Did you change it, once you achieved APL or Longer?

My Friend

New Member
Did you change your regi after you achieved APL or longer? Did it change to a maintain regi and not so much a grow regi?

APL's or longer please share 2-3 things you changed after reaching a certain goal. Example, no longer using a growth aid, less/more co-washing, less/more Dc'g, less more protective styles.
I changed a tad bit; but, I didn't change much. I did add another dc day once I hit six weeks post (any weeks before that I only dc once a week) and longer stretching (instead of 12 weeks, I stretch 15 weeks).
i have not changed my regi since i was above SL. always the same, day in day out!!!

<--(looks at a bottle of care free curl with adoring eyes)
Hiyah! Recent APL'er here. Same regimen for me though. If anything, I am trying to protective style more with braids. I wont be in maintenance mode until I hit my final hair goal: mbl.
my regimen is pretty much the same (always changing) lol.

I still relax every 4 months, wash weekly.

I use different things not based on my length but based on my desire to change up my shampoo's and Deep Conditioners.

I do deep condition for 1-2 hours atleast once a month!
The main thing that changed for me once I reached around APL length (a little shorter than APL) was how I washed my hair.

I used to actually detangle my whole hair in the shower with all of my hair loose at one time. That doesn't happen anymore and hasn't happened in a LONG time, LOL. I HAD to start sectioning off my hair and detangling it one section at a time, until my whole head was done.

I got through all of my tangles better that way. It just got to be too much hair to comb/detangle all at one time.
I have started DCing more and co-washing less. I never really co-washed much because it left me with tangled hair when all I wanted was a quick moisture boost, now I only do it if I'm in small twists or braids. I've found that DCing gives me longer lasting moisture, I can detangle during the process, the put my hair away until the next time I have time to DC.
I actually started CW more that is it. I still relax when I have enough which is anywhere from 12-16 weeks.
I rarely use direct heat in the summer
I also detangle only when wet, comb hair only with a wide tooth comb.
I love braidouts, even though my DH hates them lol.
I've become more paranoid about it. I looked at some pictures from about 4 months ago and it has improved, if I didn't have those pictures I would have thought it was exactly the same.

But, I haven't changed anything. My blowdryer changed but that's not my choice, my old one died.
I have to wash in sections now. I twist my hair in 8 sections, then wash and DC.
I also only wash once a week now as opposed to every 3 days.
I detangle on dry hair.
My regi is pretty much set. I only use Humecto, AOHR, JBCO, and Qhemet's AOHC.
The main thing that changed for me once I reached around APL length (a little shorter than APL) was how I washed my hair.

I used to actually detangle my whole hair in the shower with all of my hair loose at one time. That doesn't happen anymore and hasn't happened in a LONG time, LOL. I HAD to start sectioning off my hair and detangling it one section at a time, until my whole head was done.

I got through all of my tangles better that way. It just got to be too much hair to comb/detangle all at one time.

:blush::blush:niceeeeeeeeeeeeeee hair:yep:

I have to baby baby baby my ends more since they hang...Plus I wash and DC weekly instead of washing/conditioning every 2 weeks....I started co-washing too...I have only been doing this since January 2010 and I have retained about 2 or so inches since then....When my hair gets longer I surmise I'll have to wash in sections more. I do it from time to time but its not a must.
I have stop some of the co-washing due to shear laziness. Other than that, the regi is the same. I might switch out a product (try a new shampoo, condish, etc), but that is sheldom I am slow to change.
No my regi is pretty much the same. Different products depending on how I feel but when I change stuff, it has nothing to do with my length. It usually depends on how my hair is behaving. When I get to my goal length, I don't think my regimen will change except I'll start trimming more often to maintain that length...which is...hiplength...:look: