Does stripped hair mean clean hair?


Well-Known Member
I ask because I use medicated shampoos that leave my hair feeling stripped.....Since i use them with almost every wash, I wondered is there really a need for me to clarify my hair? What is the clarifying agent in clarifying shampoos? My medicated shampoos have SLS in them. What are your thoughts on this?

Thanks in advance.
When I use my clarifying shampoo, my hair comes out squeaky clean (which I really like). When I add conditioner to my squeaky clean hair, the conditioner performs its best. I'm not sure about medicated shampoos daviine.

I just talked with my cousin who uses a medicated shampoo on a regular basis. She said she doesn't use a clarifying shampoo because she feels as though her medicated shampoo gets rid of any build-up on her hair and scalp. She described her hair as being squeaky clean like I described mine after using a clarifying shampoo. So, you should be cool.
Thanks so much!!! I'm supposed to be in bed but it was so worth getting up to see a reply! LOL!