Does your hair FEEL long?

my hair only feels long to me when I am in the shower. Otherwise it feels like a TWA (and it's past MBL)
My hair is SHORT.....

My hair LOOKS SHORT....

My hair FEELS SHORT.....

*sigh*.....when will my hair be long.....:perplexed
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this past weekend I straightened my hair for the first time in a long while. its just grazing bsl but doesn't feel long to me. i missed the fullness i have with my wng. with it straight it felt kinda straggly. i'm also not the best with the flat iron and louisiana is very humid but i got a lot of compliments--many people thought i had gotten a relaxer.
its funny that i feel a little self concious with my straight. also a couple of ladies took it upon themselves to touch my hair with out first asking--i did not like that . i wanted to scream "HELLO, EVER HEAR OF PERSONAL SPACE!!" sorry got on a little tangent there.
im like 2 inches away from official bsl and my hair finally feels long!:rolleyes:
im gettn a trim friday so hopefully i will still feel the same after:look:
my hair only feels long to me when I am in the shower. Otherwise it feels like a TWA (and it's past MBL)

I was thinking the exact same thing! In the shower, my hair feels long because I can feel it on my back. Plus, I'm bunning everyday so I rarely get to feel my hair on a daily basis like I used to. :ohwell:
I feel ya girl. All along I was saying I'll grow to BSL and then that will be that but now that I'm there it's kinda short. So I thought why not MBL but I think that will look kinda short I think it will be WSL or TBL for me.
My hair does not feel long. I do not notice until wash days, but my shrinkage is out of this world, so since I am always bunned, it does not feel long.
I measure my hair with a ruler. In real life that would be a bit STRANGE but I'm sure all you guys have the same damn ruler LOL

My ruler is now too short because I'm over 13" of hair, but it still feels damn short.
My opinion fluctuates on my mood. When I'm feeling good and I'm happy and my hair is cooperating it feels long to me, but when it's being naughty and not behaving well I'm like "Are you even growing!?" :lachen:.

These are my feelings as well. Does my hair feel long? Just depends on the day!:lachen:
I feel the exact same way as the OP. I don't think I will consider my hair as long until I reach atleast waistlength.