Full & Healthy Crown & Edges Challenge 2013

I mudwashed yesterday so I applied a little mud to my scalp to detox.

I oiled my scalp before my DC and let it sit for about 35 minutes. I really need to get back to longer treatments. Maybe I will start oiling my scalp the morning of wash day instead of just when I DC.

This morning my crown felt a little dry so I oiled my crown this morning. I will probably use up this oil blend by the end of the month, so I will buy some castor oil this month to make my next batch. My crown is getting better but there is still healing to do.
Hi everyone,

I just learned in the past two weeks that I have a major bald/breaking spot :( It was pretty devastating to discover... All the years I was relaxing (natural for almost 2 yrs now) I never had this happen... I think it was due to stress from being laid off twice in the past two years - financials and what not...

Any-who - I am very embarrassed by it but I believe that part of getting over ish is to just admit it/suck it up and work to improve it, so I did include 2 photos - please be nice :nono:

1. The current state of your crown and/or edges: Edges could use some thickening but nothing compared to the right side bald part in the pic and the thinning within my crown.

2. What is your plan to restore these areas? Daily application to scalp, maybe 2x a day with a lengthy massage in damaged areas and DC with natural oil mixes. Also tension less protective styles - right now rocking mini two strand twists :yep:

3. What products do you plan on using?

100% Natural: JBCO, Jojoba Oil, Vitamin E Oil, Honey & Virgin Coconut Oil

I already started using a mix of 100% pure: Castor Oil (will be changing to JBCO when it arrives via mail), Jojoba Oil and Vitamin E oil on my scalp all over (longer massage in areas that are really bad). From just one week usage, I noticed a great reduction in shedding/breakage during my weekly shampoo & detangling with conditioner - my hair feels softer yet stronger! I also plan to incorporate every other week a DC mix of 100% pure honey and extra virgin coconut oil. I did it this past Saturday and it added a great sheen to my hair, softness and strength - maybe that too helped with the shedding reduction. (i've always had bad shedding even when relaxed) So basically upping my natural oil usage outside of just sealing.

4. How often will you check in with us?
I will try to check in every month as I plan to really track my progress as I cannot believe this has happened :( and I need it fixed asapy!

Best of luck to everyone on this journey!!!


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Hi everyone,

I just learned in the past two weeks that I have a major bald/breaking spot :( It was pretty devastating to discover... All the years I was relaxing (natural for almost 2 yrs now) I never had this happen... I think it was due to stress from being laid off twice in the past two years - financials and what not...


Welcome BlackDiamond21. You are among friends here. No laughing. We all know this is a very sensitive matter. There are more people with this issue than you realize. They are just hiding it behind styles, wigs, extensions, etc.

Glad that you caught it. Now you can start making the necessary changes. Quite a few of us have had success in improving the state of our scalp and hair. Looking forward to hearing your success story as well.
Checking in: I've been moisturizing my edges 5 days a week with castor oil in the mornings after my overnight GHE's. I find that my roots are still a little damp after I take off my plastic cap, etc. so that is a good time for me to do it.
Checking in. I DCed tonight. Here are my wet edges



I found some new edges today

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I applied m castor and ayurvedic based sulfur oil to my edges and gently massaged the temples.
I don't know how often I see a change. I don't take pictures any more frequent than every 3 months, but I usually wait longer. Don't have a true answer for switching. I have switched when I had a bad reaction to a product or when I really didn't like the ingredients or when I read something and I realized I needed a change. I have been using the same oil blend recipe for over a year. Won't change it unless I find different information.
edges took a hit when I melted them after my last relaxer w a reg relaxer....
I'm my using megatek daily w coconut oil......

Oh I was told the wig caps which I wore daily & slept in erased my edges.... perhaps ...
I'll check in weekly
edges took a hit when I melted them after my last relaxer w a reg relaxer....
I'm my using megatek daily w coconut oil......

Oh I was told the wig caps which I wore daily & slept in erased my edges.... perhaps ...
I'll check in weekly

There may be some tips in the 2012 thread to help you with your wig cap. Or you can check the wig challenge. I certainly don't think you should sleep in them.
I ran out of castor oil the last time I made my oil batch so I used olive oil as the base. I will go back to castor oil. When the olive oil based oil gets hot it runs down my face. Way too messy and the oil isn't staying where I need it. So will make a run to the BSS and pick up some more oil. Will make a new batch of oil in February.
Joining again!!!

1. The current state of your crown and/or edges. Filling in nicely, but hoping they will get thicker this year.
2. What is your plan to restore these areas?Sulfur oil and massage
3. What products do you plan on using?Claudie's Elixir and Balm, Essential oil blend
4. How often will you check in with us?Monthly...it will be easier to track that way
My mom bought me a bottle of JBCO yesterday :yay: So I made up a new batch of oil. I mixed it with the leftover version I had and added some more EOs to it. I will not switch from castor oil again. I have learned my lesson. The other is way to runny and I don't think it soothes my scalp. Now baggying for 90 minutes before rinsing it out.
I didn't post a picture of my December crown. It is getting better. I am hoping it continues to get better. I can definitely feel the difference in my hair in that area. It's thinner. It's not as coarse as it was last summer though. But it's still more fragile and brittle than the rest of my hair. And the ends in that section look mangled :nono: I will keep working on it though. It's slow going. Now that I have my castor oil back in play, maybe I will see more improvement.

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Hello, joining 2013 challenge as well.

1. The current state of your crown and/or edges. The right side is progressing but the left is just excruciatingly slow. Literally a few strands per month.
2. What is your plan to restore these areas? Same as last year. Bamboo leaf tea everyday, dermarolling the spots, massaging like a fiend with rejuvenate potent black castor oil.
3. What products do you plan on using? Mentioned in no 2.
4. How often will you check in with us? Monthly or as often as I can.

Something has been on my mind for a few weeks though. Even though the spots are filling in, it's still obvious the hair in those sections is shorter than the rest of my hair. The possibility that it will catch up in length to the rest of my hair soon is a way over the top contemplation. What then? If I were relaxed, I could smooth it back and it wouldn't be so obvious but I'm natural.
I'm actually considering BCing and starting all over again :(. Anyone else have this issue?

ETA - I wore a weave for about 6 weeks and when I took it out last weekend, the bald spot in my crown had started filling in. Apparently, the cure to that specific part is to leave it alone and not manipulate the hair in that area at all.
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[USER=168786 said:
msbettyboop[/USER];17789383]Hello, joining 2013 challenge as well.

1. The current state of your crown and/or edges. The right side is progressing but the left is just excruciatingly slow. Literally a few strands per month.
2. What is your plan to restore these areas? Same as last year. Bamboo leaf tea everyday, dermarolling the spots, massaging like a fiend with rejuvenate potent black castor oil.
3. What products do you plan on using? Mentioned in no 2.
4. How often will you check in with us? Monthly or as often as I can.

Something has been on my mind for a few weeks though. Even though the spots are filling in, it's still obvious the hair in those sections is shorter than the rest of my hair. The possibility that it will catch up in length to the rest of my hair soon is a way over the top contemplation. What then? If I were relaxed, I could smooth it back and it wouldn't be so obvious but I'm natural. I'm actually considering BCing and starting all over again :(. Anyone else have this issue?

ETA - I wore a weave for about 6 weeks and when I took it out last weekend, the bald spot in my crown had started filling in. Apparently, the cure to that specific part is to leave it alone and not manipulate the hair in that area at all.

My edges have never been as long as my hair. They never will be as far as I know. I think many women have hair like this. It is just different hair. You may need to go back to pictures of you as a child. Did your edges grow like the rest of your hair or were they always shorter?

I have just accepted it. I don't worry about my hair being smooth all over. So it works for me. I just let the edges curl up as they see fit. I may twist them with my finger a bit but I am just thankful to have edges.

How do you wear your hair as a natural.

Your hair has really grown since your last BC. Nice Progress.:grin:

I know, it's so frustrating. I'm still Nursing, Babying and putting out Fires. I stay on High Alert.:lol:

It seems like, as soon as I get my Edges together, my Nape starts ackin' a Fool, soon as I deal with that, I notice something else tryna' ack up.:perplexed

It definitely keeps you on your Game.

Currently Using: Njoi's Herbal Hair Dress.

Just when I think I got everything under control, something else will break out & start ackin' crazy.:spinning:

My current area I was/am working on where I had my Durag jackin' me up under my wig, is coming along.

Just when I think I got everything under control, something else will break out & start ackin' crazy.:spinning:

My current area I was/am working on where I had my Durag jackin' me up under my wig, is coming along.

My edges don't seem to be moving one way or another. My crown seems to be complaining about the cold weather and that I'm not washing often enough. Fontella is soooo demanding. :lol:

We just have to keep doing what we can.

My Durag wearing jacked me up, so the main focus has been on that.

It gave me good coverage, but I had no idea, I was killing my hair with those durn ties tied too tightly.

Last year I was dealing with my Nape. Before that Crown issues.

So currently everything else is fine *knock on wood*

Dealing with that Periphery problem.
My edges have never been as long as my hair. They never will be as far as I know. I think many women have hair like this. It is just different hair. You may need to go back to pictures of you as a child. Did your edges grow like the rest of your hair or were they always shorter?

I have just accepted it. I don't worry about my hair being smooth all over. So it works for me. I just let the edges curl up as they see fit. I may twist them with my finger a bit but I am just thankful to have edges.

How do you wear your hair as a natural.

Yes my edges grows like the rest of my hair. The rest of my edges are mostly almost the same length as the rest of my hair but the missing spots now :(.

I wear my hair mostly in PS styles - buns and french twists.
Applied CD Tui oil to my hair in sections, then bantu-knotted. Added HH Happy Hempy to hairline.