Does Anyone Actually Use the Curly Girl Method?


Well-Known Member
I'm referring to the book "Curly Girl" written by Lorraine Massey.

I'm encountering more and more salons who swear by this technique for both their black and white clients... or should I just say for wavy, curly, and kinky hair.

If you do use any of the methods detailed in the book, which ones and why?

I'm currently locked but am considering switching to sulfate-free shampoo as opposed to clarifying shampoo so that my hair can retain more moisture. (It doesn't make sense using clarifying/regular shampoo since I wash my locs at least weekly, don't have much build-up, and use a pumping method to make sure the shampoo is penetrating.)

I'm also considering making a batch of lavender spray to keep my hair moist, smelling fresh, and my scalp healthy.
I used to do the curly girl method but now I have adapted it. But I did use sulfate frees shampoos, use the Deva Curl conditioner, DC. I still use the quench method in after my final rinse. I don't use mineral oil or whatever else she says.

You should definitely switch to a milder shampoo and perhaps even dilute it a bit for your locks. Leave the clarifying shampoo to 1x a month to 1x a quarter depending on your hair.