From Shoulder Length To Tail Bone Length: Interview With Kamisha


Well-Known Member
Don't know if you guys seen this video but I thought it would be interesting to share. This is Kamisha. She's a natural from CA that grew her hair from SL to tail bone using a few unconventional products and methods. I love this video becauses she uses many of the products I've raved about. :drunk:



Cliff Notes
  • Been natural all of her life except 6th grade. Got a relaxer and grew it out within a year
  • Didn't start or know anything about a "healthy hair journey" (LOCing, deep conditioning) until 2 years prior
  • Used 3 main things from hs to college. Any generic grease brand, AmPro style gel, & Mane N' Tail Conditioner.
  • Before her healthy hair journey, washed her hair once a month. Now washes it twice a month.
  • Has not found a deep conditioner she likes but mainly uses Giovanni Direct
  • Before healthy hair journey, would flat iron once every 3 months. Now does it less then that. Has never used heat protectant and STILL doesn't.
  • Hair in video was flat ironed with grease.
  • When she uses a comb, uses the half-fine/half-coarse teethed combs. Doesn't comb from the ends. Starts from the VERY top.
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She has really really pretty hair. I didn't watch the whole video but did hear that she has only been actively taking care of her hair for 2 years. But she was already maintaining waist length before that I think she said. She might have had a good regimen all along without even knowing it.
I don't think this is unicornish. She straightens her hair, coats it in grease and throws it in a protective style for 3 months. It's low manipulation with heat 4 times a year. It makes sense that she's able to retain length.
I'm talking the tiny teeth comb thing combined with no heat protectant. I'd have two inches of hair if I did that. But I have super fine, super dense, super kinky strands so there is no way that a tiny comb would work without destroying delicate strands.

THEN she proceeds to comb from the top down? Yeah, not only would I have two inches left of hair but only two strands that are two inches long :lol:

So that's why I personally called her a unicorn. It has nothing to do with the length also because we can certainly grow hair as any one else.

As you mentioned protective styling is always a great tool that helps a lot of us get to our goals for sure. But I think she also has super resilient strands that can handle the other stuff I mentioned.
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Kamisha is NOT a "unicorn". She just has a pretty simple reggie and rarely wears her hair "out". She's the closest thing to "The African-American Girl With Long Hair" I've seen in a long time , if y'all remember her?
I'm talking the tiny teeth comb thing combined with no heat protectant. I'd have two inches of hair if I did that. But I have super fine, super dense, super kinky strands so there is no way that a tiny comb would work without destroying delicate strands.

THEN she proceeds to comb from the top down? Yeah, not only would I have two inches left of hair but only two strands that are two inches long :lol:

So that's why I personally called her a unicorn. It has nothing to do with the length also because we can certainly grow hair as anyoneone else.

As you mentioned protective styling is always a great tool that helps a lot of us get to our goals for sure. But I think she also has super resilient strands that can handle the other stuff I mentioned.

I agree! I have fine strands and they couldn't stand up to her regimen!

Kudos to her! Very pretty hair!
um her hair is pretty i'll give her that. BUT I could never comb my hair from the roots down that ish hurts.