
Since I've decided to continue my transition, I've been stalking fotkis. I get confused about people's progress because when I see 1 months post BC and their hair is long, I wonder how long did they transition to have so much hair after their BC.:lachen: I've never transitioned for more than 3 months and my hair was uber short. I am wondering how long you can transition and have a decent amount of hair to play with. I hope this question makes sense.:blush::lachen:
I guess it depends on your definition of decent amount. For me no less than 9 monsths, what type of styles do you want to achieve?
Some people are transitioners in the sense that they just grow their hair out. I transitioned for roughly 16 months so my hair was longer than someone else that bc after 3 or 4 months. I guess we say it that way because technically you aren't natural until you no longer have relaxed hair. I normally try to explain that in my fotki though, because I know it can be misleading to people.
When I BC, I'd like to be able to do some twists. I will be 4 months post this Saturday. I don't know how long I'll be able to hold out on transition. I don't want to have a boy cut again. Transitioning is torture to me because I'm now dying to see if I can do the same styles on my natural hair. I know right now my natural hair is too short to do anything other than a wash n go.:ohwell:
I feel the same way and wish they'd post when they had their last relaxer so I can at least count the months. I wasn't much of a transitioner last year (BC'd after being 6 weeks post) but this time I've lasted 8 months and hope to just keep going so I don't have to sacrifice length in exchange for being totally natural. So far, so good! Although, I think I'll miss seeing my texture while wearing a tiny puff or TWA :( But making my length goals will quickly help raise my spirits!!! lol

ETA: When I stalked Fotki, I found that at 8-12 months post, that would allow me to do a range of styles while natural. It will be a year since BC on 9.20.09 and I do love the length I have now. I love my puff at this point. I used to think it was so boring and I HAD to wear wigs to feel really spruced up.
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Nah, I don't find it confusing. I just ask them how long they transitioned :yep:

I'm really happy I transitioned. From the shrinkage my hair LOOKS 4 times shorter than it actually is. :lol: I need at least a little bit of hair to feel comfortable. I know a lot of people are like that.
I think I transitioned for about 2.5 years, so if you visited my fotki you'd see that my hair was about APL straight after I chopped.
The first time I stopped using chemicals I did it for 4 or 5 months and had short hair. Second time I knew that I didn't want short hair so I stopped using chemicals again and cut all the processed hair of 18 months in. I made sure that I could put my hair in a ponytail.
When I BC, I'd like to be able to do some twists. I will be 4 months post this Saturday. I don't know how long I'll be able to hold out on transition. I don't want to have a boy cut again. Transitioning is torture to me because I'm now dying to see if I can do the same styles on my natural hair. I know right now my natural hair is too short to do anything other than a wash n go.:ohwell:

DD you better transition until you can get a real ponytail. You have transitioned, BC'd, and relaxed too many times and you already know that short natural hair won't work for you. Just look up some of your threads from this last time of being natural and remind yourself why you need to transition for a long time.
You know it. That is why I'm trying hard like hell to keep transitioning.:lachen: I am going to be natural for good after this transition, even if I end up as a strait natural.:rolleyes: I am finding new products to make my transition go smoothly. I found a great gel that holds my flat twists, so I'm hoping to transition the same way Mook did. Protective styling is helping me get more experience doing my own hair. Ediese is my shero, though I don't think I can wait 2 years to BC! My minimum transition goal is one year and then I'll try to go from there.:yep:
Since I've decided to continue my transition, I've been stalking fotkis. I get confused about people's progress because when I see 1 months post BC and their hair is long, I wonder how long did they transition to have so much hair after their BC.:lachen: I've never transitioned for more than 3 months and my hair was uber short. I am wondering how long you can transition and have a decent amount of hair to play with. I hope this question makes sense.:blush::lachen:
I think we're both in the same boat and about the fotkis too :lachen: (every person thay have their fotki in their signature i had stalked you ... oh yeah phear the Taina!!! HA HA HA*off evil laugh*
I didn't transition for too much (i know i can't deal with two diff textures), so i'm guessing how my hair going to be after a month/2mos/6mos.

Besides i can get REALLY anxious, and i love my short hair, is very manegable. I wan it to grow, but i'm enjoying the ride as much as i'm gonna enjoy when i actually get there (get where?? wherever :yep:)
I was fully natural after 10 months, and had a "decent" amount of hair to play with. I think you need to go longer, maybe close to 18 months, so you have more to play with. I never had issues with short hair on me so I could cut soon. I'm with msa, you better have enough to put in a pony, cuz I don't wanna hear nuthin bout you re-relaxing for the umpteenth time!
You talkin' bout me, DD? Seriously, though, I'm prolly one of those peeps that has you confused :lachen:

I transitioned 16 months and BC'd 1 month ago. My FOTKI has relaxed, then transitioning months and then BC+ even though my BC had 16 months worth of hair on my head...

I usually just ask folks when they have a lot of hair after the BC how long they transitioned bc it's second nature for me cause it's what I did :yep:
You talkin' bout me, DD? Seriously, though, I'm prolly one of those peeps that has you confused :lachen:

I transitioned 16 months and BC'd 1 month ago. My FOTKI has relaxed, then transitioning months and then BC+ even though my BC had 16 months worth of hair on my head...

I usually just ask folks when they have a lot of hair after the BC how long they transitioned bc it's second nature for me cause it's what I did :yep:

I'm not talking about you, but your fotki is seriously inspiring me!:yep: I'm going to try your weekly regimen during your transition. Can you give me any tips? I'm going to use twists as a protective style since I can't braid yet.
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I'm not talking about you, but your fotki is seriously inspiring me!:yep: I'm going to try your weekly regimen during your transition. Can you give me any tips? I'm going to use twists as a protective style since I can't braid yet.


Thanks! Dtagle in the shower under runnign water with condish. Make sure you add shea butter or some other really moisturizing butter to the ends. I also used end papers when i curled my ends with the perm rods for my twist/braid outs. HTH...hit me up on PM if more specific questions once oyu get into it! Holla :grin:
I only really get confused if I'm in someone's album who has been natural as long as me and they have a ton of hair. I wonder how in the world they got there so fast. However, I tend to look at people's most recent update instead of the beginning first. Anyway, I soon realise that not everyone BC'd to a twa.

If you want a decent amount to play with, I'd say you'd have to transition for about a 1.5 years. Although I had fun with my TWA. I think I could do more styles when I was about 10-12 months natural (not inc. my 6 months transition).
I understand what you are saying. So I went and added that info to my BC album. I've seen some ppl with shorter TWA then me where twists and twistouts and they look so cute and edgy. I think its just how comfortable you are with yourself and your hair. I've had long hair most of my life so I knew that really short hair wasn't for me so I did a longer transition so I had more hair to work with. You have to do what's best for you at the end of the day. Good Luck and HHG!
I am one of those long term transitioners that may have you confused. It's been 2.5 years and I am hoping that by the time I BC I will have APL hair when straight. My BC won't really be a "BC" per se because my hair was just a little past BSL when I started my transition and I just trimmed a little off each time as more grew in, so by the time I really do my BC, it will be more like my last "mini chop" as I will be trimming off the last remaining couple of inches. (I was trying to make sure I had enough to pull back into a bun at all times)

Hope that didn't confuse you too much.

Try to hang in there until you have enough for a ponytail; you will have a little more versatility with your hair if you do.

For me I was able to do twist right after my BC. I think my transition was no longer than 8 or 9months. I wanted to make sure I had enough hair as well to do other styles with. The water here in KY is not good for straight wng without it being in a style like braids or twist. Good luck to u
I can feel you on that issue. Because while I was transitioning and stalking fotkis I had that same question many times.

The way I've layed out my album, I spell it out very clearly and list how many months of natural growth I have.

I transitioned for 24 months, (sheesh) and so when I chopped my new growth was significant and I don't want anyone to be confused.

DDT, did you ever learn how to cornrow? That will help you so much in getting through these late transition months especially if you're frustrated.

Hit me up in my album. Did I tell you I did my first frohawk and first mini twists?
Since I've decided to continue my transition, I've been stalking fotkis. I get confused about people's progress because when I see 1 months post BC and their hair is long, I wonder how long did they transition to have so much hair after their BC.:lachen: I've never transitioned for more than 3 months and my hair was uber short. I am wondering how long you can transition and have a decent amount of hair to play with. I hope this question makes sense.:blush::lachen:

DD, that's why I don't consider a BC a BC if there is more than say, 3 months NG. That is MY guide/measurement/opinon. I don't think or agree that a BC is chopping off the ends after an 18 month transition or even 6 months. To me a true BC is just what the name means, a Big Chop. Also included in my personal BC allowance is if the amount of hair being chopped off is 50% or more of the total length. Meaning if a person transitions for any length of time and they chop off 1/2 of more than 1/2 of their total length before the chop I will allow it.

Again, this is my opinion/definition because as beautiful as LHCF members' hair is, I don't consider long transitions with periodic trims and then a final chop of say 1-4 inches of the remaining relaxed hair and then the remaining NG is like 10 inches long. To me that is no were near a BC.

If you chop and have a TWA then to me that is the only real BC. The second thing above is the only other time I consider a transition BC a BC w/o a TWA.

Again ladies, MY opinion sorry if you disagree and I am NOT putting down any long term transitioners who chopped. There are some ppl I like a lot here who did that. I did that my 1st time. This last time I BCd and had a TWA. I'm just sharing my opinion.

I think what some people call a BC is relative to the person chopping.
You know it. That is why I'm trying hard like hell to keep transitioning.:lachen: I am going to be natural for good after this transition, even if I end up as a strait natural.:rolleyes: I am finding new products to make my transition go smoothly. I found a great gel that holds my flat twists, so I'm hoping to transition the same way Mook did. Protective styling is helping me get more experience doing my own hair. Ediese is my shero, though I don't think I can wait 2 years to BC! My minimum transition goal is one year and then I'll try to go from there.:yep:

Keep it up! You can do it! It'll look fantastic, I know! :grin:
I can feel you on that issue. Because while I was transitioning and stalking fotkis I had that same question many times.

The way I've layed out my album, I spell it out very clearly and list how many months of natural growth I have.

I transitioned for 24 months, (sheesh) and so when I chopped my new growth was significant and I don't want anyone to be confused.

DDT, did you ever learn how to cornrow? That will help you so much in getting through these late transition months especially if you're frustrated.

Hit me up in my album. Did I tell you I did my first frohawk and first mini twists?

Uhm...just wanted to say your siggie makes me happy. 'Tis all.:grin:
I just hate when they don't put how long they transitioned. If I am trying to compare growth, PS methods, regimens or whatever and I don't know how many months post you are in your pics, it's not really helpful to me. I say I have been natural for 14 months (coulda sworn I just hit a year yesterday), but that doesn't include my 12 month transition.
Hey DD, you have to transition for at least a year this time because I've noticed you relaxed this last time because you couldn't do much with your hair. I'd suggest at least 1.5 years (18 months) if you want enough hair to do a lot with. This is the reason why my goal is now 18 months.

I think I have enough information in my fotki (please correct me if I'm wrong): My fotki states my last relaxer date which was December 20th 2008 and I have a transitioning folder which I'll keep updating until I BC @ 18 months (hopefully) - I'll then create a Natural folder. So if anyone visits my fotki after I have BC'd. they'll have enough information. My siggy also states how long since my last relaxer.

P.S. I say BC because it's the easiest thing to say and it'll still be a BC (to me) because I will cut off more than 4 inches when I do it.
I don't think or agree that a BC is chopping off the ends after an 18 month transition or even 6 months. To me a true BC is just what the name means, a Big Chop.

Again, this is my opinion/definition because as beautiful as LHCF members' hair is, I don't consider long transitions with periodic trims and then a final chop of say 1-4 inches of the remaining relaxed hair and then the remaining NG is like 10 inches long. To me that is no were near a BC.

If you chop and have a TWA then to me that is the only real BC. The second thing above is the only other time I consider a transition BC a BC w/o a TWA.

Interesting. When I cut my relaxed ends, I had about 2.5" of hair so I obviously had a TWA. I did not snip my relaxed ends over time and I transitioned for 6 months, so by your definition would I have had a "true" BC or not?

Personally, I think anyone who is clearly out of the TWA stage (regardless of how long they transitioned), don't really "big chop" because they have a significant amount of hair. So essentially, I agree with the bold text. That doesn't mean cutting their relaxed ends and becoming fully natural isn't an important milestone though, they just went a different route.
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DD, good luck with your transition, especially a long term one. I know I read in your fotki once that you said your (natural) hair took a long time to style, etc, but I just wanted to let you know that once you get a pattern down and stick to it, that it's not bad.
I can feel you on that issue. Because while I was transitioning and stalking fotkis I had that same question many times.

The way I've layed out my album, I spell it out very clearly and list how many months of natural growth I have.

I transitioned for 24 months, (sheesh) and so when I chopped my new growth was significant and I don't want anyone to be confused.

DDT, did you ever learn how to cornrow? That will help you so much in getting through these late transition months especially if you're frustrated.

Hit me up in my album. Did I tell you I did my first frohawk and first mini twists?

I learned how to flat twist, but not braid yet. I'm not giving up, though!:nono: