Does the LOC method work for you?

The L.O.C method don't work for me. My low porosity, coarse hair are not fond of oil and butters. Creams are an emulsion of oil and butter so they don't work on my hair too.

Low porosity coarse haired ladies do you have a trick? I dream to have moisturized hair during three day.

I am LP and have tried different variations of the LOC method. I use a LCB variation:
L-distilled water
C-Jessicurl Too Shea
B-Camille Rose Twist Butter

The key for me is to apply in sections and apply the cream and butter with a light hand. I also would not use a pure butter for my hair (shea/mango/cocoa/etc.). I like butters with a creamy texture and that have conditioners in them.

Question: What are you using to moisturize your hair if you don't use creams/oils/butters? Most LP heads use a cream moisturizer, you just have to find the RIGHT one.
LCO worked better for me. I'm wondering, why/how would cream get past the oil in LOC? Wouldn't the cream just sit on top of the hair that is sealed with oil? Is it just double sealing?
LCO worked better for me. I'm wondering, why/how would cream get past the oil in LOC? Wouldn't the cream just sit on top of the hair that is sealed with oil? Is it just double sealing?

Bump. Good question. I'm wondering the same.
I'm trying LCO since LOC seems drying.
For LOC I used water/aloe vera juice, oil mix (olive, jojoba, castor, sweet almond, avocado, vitamin E) and oyin whipped pudding.
I'm changing the order today for LCO.
Any one use the LOC method? If so, what products do you use and what are your results. For those that don't know what LOC means:

Liquid (water, water-based product)
Oil (to seal in liquid)
Cream (to seal in oil)

I do a modified version of it. I use a leave-in first, then spritz luv naturals sealing spray ( can't remember what it's called right now), I then seal with komaza care califa butter and twist with kereacare twist gel. For my hair, it stays soft and moisturized all week till it's wash day. I could go longer, but I like washing and dc'ing weekly.
I prefer a LCOB method:

Water-based spritz
Water-based cream/butter
Butter sealant

I use this method because the oil would just sit on my hair without any moisture on my strands. A water-based spritz with a water-based cream/butter gives me the most moisture. Afterwards, the oil just glides into my hair. I then seal with a heavy butter that's not water-based. Works like a charm.