does anyone else cry when they get a trim?


New Member
I recently had to let go of about 3 inches of dry, fuzzy, uneven ends and even though my hair feels great and looks so full and vibrant I MISS MY HAIR. I went from being able to feel it on the bas of my neck to having it a litle bit passed my ears. I know it was for the best but I am so ashamed, I feel like I failed. When she did it I cried so much my hairdresser started to cry too because I was so upset. Has this ever happened to any of you. I am tired of people saying, well, its just hair but my hair means so much to me because I had put in so much work on it this year. I was looking forward to attending the greensboro nc meeting but I don't feel that I will have a respectable amount of growth by then. Please let me know that I am not crazy. :(
I am so sorry to hear that I do know how you feel. I cried once after a big trim (years back) and my mum and sister laughed at me saying I was being stupid but to me it was like having an arm cut off, without my long hair I feel so low.

Even now when I trim (1/2 an inch) I always feel a bit low for the first few weeks until it grows back. The only thing you can do is keep looking after it from now on so that you will never have to cut such a big chunk off in one go again.

What is your current regime?
I don't cry.
But sometimes I'm pretty annoyed that I'm getting YET ANOTHER trim. But when I see the results and realise how much better my hair looks it doesn't matter as much.
awww gymfreak! i know how you feel, it's not "just hair" if it were... why would there be forums to grow it long?? the best way to think about it, even though it still may be a bit depressing, is that you can grow it back already healthy, instead of having to watch the thinning ends like a hawk.

i haven't cried when i've gotten trims, but i've felt pretty depressed before, especially if i didn't deserve the CUT and just needed a itty-bitty trim. In Dec 04 and March 05, i had two HUGE "trims" that almost made me cry b/c i was trying to grow my hair out and I was at BSL both times, and went back a few inches below shoulder, by two different stylists. Then I found LHCF... we're here for you girl. Buckle down on the moisture and protein to grow it out healthy from now on :)
I don't trim often, so no I don't cry. But, 3 inches is not what I'd consider a trim anyway- that's more like a cut.
And don't feel bad. Go to that meeting, we are all here trying to grow & keep long healthy hair. What you went through is just a part of the journey :)
gymfreak336 said:
I recently had to let go of about 3 inches of dry, fuzzy, uneven ends and even though my hair feels great and looks so full and vibrant I MISS MY HAIR. I went from being able to feel it on the bas of my neck to having it a litle bit passed my ears. I know it was for the best but I am so ashamed, I feel like I failed. When she did it I cried so much my hairdresser started to cry too because I was so upset. Has this ever happened to any of you. I am tired of people saying, well, its just hair but my hair means so much to me because I had put in so much work on it this year. I was looking forward to attending the Greensboro nc meeting but I don't feel that I will have a respectable amount of growth by then. Please let me know that I am not crazy. :(

Girl, we still love you! Did you read my post about why we have our meetings in the meeting forum? We have them to encourage one another to reach our hair goals no matter where we are in reaching those hair goals. CarolB21 attended our meeting in September, after the meeting she just had to cut her hair off and girl she can't wait to come back in January to the Greensboro meeting (beside the girl love products :lol: (She's knows she the girl!))! Girl, don't let this set you back and keep you from having a great evening with ladies who have been where you are and are exactly where you are now. You are talking to a girl who has shaved off all her hair like a Shemar Moore shadow shave- just damaged and mad (a hair fit- done it numerous times before just not this extreme) (October 2003) and grew 5-6 inches in a year before joining LHCF (2004) and then is still growing (currently- 2005) on its way to going down my back) So I know what you feel.:) You just keep taking good care of your hair( you have a great regimen- I remember when you first came on) and girl that three inches and more should be back by summer. You know how we do :). You are going to be fine. Like with anything in life there are many set backs but they are only for us to come back and usually do or be better than before. Hair is a simple thing but, I get alot messages out of doing my own and this lesson is true to the end. Stay encourage and we look forward to seeing you at the Greensboro meeting at TGI Fridays! It is a great experience! ;)
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I currently wash once a week atleast and always condition for 10-30 minutes. Wrap and dry under dit under dryer. Every other week, I go get a rollerset. I think what messed me up this last month was trying to stretch my relaxer longer than I should and I used the curling iron the last 2 weeks (I should have just threw that thing away for good). I always moisturize daily and my hair dresser is always very gentle with my hair. My hair was badly damaged before I started going to this new salon and I guess this was just the last bit of damaged hair that had to go. It just hurt that it all went at one time.
czyfaith77 said:
Girl, we still love you! Did you read my post about why we have our meetings in the meeting forum? We have them to encourage one another to reach our hair goals no matter where we are in reaching those hair goals. CarolB21 attended our meeting in September, after the meeting she just had to cut her hair off and girl she can't wait to come back in January to the Greensboro meeting (beside the girl love products :lol: (She's knows she the girl!))! Girl, don't let this set you back and keep you from having a great evening with ladies who have been where you are and are exactly where you are now. You are talking to a girl who has shaved off all her hair like a Shemar Moore shadow shave- just damaged and mad (a hair fit- done it numerous times before just not this extreme) (October 2003) and grew 5-6 inches in a year before joining LHCF (2004) and then is still growing (currently- 2005) on its way to going down my back) So I know what you feel.:) You just keep taking good care of your hair( you have a great regime- I rmemeber when you first came on) and girl that three inches and more should be back by summer. You know how we do :). You are going to be fine. Like with anything in life there are many set backs but they are only for us to come back and usually do or be better than before. Hair is a simple thing but, I get alot messages out of doing my own and this lesson is true to the end. Stay encourage and we look forward to seeing you at the Greensboro meeting at TGI Fridays! It is a great experience! ;)

Thanks for the support Ladies!!!! I really needed it. I'm glad there are people that understand that it is not "just hair". I guess I'll just step up the vitamins and prayer and have my butt at TGI Fridays. :)
Nappyme said:
I don't cry but I'm checking to make sure they are not chopping my hair off.:mad:

LOL- I feel ya! I actually have a great stylist. Before I get my trims, I measure my hair and when I return home I measure my hair. My hair is exactly 1/4 of an inch shorter. My stylist do not use any form of measurement but she is very detail and precise and I love her for it. She is also respectful of the fact that I self relax.
gymfreak336 said:
Thanks for the support Ladies!!!! I really needed it. I'm glad there are people that understand that it is not "just hair". I guess I'll just step up the vitamins and prayer and have my butt at TGI Fridays. :)

Yep, Yep that's how we do it! :)
I haven't literally cried during a trim, but I'm always disappointed when I have to get one. I just hate letting go of my hair! :(
UGh there is nothing I hate more in this world then getting a trim. I have yet to find a stylist that doesnt chop all my hair off. I feel like everytime I get a trim I get pissed off cause i feel like if they mess up and cut too much off, they will try and even it out and take more than necessary :mad:
I feel you, it's totally traumatic when they cut that much off, esp. if you anted a trim 0.25-0.50 inches and they cut 2-4 inches, that will set someone back. That's why I trimm myself, they won't see me for a verrry looong time- like when I'm 4 inches past my goal maybe. But those cheapie places like super cuts, great clips will listen to you if youre very precise but even if youre @ 1 of these places that are more respectful, watch your back!
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gymfreak336 said:
I recently had to let go of about 3 inches of dry, fuzzy, uneven ends and even though my hair feels great and looks so full and vibrant I MISS MY HAIR. I went from being able to feel it on the bas of my neck to having it a litle bit passed my ears. I know it was for the best but I am so ashamed, I feel like I failed. When she did it I cried so much my hairdresser started to cry too because I was so upset. Has this ever happened to any of you. I am tired of people saying, well, its just hair but my hair means so much to me because I had put in so much work on it this year. I was looking forward to attending the greensboro nc meeting but I don't feel that I will have a respectable amount of growth by then. Please let me know that I am not crazy. :(

Awww, I feel bad for you, but it really will grow back:yep:
Last year, I had to cut one side of my hair because it had been damaged through having my braids in for too long and I was very angry. But one year later and it has grown back to the length it was.

So, don't worry and keep doing protective styles so that you won't have to cut so much in the future.:)

Also, before you cut your hair maybe you could try doing treatments (steaming - deep conditioning) to see if you can savage the hair first. In my case there was nothing to salvage as I had a lot of uneven broken hairs with different lengths all over my head especially on the left hand side.:mad:
gymfreak336 said:
I recently had to let go of about 3 inches of dry, fuzzy, uneven ends and even though my hair feels great and looks so full and vibrant I MISS MY HAIR. I went from being able to feel it on the bas of my neck to having it a litle bit passed my ears. I know it was for the best but I am so ashamed, I feel like I failed. When she did it I cried so much my hairdresser started to cry too because I was so upset. Has this ever happened to any of you. I am tired of people saying, well, its just hair but my hair means so much to me because I had put in so much work on it this year. I was looking forward to attending the greensboro nc meeting but I don't feel that I will have a respectable amount of growth by then. Please let me know that I am not crazy. :(


I totally understand. I have had the same thing happen to me. Since you are a gym freak, your hair should grow back pretty quickly. I notice that when I work out a lot, and keep a healthy diet, my hair and nails are at their best.

Also, from now on, you should try "dustings." It's when you or a hairdresser clips the very edges of your hair. This keeps your ends nice and even, retains your length, and prevents the need for trims/cuts. You may also want to try protective styles. Some ladies have found them helpful, others haven't.

Don't give up. We all go through frustration with our hair. I had made a lot of progress, but lost a good amount of hair this summer. I decided to get braids, and couldn't relax before getting them. So I went to the hairdresser to get it blown out, but I had a big knot in the middle of my hair. She tried to save as much of my hair as possible, but I lost some serious hair that day. I am trying to recover from it, wearing braids, using MTG, S-Curl, and keeping it moisturized. Good luck!
You poor thing... I can understand your pain... we work so hard to have long hair (those of us that desire it) and then to have to cut off damaged hair hurts.

I had to go through that earlier this year, but it really was for the best. My hair is almost 100% damage free. Yea, I was upset about losing so many inches to a serious chop, but my hair felt and looked so much better and after a while, I was very happy to be healthy :)

Don't feel bad gymfreak, your hair will grow back before you know it. I always tear up during a trim which is why I haven't had one in a long time :laugh:. I can't help it, I feel that my hair is an extension of me and it almost seems like a violation when someone tries to cut it off even if it's a tiny trim. I'm truly attached to my hair.

Because I care about having healthy hair free of split ends I will let stylists dust my ends if I feel I really need it but I also watch them like a hawk, lol.