DISCOVERY: warm cold rinses!!!


Active Member
Okay, so i just figured this out and i am itching to share with everyone.

Ive been hearing amazing things about rinsing out conditioner with freezing cold water to help seal the hair and promote shine, but i have never really had the nerve to stand under a waterfall of here's something i just thought up:

Take a nice size bucket from your kitchen, put some freezing cold water (possibly with some ACV) in this bucket. When you jump in the shower, do your usual routine but when it is time to do the final cold rise, leave the hot water running onto your body and use a small bowl to scoop and pour the freezing water from the bucket onto your hair (you can lean back a little bit when doing this if you are really scared of cold water like me :lachen:). Anyway, im sure y'all can see why this works already so need i say more?

I did this on Friday morning and i cant wait for my next wash day :rolleyes:
Have fun

:giggle: I may never get the nerve to try this but this post was so funny. I was reading it and imagining myself dunking my head in cold water-->:eek2:
Diva rocks and Isis y'all have the most hilarious smileys ive seen yet...:grin:

Yea, i know it sounds quite ridiculous, but it works i tell ya :pulpdance:
This morning, i was actually wondering if i can just wear leather loves and rub ice in my hair if i'm feeling lazy...:lachen: (i didn't really do that though)

Lemme know how it goes if you wind up trying the first idea :)