Fotki..."PW In profile" Ban, who got the time to jump thru fotki hoops?

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New Member
I'm putting it out there about you fotki folks:confused:.

the good, the bad, the ugly.
the good:band:...
i love fotki's...the pics, progress, routine's, growth, everything..applause

the bad
PW in profile...i am tired of it, rant. i want to look at your fotki, but to have to click on your profile, not reading it of course, but hurrying to scroll down, and look at the PW, then go to the album, there's 50-11 PW's for each section :dizzy:, or the pw just dont work:fishslap:.
not being rude, but what is the point to want your album viewed, but to put the pw in the profile, it couldnt be a highly guarded pw:sekret:, bc it's in your profile, so why not have your album open, for us (Meaning me, no one else) bald head hair fotki scroungers, hehehehe...
I dont think I would have posted my fotki peeve, if it weren't for the hide ur hair til xmas challenge, i wanted to see the results, more than 300 ppl posted, even a 2 day open site would have been nice, i wonder what any one person has the time and patience to go thru all the hoo-la-boo-la to see all those wonderful results, i quit after page 3

the ugly:ohwell:
i am banning myself from visiting fotkis with PW in profile, i quit:cry:.
after trying to see the hide your hair till xmas results, thats 300 posts- too much hassle- not enough time.

exceptions if you have APL,BSL,WL pic in your avatar, then i usually go thru the hoops to learn a new trick or two

i dont want to be shot stabbed killed or hurt in here,
i am not going to even look at the thread, after i post, because i know folks going to get hot,
ppl are entitled to lock up whatever they want, to view fotkis is a priveldge, but i myself am no longer going to a) go on a easter egg hunt for a pw, b) click 2million and 50-11 folks pages to go to the pw to go to the fotki, or c)act like a squirrel chasing peanuts for a pw....and 4) i got 2:babyg::babyg:, i be wanna hurry up and view, oh well

to folks who have open fotkis

steppin behind bulletproof glass now.....
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I have to agree with the PW in profile point...I usually dont bother going to look, just seems like too much work when the link is usually RIGHT THERE, but I have to go hunting for the password. :perplexed
SophiaRose said:
I'm putting it out there about you fotki folks:confused:.

the good, the bad, the ugly.
the good:band:...
i love fotki's...the pics, progress, routine's, growth, everything..applause

the bad
PW in profile...i am tired of it, rant. i want to look at your fotki, but to have to click on your profile, not reading it of course, but hurrying to scroll down, and look at the PW, then go to the album, there's 50-11 PW's for each section :dizzy:, or the pw just dont work:fishslap:.
not being rude, but what is the point to want your album viewed, but to put the pw in the profile, it couldnt be a highly guarded pw:sekret:, bc it's in your profile, so why not have your album open, for us (Meaning me, no one else) bald head hair fotki scroungers, hehehehe...

the ugly:ohwell:
i am banning myself from visiting fotkis with PW in profile, i quit:cry:.
after trying to see the hide your hair till xmas results, thats 300 posts too much hassle, or simply not enough time.

i dont want to be shot stabbed killed or hurt in here, i am not going to even look at the thread, after i post, because i know folks going to get hot, ppl are entitled to lock up whatever they want, to view fotkis is a priveldge, but i myself am no longer going a) go on a easter egg hunt for a pw, b) click 2million and 50-11 folks pages to go to the pw to go to the fotki, or c)act like a squirrel chasing peanuts for a pw....and 4) i got 2:babyg::babyg:, i be wanna hurry up and view, oh well

to folks who have open fotkis

steppin behind bulletproof glass now.....

*hands Sophia gasoline repellent drawers*

You will need these my friend, may the force be with you...
I understand, but the "PW in profile" is for safety reasons. Only financial subscribers to LHCF can view a profile. There are a lot of non-paying lurkers who may not have the members' best interest; therefore, taking advantage of the members' fotkis and leaving crazy comments, etc. Having a "PW in profile" cuts down on the craziness of the world wide web. Me, I don't have a "PW in profile," but that's just the risk that I take. I don't knock other people for doing it because it's what they want to do, even though it can be tedious at times. The only thing that I find annoying is having to type in a password for EVERY album (not folder, but ALBUM).
Well I had someone on this board give my fotki link to someone on a totally unrelated board and they posted a link to it when I wouldn't give them the goods about my weave in the picture I posted. People I didn't even know on that board were oogling until the mods took it down. From that day on, my fotki was locked.
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Lmao!!! I understand where you are coming from. I just don't bother with those fotkis. I like to see everyone's hair just as much as the next person, but I'm not putting in that much extra effort to see some daggone hair.
SophiaRose - that's pretty funny stuff! I have to agree. I get all frustrated with leaving a thread to go to the member profile and then go to the fotki. I think it would be nice to put the password word in the siggy (some ladies already do that). That's one less step. But I can't complain until I have my fotki completely set up and ready to roll. I gave up on the Hide your hair until Christmas reveal because I had to go to everyone's profile and then their fotki. I know that's easiest for the posters but I was SOOOOOOOOOOO hoping everyone was going to post their before and after pics in the thread. We are so lazy. lolololol
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well, geez! Tell us what you REALLY feel!!! LOL! You just made me feel horrible by the way. I just set up my fotki with password in profile in tow. And here you come shooting me down! I thought I was doing BIG thangs! Dang!! I can't get nothin right. I thought we was cool! You coulda PM'ed me! I can handle it!

But on the real, I just thought that if someone googled something and got an LHCF thread on accident, then they could just click my link and be all up in my kitchen!!:lachen: :lachen:

But maybe I'll go and open it until I get encounter some crazy person. But if I do, I'm coming after you!!!!!

You still my girl though! LOL

What about if I just put the password in the siggy? Will that be better?
kweenameena said:
well, geez! Tell us what you REALLY feel!!! LOL! You just made me feel horrible by the way. I just set up my fotki with password in profile in tow. And here you come shooting me down! I thought I was doing BIG thangs! Dang!! I can't get nothin right. I thought we was cool! You coulda PM'ed me! I can handle it!

But on the real, I just thought that if someone googled something and got an LHCF thread on accident, then they could just click my link and be all up in my kitchen!!:lachen: :lachen:

But maybe I'll go and open it until I get encounter some crazy person. But if I do, I'm coming after you!!!!!

You still my girl though! LOL

What about if I just put the password in the siggy? Will that be better?

*LocksOfLuv puts on her repellent drawers*

To me that makes no sense. Why even have a password if you have it out for the world to show RIGHT next to the link? I cut the middle man out and yeah I have my fotki in my profile. Plain and simple: I do not want non LHCFers looking at my fotki, unless I post it iin my profile to another board.

To me, a hair album really ain't that serious for a password. My hair ain't all that so 1. no one will steal my pics (if ya do, you obviously ain't seen better) and 2. my pics are kinda bootleg. I don't know, the whole password thing is kinda weird. But I understand the thing with lacefronts and stealing pics, but all in all it's just hair.

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I'm with you! :dizzy:
I understand the protection factor, but it get's to be a bit much. Right before I read your thread I was "jumping through hoops" to view someones fotki and I gave up.
Sometimes it's too frustrating! :wacky:
Can only paying members view profiles? If so, then it makes sense to me to have your fotki locked.

But I do love fotkis with no password!
AlexB7 said:
Can only paying members view profiles? If so, then it makes sense to me to have your fotki locked.

But I do love fotkis with no password!

yeah lurkers can't see the profiles. but they CAN see siggies.
Okay well I got the big ole hint and I now having an open fotki!!!!!
Ya'll happy now?
geezy-peezy! I'd hate for you to burn in those gasoline drawers but I hope they at least tingle a little! LOL:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
Ii think some ladies have mentioned that they have passwords in their profile (and not available) to the world because a lot of their pics are in their bras so I can't really blame them. Aren't their some ladies who ask that you PM them to get their password too? In all fairness, its everyone's right to do as they will with their pics. I'm telling you, I just get so lazy about it especially when I'm trying to go to more than one person's.
I understand about not wanting everyone and their momma's being all your fotki's, but they are very helpful. I know I was leary about spending money to post on this board......but open fotki's like, lexi84 and Kinikakes, really inspired me as a lurker, and made me wanna join. They also taught me a lot of things, that I could not search for, and my curiosity to learn even more of the things they taught me made me want to join too. I know when I was a lurker I HATED to see the pw in profile mess, I was like "are they doing this intentionally??" Additionally, some youngn's don't have credit cards to pay the fee (especially if they have to go to the library to use the internet), so its nice for them to be able to learn too....sorry for rambling, lol
SophiaRose said:
I'm putting it out there about you fotki folks:confused:.

the good, the bad, the ugly.
the good:band:...
i love fotki's...the pics, progress, routine's, growth, everything..applause

the bad
PW in profile...i am tired of it, rant. i want to look at your fotki, but to have to click on your profile, not reading it of course, but hurrying to scroll down, and look at the PW, then go to the album, there's 50-11 PW's for each section :dizzy:, or the pw just dont work:fishslap:.
not being rude, but what is the point to want your album viewed, but to put the pw in the profile, it couldnt be a highly guarded pw:sekret:, bc it's in your profile, so why not have your album open, for us (Meaning me, no one else) bald head hair fotki scroungers, hehehehe...

the ugly:ohwell:
i am banning myself from visiting fotkis with PW in profile, i quit:cry:.
after trying to see the hide your hair till xmas results, thats 300 posts too much hassle, or simply not enough time.

exceptions if you have APL,BSL,WL pic in your avatar, then i usually go thru the hoops to learn a new trick or two
Actually, I kinda agree with you, lol. Unless someone has something I really wanna see, if I have to go to their profile to get a password to look at their fotki, then I usually don't bother. And even worse, if I have to PM you for a password? Oh no, that's not gonna happen.
LocksOfLuV said:
*LocksOfLuv puts on her repellent drawers*

To me that makes no sense. Why even have a password if you have it out for the world to show RIGHT next to the link? I cut the middle man out and yeah I have my fotki in my profile. Plain and simple: I do not want non LHCFers looking at my fotki, unless I post it iin my profile to another board.

To me, a hair album really ain't that serious for a password. My hair ain't all that so 1. no one will steal my pics (if ya do, you obviously ain't seen better) and 2. my pics are kinda bootleg. I don't know, the whole password thing is kinda weird. But I understand the thing with lacefronts and stealing pics, but all in all it's just hair.


Ok, I see. Well umm, just in case no one noticed, Fotki is MUCH bigger than LHCF. If I have my password in my siggy, then yeah, LHCF members and non-members (the ones who lurk) can view my fotki, but if someone is on Fotki but not LHCF, then they don't have my password, right? I've gotten password requests from random people on fotki because they want to view my album. Now if having my password in my siggy was pointless, then the people requesting my password would already have it, right? Yes. So therefore, it's not completely pointless. To make a long story short, my album is locked to everyone else but members and lurkers of LHCF because they are the only ones who would know my password :).

Bottom Line: Fotki=millions, LHCF=hundreds (of financially active members).
I'd also like to add that if it's not just general viewing by random people but potential nasty comments that people are worried about instead, then you can change the security on all your fotki albums. There's the option where everyone (including anonymous people) can post comments, only fotki members, only your fotki friends, or only you.
Well I think some people do that to protect their albums from just any old body that hops on the site. I don't blame them for doing that, and I feel like if I really wanna see their album it's not a big deal to just take an extra click and see what the pw is. I've even pmed people for passwords.

Cayenne0622 said:
Ii think some ladies have mentioned that they have passwords in their profile (and not available) to the world because a lot of their pics are in their bras so I can't really blame them. Aren't their some ladies who ask that you PM them to get their password too? In all fairness, its everyone's right to do as they will with their pics. I'm telling you, I just get so lazy about it especially when I'm trying to go to more than one person's.

I agree with you somewhat. I can understand if someone has half naked pics in their fotki and locks their albums. However, I kinda think we take this whole privacy thing a little too seriously. Someone can get your SSN (for the right price) and take your entire identity, but we choose to guard our hair and faces in fear of someone strange looking at us. :nuts: People have to right to do whatever. If bored enough I will look in someone's profile for their pw cause apparently I really wanted to look at their albums. But the whole pm me for a password, give me a real break.
CoCoGirl821 said:
I agree with you somewhat. I can understand if someone has half naked pics in their fotki and locks their albums. However, I kinda think we take this whole privacy thing a little too seriously. Someone can get your SSN (for the right price) and take your entire identity, but we choose to guard our hair and faces in fear of someone strange looking at us. :nuts: People have to right to do whatever. If bored enough I will look in someone's profile for their pw cause apparently I really wanted to look at their albums. But the whole pm me for a password, give me a real break.

I dont know what other people's reasons are for doing this, but mine are because I saw the rash of nasty comments going around on people's fotkis many months back and I figured that if some dumb ish like that happens in my album, I can atleast try to narrow it down a bit....may not make sense to anyone but it doesnt matter....

Also, someone on my block saw my album when it was open (bra strap and all) and they are not a member...This made me feel weird...still I dont expect anyone to understand.

And if some people get irritated because of the whole "pm me for pw" thing, that's on them...I still do me. There will always be people who have no problem asking and those who will...*shrugs*
The way I see it is this, They have every right to do what ever they want to their fotki, just like I have every right not to go to it. I do get a little lazy about looking at the profile all the time, but I'm sure people have reasons why they do things. When I get tired of looking at the profiles for password, I will just stop looking.
CoCoGirl821 said:
I agree with you somewhat. I can understand if someone has half naked pics in their fotki and locks their albums. However, I kinda think we take this whole privacy thing a little too seriously. Someone can get your SSN (for the right price) and take your entire identity, but we choose to guard our hair and faces in fear of someone strange looking at us. :nuts: People have to right to do whatever. If bored enough I will look in someone's profile for their pw cause apparently I really wanted to look at their albums. But the whole pm me for a password, give me a real break.

I think it's also about more than just random people looking at your pictures. The things that can be done with Photoshop nowadays are mindblowing, it would be nothing for someone to take your picture and digitially alter it in a manner that would seriously compromise you or to repost somewhere very inappropriate. I'm always going to forums where people are posting many links to random girls photo albums and are dissecting their every flaw or asset. I have no problem with people having their fotkis on ultra lockdown. When I had one it was Fort Knox as well and when I get it started up again after my next touchup I fear it may be more of the same. :perplexed Guess I'm doomed to just being unpopular for it.
I love looking at hair albums, whether I have to look up the password, pm the person or not. It doesn't bother me at all. I totally respect anyone's right to privacy or openness.

Now sometimes, not always, I really don't feel like logging on my fotki to post a comment to someone's album with my avatar link, so I'll just post a "guest" comment or two. Sometimes. But that's another topic. :lol:
angie10 said:
The way I see it is this, They have every right to do what ever they want to their fotki


But if someone has a fotki link in their sig but doesn't mention in the sig that a password is needed... well... why?
RainbowCurls said:

But if someone has a fotki link in their sig but doesn't mention in the sig that a password is needed... well... why?

I haven't come across that yet, but it would make sense for them to provide the password. So you're saying they provided the link with no password? I can't think of any good reason why they would do that, probably bumped their head or something. Who the heck knows:)
LOL< I agree with rant on the pw but maybe if it was only one pw for the entire album not per folder. I don't view the ones that need pw for every folder. She spoke what a lot of ladies were thinking. Go head with your bad self Sophierose, girl I respect your gangsta.:lol:
angie10 said:
I haven't come across that yet, but it would make sense for them to provide the password. So you're saying they provided the link with no password? I can't think of any good reason why they would do that, probably bumped their head or something. Who the heck knows:)

I mean if they have the link in the sig, and they may or may not have the password in their profile.
So you click on the link, then have to attempt to locate the password.

I think if that's the case, people should state in the signature what steps have to be taken to obtain the signature (look in profile, send pm etc.)
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