Fine & Thin 4a's

Not dusting my ends has caused me to retain less, I believe. I am going to start dusting and measuring my hair every 2-3 months and see if my hair gets any longer. I'd like to hear other people's opinions.
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Do you dust your ends? If so, how often and has it helped you to retain more length? TIA

OP- Right now I am doing S&D missions to rid my hair of tangles. I keep it in PS so that cuts down on the amount of tangles I experience. When I would wear my hair out, my hair would curl on itself, and I would have major SSKs- I would dust my hair about every other month when my hair was not in a PS. I would have to say that dusting did assist with my ability to retain length but I attribute my current ability to retain length to PSing all of the time.

i am fine, but not thin. i dust my ends often. at least a 2-3 times a month. when i say dust, i mean dust, not trim. i have been able to retain since and my hair looks much better because of it.

when i was natural, i would trim often because my hair was so coily, it would coil on itself causing tangles and knots. my hair is easy to loc because my hair strands like to marry each other.
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Hmmm, makes me think. When I was in Korea about five years ago I ACCIDENTALLY went natural. I would let the Koreans wash my hair blow it out and put micros or medium braids in (at the time my hair could tolerate it w/o breakage) and leave it in a month. I repeated the process every month and each time they would massageee my scalp and dust my ends. My hair grew non stop. I'm contributing it to the PS, dusting every month and that awesome massageee. I didn't even know I was transitioning at the time lol. In less than a year I no longer had permed hair. But like I said it was an ACCIDENT and I permed all that virgin hair bcuz I had no idea what to do with it outside of braids. At the time, I was more 4b than anything. I also noticed since cutting beef out my diet (and possibly other things) my hair now is noticeable 4a. humph idk
Me! I'm fine and medium density; I trim every 3-4 months. I believe it helps to keep my ends from splitting/fraying excessively. I also make sure to seal my ends regularly and keep up with protein treatments.
Fine haired here. I don't know what would be considered dusting... I snip splits and ssk pretty much every day because I'm always in my hair. I trim 4 times a year. I guess I dust between then but usually not my whole head. I need my ends to be in excellent shape in order to retain length. My fine strands split and fray if I don't cut often so in the long run it's better to cut than to wait. I retain more with trimming.
I have fine 4ab with a 3c patch. I retain more with trimming and am doing so every 2-4 months. Also, as a fine haired 4, I find that I NEED protein. Going without for long periods of time caused me to have setbacks. :nono:

I had to back away from the scissors because my dusting and s&d's were turning into unnecessary trims. I can't tell you how many times I've hacked off hair because I thought it needed it.... when in all reality it just needed a good penetrating conditioner.
*After dusting your ends you barely notice that you did... that's how small of an amount it is. When you trim, it's obvious that you did. With dusting you do retain more length and cut waaaay less IMO. :look:
Fine w/low density here. I constantly clip knots/tangles and dust once a month or so. Dusting seems to help me retain, I get less knotting afterwards and I rarely see split ends.
I dust every 3-5 months. When I go any longer my ends tangle something terrible. Also in between dusting I make sure to seal my ends well. This has helped me retain well.
Fine haired. I use to trim religiously. Now, I don't as much. I have increased co-washing and not using hardly any product in my hair and I have noticed much less shedding and breakage til that I don't feel the need to trim.I have tried, tucked ends, twist etc but I still had ratty ends. I bought new shears the whole gamut. What has worked for me, thus far is co-washing 6 xtimes per week with little to no products and no oils. I wear it in a bun or puff. My hair has thicken up(appears) and is retaining more length. Possibly because conditioners are cations and they coat and soften the cuticles. Also, I don't have issues with build up with cowashing because I am not using any oil and the products I do use are water based like Hawaiian Silky 14:1.

You just have to experiement to see what will work for you.

My hair is 4a and fine but not necessarily thin.

I have not had a trim since January (last time I had straight hair) and then I was in twists for 3 months. However, I plan to get a trim this month. I deal with ssk's often since I like "out" styles so that means trims.
My hair is fine 4a. Natural. Once I learned what products work for my hair, and not to use any oils during straightening, I really started to love my fine hair.... I really hate when uneducated stylists call it thin. Bc that it's not! There's a difference...
JassyMo said:
Do you dust your ends? If so, how often and has it helped you to retain more length? TIA

I don't dust at all. BUT I DO search and destroy as at least a few times a week. Im addicted. Lol I trim as needed to keep up the hem line look, which is only like every 4 months or so, and thus far I've never trimmed off more than an inch, if that.
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