Fast from wrong thinking day 32


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Revolution Day 32: Fast from Thoughts of Jealousy.

Today we’re fasting from thoughts of jealousy...such as “did they really deserve that more than me”; “why do other people get ahead”; “why don’t I have what they have”; “they’re just lucky”; “why can’t my kids be more like their’s”; etc.
Let’s Change It Today:
1. Jealousy is only a feeling;an emotion. And all negative emotions come from a sense of powerlessness. You have been given POWER. (2 Timothy 1:7) And that power will drive out the root of jealousy.
2. All jealous thoughts are rooted in insecurityand fear. Stop fighting jealousy on the surface. Let’s drive out the fear.
3. You are not a “mere man”. (1 Cor. 3:3) You are a new, secure species of being.
4. Perfect love casts out fear. Don’t try to have perfect love toward others. Believe you are LOVED PERFECTLY BY GOD. It’s His perfect love toward you that drives your fears away. (1 John 4:18)
5. Ask God TODAY to deliver you from fear and insecurity. Psalm 34:4 says “…He delivered me from all my fears.”
6. There is a portion reserved for you! (This has helped me time after time). In 1 Samuel 9:24 God had reserved a “portion” for Saul; an anointing set aside. Had he believed that, he wouldn’t have been jealous of David.
7. Meditating on God’s Word produces YOUR success. (Psalm 1:1-3) Fill your life with God’s success for you; and you’ll be too occupied with blessing, to compare to others. (Eccl. 5:19-20)
Think It & Say It:
I have power over jealousy and negative emotions. I am perfectly loved by God and no fear or insecurity can have root in me. I receive total freedom from insecurity today; God has reserved a portion of success for me, regardless of anyone else. I have divine success that will elevate me to God’s best, in Jesus’ Name!