fine hair ladies


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies my hair is like a medium/coarse fine 4a texture. I recently relaxed my natural hair and I want to self-relax. What relaxer do you ladies with this type of hair use? I don't want my hair bone straight because that will thin it out. Any suggestions?

I recently relaxed my natural hair too after almost 5 years being natural. My hairdresser used affirm mild which was good. It's not bone straight at all...looks about 75-80% straight. I'm interested in self relaxing it myself come Nov-Dec. And I'm thinking of using Elucence gentle. I want it about 60-75% straight. I also don't like it bone straight since now I'm not "scared" of my natural

Question for those who use Elucence...does it have how long they recommend you leave it in for? I know affirm mild is 13min...which was good. I think mine was in 10-13 minutes.
My hair strands are extremely fine, although I have a thick head full of them.

I use Mizani Medium relaxer, and it works wonderfully on my hair and scalp, and I self relax.
epitomi sensative scalp worked best for me. since i have thin hair, i need something gentle but effective.
I use Motions regular. I don't leave it on long. My hair looks texturized.

Is Mizani a lye or no lye?
Today I did my touch up and I use gentle treatment. I applied in 8 minutes, and I smoothed in 7 minutes. My based my scalp and relaxed hair with vaseline. I don't feel any sores or anything. I am very happy. I post a picture after my roller set. Currently i'm under the dey deep conditiong with Lekair for 15 minutes to replenish mositure. My hair felt really good as I was washing the relaxer out it felt mositurized. I think I'll stick with gentle treatment regular. I don't plan to relax for another 10 weeks.
I use Mizani sensitive scalp relaxer which is no lye and it works great for my hair I usually can go twelve weeks post relaxer.