Do white men really know long hair???


New Member
I was just wondering about something, I watched a movie yesterday (joy ride) it really sucks, but anyway there was this guy in there who had a crush I guess on this girl, her hair was at least waist lenght if not longer, but when he was describing to his friend how she looked he said shoulder lenght :ohwell: The I remember my friend telling me that her husband (white) once said that he dosent think she has long hair, she has waist lenght hair to. :yep:

Is because they dont really think about it? like is long hair to them hair that touches the floor, while lenghts like waist lenght and bsl, is just normal lenght hair?? maybe because they see that lenght so much on white women that they dont think much of it??

Also my husband always tells me my hair is long APL, but when (a white woman) has the same lenght its not long hair?? is that weird?
wait my husband is not white.. so it might not only be a white men thing, please excuss the title of the thread :ohwell:
Is because they dont really think about it? like is long hair to them hair that touches the floor, while lenghts like waist lenght and bsl, is just normal lenght hair?? maybe because they see that lenght so much on white women that they dont think much of it??

Also my husband always tells me my hair is long APL, but when (a white woman) has the same lenght its not long hair?? is that weird?

Yeah i've noticed this too. My hair is almost bra-strap length and my SO thinks that it is so long, everytime i take my hair down in front of him he cant stop touching and commenting on it. But to whites my hair is still like short, i get comments on how long my hair is from my black friends all the time but only one of my white friends has said this---and i think she's passing, lol, j/k. :lachen:
hm... interesting question.
All my white friends are commenting on how *long* my hair is(they haven't seen me in over a year) and DH definitly prefers hair between APl and MBL:yep:
I can't speak for the random yt person down the road tough.
My white friend (pretty much my only white friend) def thinks bsl is long. She has said she was going to grow her hair long before and was talking about bsl. I've never heard anyone of any race not consider waist length to be long.
My SO is white and I don't care how long your hair is if he had to repeat it to someone else without you standing right there he couldn't tell ya....

But, he would easily be able to convey what your bra size is.
My SO is white and I don't care how long your hair is if he had to repeat it to someone else without you standing right there he couldn't tell ya....

But, he would easily be able to convey what your bra size is.

:grin: that's funny..

But seriously there is a big diffrence between shoulder lenght hair and waistlenght hair...just talking about what the guy said in the movie...:ohwell:
I'm APL and my husband (African American) thinks that APL is long. I always felt APL was long too.

As for the movie, it was probably just in the script that way and nobody noticed that the actress in the role had longer hair.
I'm APL and my husband (African American) thinks that APL is long. I always felt APL was long too.

As for the movie, it was probably just in the script that way and nobody noticed that the actress in the role had longer hair.
I agree with Reg's Wife, it could have just been the script. You said the movie sucks. :lol:
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My SO is white and I don't care how long your hair is if he had to repeat it to someone else without you standing right there he couldn't tell ya....

But, he would easily be able to convey what your bra size is. boyfriend is the same way...and he's black. So is my father...but the women in his hair all have longish I just think he thinks that long hair on black women is "normal."
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i dunno. before, when my hair was short (halle berry cut), I thought APL was long hair on ANY race. but now that my hair is mid-back(hoping for blunt waist by my wedding in August), I only think hair that is BSL or longer is long. Hmm, go figure?

My AA fiance thought my hair was long when it reached BSL. WHen it was shorter, and i would ask him every other month if my hair was long, he would say i have the lenght of most AA women, which isn't a bad thing....but he certainly think it was long.

Now, he loves my long hair (especially when his friends give me compliments on it). Since he has been with me through my growing process, he feels he is art of my journey, so its like a personal triumph for him as well. He's so cute.
I definately think there is a cultural difference in the perception of hair length. When my hair was relaxed, in my pre-BC days, it stayed at SL at the sides and about APL in the back. I went to a majority white school and NEVER thought of my hair as long... but then all the black folx I knew kept saying how long and pretty my hair was. No way would any of my clear friends have said that was long.
This is true for me. Actually, I find not just white, but any other race than black don't pay my hair any attention. Black people only comment on how long it's getting.