Do You Believe in the Biblical/Symbolic Significance of Numbers?


Well-Known Member
I was flipping through channels and stumbled upon Rod Parsley. He was teaching the significance of 12.12.12 calendar date. The message was interesting and I did a Google search to look up the significance of numbers from a Christian perspective.

So my question is do you believe in the significance of numbers? Were you given specific dates in your life that had meaning?

Below is what I found on the internet….

The study of the significance of the use of numbers in Scripture requires a lifetime of study and reflection, but a brief summary of some of the most significant numbers may be enough to wet one’s appetite for future study.

ONE: In sacred Scripture “one,” ehad, in Hebrew, represents unity and is the quintessential number of monotheism, the worship of one God.
· This concept of one as a unity of one God is expressed in the opening lines of the first profession of faith found in Scripture, the Shema: Hear O Israel, Yahweh our God, Yahweh is One [Deuteronomy 6:4].
· One as a cardinal number symbolizes Unity. The number One is indivisible and not made up of any other number representing the unity of the One true God in which there is no division
· One as an ordinal number denotes primacy, sovereignty, divine completeness or perfection.
· Christians recognized the number “one” in Scripture as symbolic of the First Person of the Most Holy Trinity, God the Father.

TWO: This number can mean difference, division or double portion.
· In the Creation event, God separated light and darkness. [Genesis 1:3-4]
· The Ten Commandments were inscribed on two tablets of stone. [Exodus 31:18; 32:15; 34:1, 4, 29]
· The children of Israel were forbidden to collect manna on the Sabbath and therefore were permitted to collect a double portion of manna on Friday.[Exodus 16:5]
· On the 6th day of Creation God created two—male and female—of every species in order that fertility might be a blessing to the earth. [Genesis 1:24-31]
· In the New Testament, Christians also saw this number as a symbol of the second person of the Trinity, the Incarnation of God the Son in the perfection of His humanity and divinity.

THREE: In sacred Scripture the number three represents that which is solid, real, substantial, and something in its completeness. This number usually indicates something of importance or significance in God’s plan of salvation by identifying an important event in Salvation History. This number operates as a “sign-post” in Scripture study for the reader to “pay attention” to the significance of the next event.
In the Old Testament:
· It is the first of the 4 perfect numbers which are 3 (divine perfection); 7 (spiritual perfection); 10 (ordinal perfection); and 12 (governmental perfection).
· The earth was separated from the waters on the 3rd day [Genesis 1:9-13]
· There were three Patriarchs of the children of Israel: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel
· There are three verses in the Priestly Blessing in which the Tetragrammaton, YHWH, God’s holy covenant name, appears three times [Numbers 6:24-26].
· Three times the angelic Seraphim cry “Holy, Holy, Holy” [Isaiah 6:3 and Revelation 4:8].
· After the Great Flood mankind descended from the three sons of Noah: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. [Genesis 10:1-32]
· Three “men” announced to Abraham that his barren wife would bear a son [Genesis 18:14].
· Abraham was commanded to sacrifice his son after a three-day journey to Mt. Moriah [Genesis 22:1-4].
· Baby Moses was hidden by his mother for three months [Exodus 2:1] and the adult Moses requests of Pharaoh that he let Moses take his people on a three-day journey into the wilderness to offer sacrifice to their God [Exodus 3:18].
FOUR: The number four represents God’s creative works, especially works associated with the earth:
· Four cardinal directions N, S, E, W. with four Angels keeping watch at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the world [Revelation 7:1]
· The Covenant People of God had four divisions of the day associated with the daily liturgical sacrifice of the Tamid (Dawn - 9AM; 9AM-Noon; Noon - 3PM; 3PM - Sunset)
· Four lunar phases
· Four seasons
· Four rivers flowed out of Eden [Genesis 2:10]
· Four consonants formed God’s Divine Name YHWH
· Four cherubim [Genesis 3:22-24; Ezekiel 1:10]
· In Ezekiel’s vision of the heavenly throne/chariot the cherubim each had four faces and bodies with four wheels [Ezekiel 1:10-12]
· Four women gave birth to the fathers of the 12 Tribes of Israel
· The tallit/outer cloak covenant men were required to wear had four corners with four tassels [Numbers 15:38-39]
· Four heavenly creatures surround God’s heavenly throne. [Revelation 4:6-8]
· The Israelite camp was divided into four parts when camping around the Tabernacle [Numbers 2:1-34]
· The fourth book of the Bible is Numbers, in Hebrew B’Midbar = gematria 248 or 4 x 62
· The ancients considered there to be four elements: earth, fire, air and water
· Bible has four-fold division of mankind: lands, tongues, families and nations [Revelation 13:7]
· Four cups of wine are used in the ritual of the Passover Seder.

FIVE: This is the number of power and Divine grace.
· Five kinds of animals were sacrificed under the Old Covenant Law of sacrifice: goats, sheep, cattle, pigeons and doves [Genesis 15:9; Exodus 29:38; Leviticus 1:1-17; 3:1; 4:3, 14, 23, 28; 5:6-7]
· God changed Abram’s name to Abraham by adding the letter/number five to his name [Genesis 17:5]. He changed Sarai’s name by adding the same letter/number with the value of “grace” to form the name Sarah [Genesis 17:15]. Abraham and Sarah were transformed by grace to become the parents of a family from which the Messiah would be born
· The Tabernacle was measured in multiples of five [Exodus 25 - 27]
· There are five books of the Torah (first 5 books of the Old Testament)
· Matthew’s Gospel is divided into five “books” composed of five narratives and five discourses.
· Jesus bled from five wounds on the altar of the Cross: His two hands, his two feet and His head.
· Daniel proclaimed the Fifth Kingdom to be an Everlasting Kingdom [Daniel 2:37-44].
Five Greek words form the acrostic phrase “Jesus Christ, God’s Son Savior,” taking the first letter in Greek from each word forms the Greek word for “fish”: Iota, Chi, Theta, Epsilon, Sigma = (ichthys) “FISH”, which became a symbol for Christ and a secret symbol for identifying Christians.

SIX: Both man and the serpent were created on the sixth day, therefore, the number six represents both man and rebellion. In the Greek alphabet the number six is not represented by an alphabetic letter but is instead represented by a symbol called the “stigma.” In Revelation 13:18 the number of the Beast is written not as 666 but is instead is written with the Greek symbols for 600 and 60 and 6. In his book Numbers in Scripture, E.W. Bullinger observes that these three symbols correspond to first and last letters of the Greek word for Christ = CHRISTOS, with the symbol of the serpent in between the two other numbers of 666 [see Numbers in Scripture page 49]. Perhaps this arrangement can be seen to be Christ the Messiah crushing the serpent as God told the serpent in Genesis 3:15: I shall put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; he will crush your head and you will strike its heel.
· 666 is the number of the Beast: There is need for shrewdness here: anyone clever may interpret the number of the beast; it is the number of a human being, the number is 666 [Revelation 13:18].
· Man is commanded to labor six days [Exodus 31:15]
· The sixth commandment in the Ten Commandments is the sin of murder [Exodus 20:13]
· The sixth clause in the prayer of the “Our Father/ Lord’s Prayer” petitions that we not be led into sin and be delivered from evil. [Matthew 6:13]
· The world turned dark beginning at the sixth hour Hebrew time (noon) when Christ was on the cross [Matthew 27:45; Mark 15:33; Luke 23:44]. In Roman time the sixth hour is 6-7AM when Jesus was being tried by the Roman governor Pilate [John 19:14].
· Jesus suffered on the cross for six hours (as he suffered that man might be saved); from 9 AM, (see Mark 15:25) the hour of the first daily sacrifice in the Temple to 3 PM, (see Mark 15:33-34; Matthew 27:45; Luke 23:44) the hour of the last sacrifice, and gave up His life at the beginning of the 7th hour (the number of completion and fulfillment).
· All six of the letters which represent the number system of the Roman Empire added together yield the number 666: I = 1; V= 5; X= 10; L= 50; C = 100; D= 500 [there is no letter/number M. 1000 was two Ds back to back which resembled an M].

SEVEN: Spiritual perfection and fullness or completion. It is the number of Covenant and of the Holy Spirit.
· Seven is the second perfect number.
· In Hebrew seven is shevah (shebah) from the root shava (shaba or sheba), meaning “to be full.”
· God rested on the seventh day (Saturday) after Creation [Genesis 2:2]
· To swear an oath in Hebrew is “to seven oneself.”
· There are seven gifts of the Holy Spirit (CCC#1831; Isaiah 11:1)
· The sacred Menorah has seven branches (six on each side of a central shaft) and seven cup shaped lamps for the olive oil
· There were seven classes of furniture in the Tabernacle: Bronze sacrificial Altar, Bronze Laver, Golden Menorah, Golden Table of the Bread of the Presence, Golden Altar of Incense, Ark of the Covenant and the Mercy-seat/Seat of Atonement.
· The Tabernacle was built in six days and dedicated on the seventh [Exodus 40:17]
· It took Solomon seven years to build the Temple in Jerusalem. [1 Kings 6:37-38]
· There are seven annual holy feast days observed under the Law of the Sinai Covenant [Leviticus 23:1-44]
· The Feast of Passover is the 1st month of the liturgical year but the seventh month of the civil year. [Exodus 12:1-2]
· The Feast of Tabernacles completes the cycle of Holy Days in the seventh month of the liturgical year.[Leviticus 23:33-43]
· There are multiple sevens in the Book of Revelation: There are 55 sevens and 5 sevenths, 5x7 (35) phrases of sevens in the Book of Revelation. List of “sevens” in the Book of Revelation:

TEN: Perfection of divine order
· Noah was the tenth generation from Adam [Genesis 5:1-32].
· Abraham was the tenth generation from Shem, son of Noah [Genesis 11:10-26] (the ancients counted every series with the first in the series as #1—there was no concept of 0 as a place value).
· Ten Commandments [Exodus 20:1-17; Deuteronomy 5:6-21].
· God said the Northern Kingdom was to be formed from ten tribes [1 Kings 11:31].
· Ten clauses in the Lord’s Prayer [Matthew 6:9-13].
· Ten plagues on Egypt [Exodus 7:14-12:30].
· Ten virgins in Jesus’ kingdom parable [Matthew 25:1-13].

ELEVEN: disorder: 10 + 1 or 12 – 1; also disorganization, lack of fulfillment, imperfection.
· At Kadesh-Barnea the Children of Israel traveled eleven days from Mt. Sinai. In one more day they could have been in the Holy Land but their faith failed them [Deuteronomy 1:2].
· The last two Kings of Judah each reigned eleven years before the Babylonian conquest of Judah: Jehoiakim [2 Kings 23:36; 24:1; 2 Chronicles 36:5-6 ] and Zedekiah [2 Chronicles 36:11; Jeremiah 52:1]
When Judas died there were only eleven Apostles—their number was incomplete; to complete the order of twelve, a twelfth Apostles was chosen by lot [Acts 1:15-26
TWELVE: Perfection of government. Twelve is the number of the Church, both the Old Covenant Church of Israel founded by twelve physical fathers (the twelve sons of Jacob-Israel) and the New Covenant Church founded by twelve spiritual fathers (the twelve Apostles). This number also has a relationship with multiples of twelve.
· Twelve signs of the zodiac (these ancient symbols are found in Jewish synagogues of the 1st century AD.)
· The circle of the heavens = 360’ (12 x 30).
· The product of the number three (perfection of divinity) x four (the number of the earth).
· Twelve months in a year.
· Twelve tribes of Israel [Genesis 49:28].
· Twelve pillars were erected at Mt. Sinai [Exodus 24:4].
· Twelve pillars were erected in the Promised Land [Joshua 4:1-9].
· Twelve statues of oxen held up the water basin in Solomon’s Temple [1 Kings 7:25].
· Twelve men were selected by God to conduct the census of the tribes [Numbers 1:2-16].
· Twelve princes of Israel brought gifts to the Sanctuary on twelve days [Numbers 7:10-83].
· Twelve spies sent to reconnoiter Canaan [Numbers 13:1-15].
· Jesus is twelve years old when He questions the scholars in the Temple [Luke 2:41].
· Twelve legions of angles [Matthew 26:53].
· Twelve Apostles [Matthew 10:2-4; Mark 3:13-19; Luke 6:13].
· 144,000 servants of God (12 times 12) [Revelation 7:4].
· Twelve gates of the New Jerusalem [Revelation 21:12].
· Twelve foundations of the New Jerusalem [Revelation 21:16, 17].
· The Trees of Life in the new creation will bear twelve kinds of fruits [Revelation 22:2].

THIRTEEN: Often seen as an ill omen representing hostility, rebellion, apostasy, defection, corruption.
· Thirteen is the 6th prime number.
· Judas is considered to be the thirteenth; Jesus is #1 plus the 12 holy Apostles; Judas is always named last in the list of Apostles [Matthew 10:2-4; Mark 3:16-19; Luke 6:13-16].
· The Israelites marched around the city of Jericho thirteen times before the city collapsed (Josh 6:2-5).
· Ishmael, the illegitimate son of Abraham, was thirteen years old when he was circumcised. [Genesis 17:23]
· Leaven is a sign for sin. The gematria for leaven, zumee in Hebrew, is thirteen.
· The Virgin Mary often appears on the thirteenth day of the month. This number obviously has no power over her. Remember it was prophesied that her son would crush the head of the serpent in Genesis 3:15 and that the Serpent would make war on her children [Revelation 12:17]. She defies the devil and defends her son’s Church and her children, Jesus’ faithful disciples.

TWENTY: This number is the double of ten, and may in some cases signify its concentrated meaning. But its significance seems to be connected with the fact that it is one short of twenty-one. That is to say, if twenty-one is the three-fold seven, and signifies divine (3) completion as regards spiritual perfection (7), then twenty, being one short of twenty-one would signify expectancy. There are numerous illustrations in Scripture to support this explanation
· Twenty years Jacob waited to get possession of his wives and property [Genesis 21:38-41].
· Twenty years Israel waited for a deliverer from Jabin’s oppression [Judges 4:3].
· Twenty years Israel waited for deliverance until Samson [Judges 15:20; 16:31].
· Twenty years the Ark of the Covenant waited at Kirjath-jearim [1 Samuel 7:2].
· Twenty years Solomon was waiting for the completion of both the Temple and his Palace [2 Chronicles 8:1].
· Twenty years Jerusalem waited between its subjugation and its destruction [Jeremiah 52:4-13; 2 Chronicles 36:1-10; 52:4].
· Twenty years Jeremiah prophesied concerning the destruction of Jerusalem [Jeremiah 52:4-13].
THIRTY: Being 3 x 10 this number denotes in a higher degree the perfection of divine order, as in marking the right moment in God’s Divine plan.
· Joseph was thirty when he became the Vizier of Egypt. [Genesis 41:6].
· David was also thirty when he began his reign over Israel [2 Samuel 5:4].
· A man was eligible for military service at thirty and Levites began their service in the Sanctuary at age thirty [Num 4:3, 23, 30, 35, 39].
· The people mourned the deaths of Aaron and Moses for thirty days [Numbers 20:29; 34:8].
· Jesus was about thirty years of old at the commencement of His ministry [Luke 3:23].

FORTY: This numberis recognized as an important number both on account of the frequency of its occurrence and with the uniformity of its association as a time of consecration and as a period of trial.
· Forty day epic periods during the great flood [Genesis 7:4, 12, 17,8:6].
· Forty years was the age of Isaac when he married Rebekah [Genesis 25:20].
· Forty years of Moses in Egypt [do the math, see Ex 7:7; Dt 34:7; Acts 7:30].
· Forty years of Moses in Midian before his return to Egypt [Acts 7:30].
· Forty years from the Exodus until Moses’ death [Dt 1:3; 34:7].
· Forty years Israel ate manna [Exodus 16:35; Deuteronomy 29:5].
· Forty days Moses was on the Mountain to receive the Law of the Sinai Covenant [Exodus 24:18].
· Forty days the children of Israel were tested while Moses was on the mountain [Exodus 32:1].
· Forty days Moses was on the Mountain after the golden calf [Exodus 34:28].
· Forty days after his birth a male child of Israel was dedicated to God at the Sanctuary [Leviticus 12:1-4].
· Forty days the Israelite spies reconnoitered the land of Canaan [Numbers 13:25].
· Forty years was Caleb’s age when Moses sent him to reconnoiter Canaan [Joshua 14:7].
· Forty years that Israel spent in the wilderness before they camped by the Jordan River [Numbers 14:33; Deuteronomy 1:1-3; 8:2].
· Forty years from the giving of the Law at Sinai to the conquest of the Promised land [Joshua 5:6].
· Forty year intervals of peace in the age of the Judges (Judges 3:11; 5:31; 8:28)
· Forty years Eli judged Israel [1 Samuel 4:18].
· Forty years of war between Israel and the Philistines.
· Forty years David ruled as King of Israel [2 Samuel 5:5; 1 Chronicles 29:26-27].
· Forty years of Solomon ruled Israel [2 Chronicles 9:30].
· Forty days Jonah was in the Assyrian city of Nineveh [Jonah 3:4].
· Forty years Josiah ruled Judah [2 Kings 12:2].
· Forty days Ezekiel lay on his right side to symbolize the 40 years of Judah’s transgressions [Ezekiel 4:6].
· Forty years of judgment that Ezekiel prophesied for Egypt [Exodus 29:11-13].
· Forty days Jesus fasted in the wilderness before His temptation [Matthew 4:2; Mark 1:13; Luke 4:2].
· Forty days Jesus taught His disciples after the Resurrection. On the fortieth day He ascended to the Father [Acts 1:3].
I used to ... especially the numbers 3 and 30. I haven't thought about it again until this thread. It is definitely very interesting. I think there are times when numbers have significance and times when they are given too much meaning. For me, it's usually hard to decipher between the two until hindsight.
I used to ... especially the numbers 3 and 30. I haven't thought about it again until this thread. It is definitely very interesting. I think there are times when numbers have significance and times when they are given too much meaning. For me, it's usually hard to decipher between the two until hindsight.

Yes, I agree with you!

Listening to Rod Parsely striked my interest. He and other pastors are supposed to be having a special service on 12.12.12
Thanks PinkPebbles ...

The numbers have great significance and I agree with both you and loolalooh that it can be taken out of context and used to an extreme. Yet, God's Word shows how He had a sequence of using numbers and repeated the specific numbers throughout His Word.

Such as 'three' when He spoke of Jonah in the belly of the whale and that Jesus too would be in the ground as Jonah, three days and three nights.

Often I refer to the number '8' which represents 'New Beginnings'.

:flowers: For you, I pray the Number 8... New and Happy Beginnings.
Thanks @PinkPebbles ...

The numbers have great significance and I agree with both you and @loolalooh that it can be taken out of context and used to an extreme. Yet, God's Word shows how He had a sequence of using numbers and repeated the specific numbers throughout His Word.

Such as 'three' when He spoke of Jonah in the belly of the whale and that Jesus too would be in the ground as Jonah, three days and three nights.

Often I refer to the number '8' which represents 'New Beginnings'.

:flowers: For you, I pray the Number 8... New and Happy Beginnings.

Shimmie thank you and I receive that blessing of New and Happy Beginnings!!!

By the way, I recently received an unexpected blessing the will definitely be a new beginning for me.

Much love,