Do Black Women Really Spend That Much Time On Their Hair?

Meh, the only period I spend a lot of time on my hair is wash day. And that's only because I moisturize, seal, then allow a few hours or go to sleep in big twists/braids overnight to dry. Once dry, I pull back into a either a crown twist or bun... and done. And that's how it usually stays until next wash day (twice a week). Sometimes I do spritz with water/oil in-between.
India is not in the Middle-east, it's in Asia. In fact, the Middle-east is also in Asia but they are not interchangeable (pet peeve). Did Op mention her friend is Indian? No.
You're right of course, but @lux10023 was being purposefully ig'nant to make a point. :lol:

And considering that the friend is M.E., well, she's culturally using guilt to get what she wanted.
Agreed. :lol:

Oan, you're reincarnated but I think I know who you are. Your siggies give you away, but anyway, hey girl! :wave: :lol:
Honestly I didn't find what she said as insulting.

I spend about 30-45 minutes on my hair every 2 to 3 days. Roughly 1-2 hours a week. I just cleanse whether it's co wash or shampoo, condition/detangle or deep condition and detangle and then style. I wash n go and usually wear my hair in a ponytail or a bun.
White women spend hours on their hair, daily. Just because your BFF doesn't spend as much time doesn't mean it's a "Black thing." A White colleague washes and blows out her hair every day and told me it takes an hour. The Blow Dry bars allot 45 minutes per client for blow outs so you know doing them at home takes longer.....and that is every day. My coworkers hair is BSL, thick and wavy but she likes it straight. Then she has to do her makeup, which she packs on, so she is up at least 2 hours before any meetings we have to attend.

I doubt that many Black women are spending 7 hours a week on their hair.

I'm in crochet braids that took about 2 hours to install (my hair was already braided). I shake and go in less than 2 minutes, daily. I spend 10 - 20 minutes once per week trimming out the frizzing parts and 5 minutes or so per night moisturizing my own hair. I keep them in for 2 months at a time. All in all I spend about 1 hour per week on my hair, not counting the installation/removal time.

As Black women we are fortunate that we don't have to wash our hair daily. Thank God. I spend 2 hours on my hair every other week, on wash day, and that includes deep conditioning for 30 minutes then sitting under the dryer for 20 minutes before lightly blow drying. I just had a baby 4 weeks ago so I didn't wash it for 3 weeks until yesterday:look: and it still looked nice.

Daily, my hair takes 2 minutes to brush it after I wrap it. I do keratin once or twice a year now and that is about 4 hours.