Flatironing once a month


Well-Known Member
This is an inquiry for both relaxed and naturals.

I'm natural and I'm thinking about flat ironing my hair once a month and keeping it straight for 2 weeks. Then wearing natural 2 strand twists for one week. Then bunning for another week and jsut repeating this process every month until December. Is that to much heat and manipulation??

When I do use heat...I air dry in Bantu knots and use a heat protectant. I flatironed my hair 4 weeks ago and my scalp loved it. And now that I am back in a natural bun my scalp is yelling at me (itchy).

Before going natural I never had problems growing hair (I was bleached blond, relaxed, flatrioned every 2 weeks and was btw apl and almost bsl). So if my hair can take that kind of beating with those three damaging factors all at one time and maintain. Then one flatiron a month should be nothing....right? *look*
Once a month and airdrying instead of blowdrying....I don't think it would be damaging to your hair at all. I use to do it about that often or maybe twice a month and I never had a problem. It grew to tailbone length. I airdryed in two braids instead of the bantu knots and honestly I never heard of a heat protectant until I found the hair boards a year ago. So I never used it before. Ooops! :ohwell:
I'm actually considering doing almost the same things that you mentioned! I used to flat iron/blow dry way too much before, but I was still retaining some length somehow. Possibly due to trimming off damaged ends every month, or because I always used a heat protectant?

Anyway, I feel that if I only apply direct heat to my hair ONCE a month and leaving it alone for 2 weeks without washing or adding any type of product (except a lil bit of organic olive oil on the ends every other day or so), it should reduce split ends and damage; hence, ceasing the need for me to chop off growth. I wanted to go heat-free for 6 months, but couldn't do it. I think once a month should suffice. And instead of air-drying, I use a low-heat setting on my blow-dryer at first and then bump it up to med heat. It's to gradually introduce heat to my hair. It's a slow process, but no where near as slow as air-drying (it takes more than a full day for my hair to air-dry completely).

The remaining weeks in that same month, I will keep it co-washed (a simple wash and go). I just started this so not sure if it's helping as far as growth, but texture wise, it's much softer and moisturized.

To answer your initial question, I don't think it's too much manipulation at all. I think the less heat you use, the more manipulation your hair can handle anyway...
Yea I think I am going to try this till December because my natural hair left me with single strand knots because my ends are too curly. Is it bad to want some heat trained semi-heat "damaged" ends on purpose.lol I feel by faltironing once a month my ends will loosen up and my hair won’t curl upon itself leaving the single knots behind. Also my scalp appreciated actually oiling it with my finger tips. When my hair is natural I have to use an applicator bottle to apply the oil (I can't disturb my natural hair until wash day so it won’t frizz up).
Yea I think I am going to try this till December because my natural hair left me with single strand knots because my ends are too curly. Is it bad to want some heat trained semi-heat "damaged" ends on purpose.lol I feel by faltironing once a month my ends will loosen up and my hair won’t curl upon itself leaving the single knots behind. Also my scalp appreciated actually oiling it with my finger tips. When my hair is natural I have to use an applicator bottle to apply the oil (I can't disturb my natural hair until wash day so it won’t frizz up).

This is the exact reason why I could not go without heat. I was suffering with those types of knots and had to cut them all out. Since I've started to flat-iron 2 1/2 years ago, I've never suffered from this until I took a break and stayed curly from July to August. I was taken aback by what I experienced: matted hair and single strand knots. :ohwell:

I think leaving it straight for 2 weeks helps to keep my hair in check and prevents it from getting too outta control with all the curls I got going on...
Glad you posted this.
I've been doing this, and I'm trying to get on a "routine."
I straightened my hair in early August, wore it that way for 2 weeks.
I've been wetbunning for the remaining weeks. I have been trying to go without straightening/heat for at least 2 months at a time, hoping to retain length/strength. I was considering a modification of what you've proposed, only bunning instead of twists. This sounds like a good idea - I pray it would cause super retention and great ends.

Also, ssknots are the reason i hold on to my straightened endz. I never run into that issue, thank God! I'm not wearing my hair out and curly, so I can deal with 'em.

I would go longer without heat, but my DH loves my straightened hair. oh well.
Well I’m glad I’m not the only one. I was actually thinking of relaxing again, these knots had me all discombobulated lol. So I will do this and get into a groove and see where it takes me. As much as I like my natural curls I like straight as well. I think balancing out the two will work for me.
Hey Boing,

I ony wash my hair every six weeks and flat iron once during that time. I pretty much wear my hair straight for the entire month now. Hair has been growing nicely.

Oh and LOVE your siggy. It makes me smile everytime I see it.
^^^ hehe i know he silly aint he. I love my siggy too.

I tried to go a whole month without washing but after week two my hair is super dirty/danfruff and i start to break out on my forehead. If i could get away with it i would lol
This is similar to the routine I'm picking up. So far so good. I flatiron every 2 weeks but I only wear my hair straight for a week and wash and go for a week-repeat.
i think you'll be fine, boingboing-sounds like a great regimen for the winter. :yep:
if i liked the way i look with straight hair, i'd be doing something similar. but i look...strange:perplexed so ah well.
I am thinking the exact same thing. I just trimmed my ends to get rid of single strand knots they make me sick. I really love my curls but I do want to straighten for a change. Im actually thinking of a roller set this weekend and just flat iron the roots. But the ssk are getting to me now. I hope i dont get stoned for this but i wouldn't mind a tad bit of heat trained hair to avoid the knots but i should be careful of what i wish for.
I hope i dont get stoned for this but i wouldn't mind a tad bit of heat trained hair to avoid the knots but i should be careful of what i wish for.

I know thats what i said. I just want it on the ends though so my hair doesn't coil/curl on itself.
I'm currently transitioning and was trying to avoid flat ironing and blow drying but I notice that my hair in tangling a lot because of this. I think I will start washing every two weeks and doing a dc over night and then flat iron. I will continue with protective styling.... I personally like buns and hopefully that will allow me to retain length. I think some people do good with some heat to there hair. I've actually always did fine with blow drying and flat ironing every week and my hair grew like wild fire so I think your regimen sounds great!
My issue is with my ends they knot like crazy I am going to try a twist n curl and roller set the ends b/c I have seen curly nikki results and her ends are fairly smooth. But I know I will be flat ironing I want a temporary change. I am so conflicted with my hair right now.