4For he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, [you should dread him and] be afraid, for he does not bear and wear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant to execute His wrath (punishment, vengeance) on the wrongdoer.

5Therefore one must be subject, not only to avoid God's wrath and escape punishment, but also as a matter of principle and for the sake of conscience.

6For this same reason you pay taxes, for [the civil authorities] are official servants under God, devoting themselves to attending to this very service.

7Render to all men their dues. [Pay] taxes to whom taxes are due, revenue to whom revenue is due, respect to whom respect is due, and honor to whom honor is due.

These are some of the same scriptures that were also taken out of context as you have done here to justify killing death row inmates that the government used to justify the enslavement, rape and murder of black people for over 400 years. Oh and it was pushed and preached by the church through the pulpit then too:nono:

Again with dual citizenship a believer has the protection and authority in God, also as american you the right to bear arms and to practice self defense. God is not mad if protect yourself. The Lord did not correct his servants, but clearly instructed them in the passage below to get swords.


36Then He said to them, But now let him who has a purse take it, and also [his provision] bag; and let him who has no sword sell his mantle and buy a sword.

37For I tell you that this Scripture must yet be fulfilled in Me: And He was counted and classed among the wicked (the outlaws, the criminals); for what is written about Me has its fulfillment [has reached its end and is finally settled].(E)

38And they said, Look, Lord! Here are two swords. And He said to them, It is enough.

Don't stop there hon, tell the WHOLE STORY. Jesus told them NOT to use them to defend themselves or Him.
10:Then Simon Peter having a sword drew it, and smote the high priests servant, and cut off his right ear. The servants name was Malchus.
11:then Jesus said unto Peter, PUT UP THY SWORD(put away your sword)into thy sheath: the cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it?

As a believer it is important to look at scripture in its proper context and ask God for understanding and wisdom to truely discern that which is good and evil, maturing from milk to meat.

Yes let's use proper context. Now the wages of ALL sin is death right? The Lord also said in the OT that it is justice for fornicators to be stoned to death. Would you be ok with a law that states that fornicators will now receive the death penalty. It is what God says to do. If you weren't a virgin on your wedding night shall we start with you or one of your loved ones? I know I wasn't and neither were many folks that I know.

Hebrew 5:14

14But solid food is for full-grown men, for those whose senses and mental faculties are trained by practice to discriminate and distinguish between what is morally good and noble and what is evil and contrary either to divine or human law.

Also i think in keeping along some of your points,i do not know that the bible states that God does no longer judge nations for the sins of the people? Within the bible it is clear that God will intervene to take his hand off a nation, chastise a nation, and also i have seen were He even destoryed some of them, because of the sins of the people.

That is the OLD TESTAMENT!!!! Oh and the OT is a schoolmaster. It's meant to show us the extremes of God's love and wrath. We are NEW Testament saints right? Where in the NEW TESTAMENT can you justify destroying a life. ALL life is precious to the Lord not just babies. He died for the sinner to receive salvation. Does that not include ALL sinners? Does that not include murderers because man( which makes up the government) has decided that they aren't worthy to live? That's vengence honey, not justice. They can be punished other than by death, let's be real.

Just wished to share that...

JESUS said," No longer say an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth......". When the woman was brought to Jesus who was caught in the act of fornication which was the LAW did Jesus say "Well you know, guys you're right. She broke MY law so kill her? Nope, JESUS said "He that is without sin among you let him cast the first stone at her". Then after they were convicted in their hearts and left, Jesus asked,"Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said No man Lord and our Lord said"Neither do I condemn thee: go and sin no more". Jesus chose not to condemn this woman guilty of breaking the law of death.

Aren't we supposed to follow HIS example and the civil authorities as long as it doesn't conflict with what Jesus, The Word of God says? Or does civil law trump Him too? Oh and Jesus called Zachias the theiving tax collector innocent. Maybe we should begin to see the guilty as He does and spare their lives as He has. ALL life is precious!!!!!
These scriptures do bring clarification to several issues you raised and there more if you take the time to research them. Ms. Honey i think many questions regarding God's position are in the bible. I know that black people have received many injustices done to them throughout history, not to take away from that but other groupings ( indians, jews, women,chinese,japanese, children, the list could go on) have too! Only God can bring the healing, and transformation in anyones life! Only God can bring the delieverance that the world so desperately needs. In the scripture new testament or old, you can see that many christian people had/and still presently have injustice done to them:

beatings, slavery, torture, imprisonment, etc. and that continues on today as we speak, for his namesake, people are held at gunpoint,killed, raped, beaten, maimed all over this world, does that make God any less righteous, loving, holy or his people, or his word anyless true? Does that deserve protesting, lobbyist, etc?

Was not the Lord himself cruicified without doing anything wrong, sinless, blameless, like lamb lead to the slaughter, yet he did not open his mouth!

I encourage you to be open to the leading of the spirit truth which is God, which is also the word, which is readily available to anyone who seeks to find it. Take care and feel free to pm me.
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For the record I do believe that abortion is murder and I'm against it BUT I believe that it is not for us to stop adults from making decisions of free will as pertaining to their own bodies. That's a church issue not a state issue.

I believe that muderers need to be punished for their crimes but I believe that they should be given LIFE sentences not DEATH sentences. Let them spend the rest of their lives in prison and not get off easy with the death penalty. Make them live and suffer the consequences for their actions. Anything more is vengence and that belongs to the Lord. We as Christians should be offering them the gift of salvation as ALL OTHER SINNERS including myself have been offered. They can't receive that salvation from the grave.

I also do not have a problem with owning guns. I have stated in this thread my problem is with handguns. If the Lord can't protect you, then why not use a rifle or shotguns or a sword if we'regoing to the scripture that was quoted above? Handguns are being used to kill so many of our young men AND innocent victims. They are also a danger to law officers because they are easily concealed. They need to remain illegal.
These scriptures do bring clarification to several issues you raised and there more if you take the time to research them. Ms. Honey i think many questions regarding God's position are in the bible. I know that black people have received many injustices done to them throughout history, not to take away from that but other groupings ( indians, jews, women,chinese,japanese, children, the list could go on) have too! Only God can bring the healing, and transformation in anyones life! Only God can bring the delieverance that the world so desperately needs. In the scripture new testament or old, you can see that many christian people had/and still presently have injustice done to them:

beatings, slavery, torture, imprisonment, etc. and that continues on today as we speak, for his namesake, people are held at gunpoint, raped, beaten, maimed all over this world, does that make God any less righteous, loving, holy or his people? Does that deserve protesting, lobbyist, etc?

Was not the Lord himself cruicified without doing anything wrong, sinless, blameless, like lamb lead to the slaughter, yet he did not open his mouth!

I encourage you to be open to the leading of the spirit truth which is God, which also the word, which is readily available to anyone who seeks to find it. Take care and feel free to pm me.

What are you talking about? :ohwell:

Who said no one else has suffered? We are talking about us, the US and it's laws. We are talking about how ALL life is innocent. Maybe you should take you own advice and seek the Lord for understanding instead of twisting the scriptures to support your parties and the religious right Christians interests.

You and they have taken the scripture out of context and their is a consequence for that. For one, the loss of the presidential election and two the exposure of their ministries which are just around the corner.
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@Ms. Honey

Is there some conclusion you are trying to draw - what exactly is the point you are trying to make?
What are you talking about? :ohwell:

Who said no one else has suffered? We are talking about us, the US and it's laws. We are talking about how ALL life is innocent. Maybe you should take you own advice and seek the Lord for understanding instead of twisting the scriptures to support your parties and the religious right Christians interests.

You and they have taken the scripture out of context and their is a consequence for that. For one, the loss of the presidential election and two the exposure of their ministries which are just around the corner.

Ms. Honey i have not taken the scripture out of context. It is there in the bible Jesus said sell your garment to buy sword. luke 22:36, proper context (john18:10,11 reference) is that while Jesus gave a rebuke to Peter, in context with scripture Peter was not rebuked for having the sword rather why and when he used it.? That is not the only scripture either to reference in regard to personal self defense. That is a good scripture to show what the Lord actually, WWJD?

Also i posted the scripture to shed light on what the scripture outlines rather than make personal assumptions and generalizations...that is all.
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Let's not continue to go back and forth about who's wrong or right it's fruitless. The Lord will let His will be known to all involved.
Let's not continue to go back and forth about who's wrong or right it's fruitless. The Lord will let His will be known to all involved.

I agree to stop as i only wanted to bring scripture into this conversation relevant to what i was talking about. I trust he will as well, that is if he hasn't already, be blessed.
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Yes, only time will tell and folks are gonna learn from bold-faced lying on Jesus:yep: Let's all keep an eye on the future of these "ministries" to see what the Lord's response to their prophesies will be and to all of those who spewed that hatred:yep:

[FONT=Times New Roman, Times]"But there were false prophets also among the people," writes Peter, "even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies..." (I Pet. 2: 1). We must "try the spirits," because "many false prophets are gone out into the world" (I Jn. 4: 1). False teachers teach what people want to hear (2 Tim. 4: 3, 4). They often appear righteous but their teaching and life identify them as false (Matt. 7: 15)

God will have the final say so, whether or not we like it. His Word alone will stand the test of time. There will be some good people going to Hell and some seemingly bad people who are smart enough to repent.
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times]"But there were false prophets also among the people," writes Peter, "even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies..." (I Pet. 2: 1). We must "try the spirits," because "many false prophets are gone out into the world" (I Jn. 4: 1). False teachers teach what people want to hear (2 Tim. 4: 3, 4). They often appear righteous but their teaching and life identify them as false (Matt. 7: 15)[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, Times]God will have the final say so, whether or not we like it. His Word alone will stand the test of time. There will be some good people going to Hell and some seemingly bad people who are smart enough to repent.[/FONT]

And let the church say AMEN!!!!:yep:

The Lord is purging His church. He will come for a bride without spot or blemish!!!!!He will tell the false prophet and prophetess" I never knew you you worker of iniquity" and cast them away from Him.
Amen and Amen:yep:
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times]"But there were false prophets also among the people," writes Peter, "even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies..." (I Pet. 2: 1). We must "try the spirits," because "many false prophets are gone out into the world" (I Jn. 4: 1). False teachers teach what people want to hear (2 Tim. 4: 3, 4). They often appear righteous but their teaching and life identify them as false (Matt. 7: 15)[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, Times]God will have the final say so, whether or not we like it. His Word alone will stand the test of time. There will be some good people going to Hell and some seemingly bad people who are smart enough to repent.[/FONT]

God always has the final say so. I love what read which someone posted by Pastor Kimberly Daniels (Jacksonville, FL).

"God doesn't take sides, He just takes over!" So be it a word or words, from Prophet yes or nay, right or wrong, spirit or flesh.... God takes over and it is He and His word which shall prevail!

Gotta love it. Just gotta!

I've been around so many prophets in my life as a Believer. Hmmmm, as God's word says, "We have this gift in earth vessels."

Prone to err' we all are! But God! Only God! Is fully established, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. Whom no man can take apart or even rebuild for his own beliefs.

But God!