For those who alternate weekly with a moisturizing DC and a protein DC...

JJamiah - That is some great information! Do you know of any protein products that contain the wheat protein you have listed? I am looking for something light like the ORS Hair Mayo.
Most of my conditioners are moisturizing conditioners. I use Nexus Emergencee as needed, usually every 2-3 wks. I know coconut oil is suppose to help maintain the protein already in the hair, so I'm going to start pre pooing overnight with it.
I alternate weekly between Aveda Damage Remedy (for the protein) and Aveda Moisture Remedy (for the moisture). This works very well for my relaxed hair because the Aveda Damage Remedy is soft enough protein DC that seems to have the right balance. I love it, it makes the regimen very simple.
@JJamiah - That is some great information! Do you know of any protein products that contain the wheat protein you have listed? I am looking for something light like the ORS Hair Mayo.

TruMe, My hands right now have kitchen Chaulk on it (doing some sink work). LOL, thank goodness for Keyboard protectors :giggle:

I don't know of them off hand I will check out some of the ones I have because I know I have seen it in them. I just want to be sure before letting you know.