Diatomaceous Earth reviews PLEASE..

I really think this has been helping me sleep better because Ive been catching myself drooling lately :giggle:

Ew, I know!
I am very interested in this. I know silica is integral for good health. I'm thinking of ordering some, and adding it to yogurt or applesauce. At least it is cheap for the amount you get! I may order the 2.5lb jug to start small, to see if I can deal! I will report back later with any results.

If this stuff works for BP, I'd love to get my mother and aunts on it. Boy, does HTN (hypertension) run in my family on mom's side. I wonder if it does anything for Diabetes? My grandma could use it. I HAVE to be WL by the end of the year, so I'm off to order!

Lawd knows I can use help in the energy/sleep dept BIG TIME. I sleep well, but awaken tired still due to anemia. I have seen some improvement due to recent vits I started. If DE can improve on that, I'm in!

ETA: OMG, I just read a review on the site about a lady passing a 5" roundworm after taking DE. I'm liable to pass out if I see some ish like that...Lawd help!
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Can this be purchased locally?
The shipping was as much as a 10lb bag.

I'm interested in energy, clean colon, de-worming, lightening dark spots, overall skin benefits and any other hair benefits.
I continued to read the thread in Long Hair Community about DE. I've had DE since the beginning of January and love the fact that it has absolutely no taste :grin:

Here's a comment from one of the members on the thread (I started doing it this way since yesterday and I think it makes a lot of sense):

In order to have proper absorption and receive optimum benefits from silicon – dietary silicon must first be converted to orthosilic acid – the biologically active form of silicon

Taking DE by the spoonful will not be as effective as adding it to a large volume of water, letting it settle out then drinking the water. Silica is very poorly absorbed, so taking a half or full teaspoon at one time will not increase absorption. It will only mean more passing right through the system.

This is why I add a spoonful to a gallon of water. Then I let it settle out. The water will dissolve a tiny amount of the silica forming orthosilicic acid. The excess silica settles to the bottom as a mud. I leave that there. Then I drink the water above the mud throughout the day. This allows me to absorb a small amount of the silica each time I take a drink. This will improve absorption even if stomach acid is low.

As the water level goes down I add more water to dissolve a little more of the silica. Just keep repeating this process. A spoon full of silica will last several years. but I usually change out the silica about every 6 months.
The additional advantage comes from the higher daily levels being absorbed.

To understand this lets say a capsule of silica contains 500mg. And let's say that the body only absorbs 1mg each time you take a capsule. If taking capsules 3 times daily as most capsules are supposed to be used this would a total of 3mg being absorbed daily. That is based on people actually complying and taking 3 times daily like they should. Now if you absorb 1mg per glass of water with DE dissolved in it and you drink an average of 8 to 14 glasses of water throughout the day we can see you end up with a lot more silica in your system at the end of each day.
I just ordered mine from ebay, only 1lb though, I really hope it helps with my anemia, thin flimsy nails, and high cholesterol, if i can get a boost in hair growth too that would be great! I can't wait till it comes in the mail!
Orissa, can u share the ebay seller's link? Thanks. Hadn't thought about ebay.

This one product would eliminate me from ordering hair vit, spirulina, fiber supplement, calcium magnesium.
Are you sure theres NOTHING in it that can be harmful? If you can use it to kill bugs then doesnt that make it poisonous on some level? Or does it kill them mechanically somehow lol? I wouldnt take it....
Are you sure theres NOTHING in it that can be harmful? If you can use it to kill bugs then doesnt that make it poisonous on some level? Or does it kill them mechanically somehow lol? I wouldnt take it....

Diatomite punctures the exoskeleton of insects and parasites and absorbs their body fluids effectively drying them out. It also acts as a powerful natural repellent. Insects stay away from surfaces covered with DE, making a serious infestation unlikely. When ingested, it works on parasites on the same principle by puncturing ther skin and absorbing their fluids and wrecking havoc with their internal eco-systems, thus killing them. It makes food grade DE the most powerful and safe natural insecticide/anti-parasite natural remedy around.
After reading this thread and doing days of serious research into the safety and benefits of food grade DE, I've decided to order some and try it out. If there are any UK ladies interested in trying DE here's the link to where I'm purchasing mine.:)
Are you sure theres NOTHING in it that can be harmful? If you can use it to kill bugs then doesnt that make it poisonous on some level? Or does it kill them mechanically somehow lol? I wouldnt take it....

It's not a poison, it simply dehydrates those bad boys :yep:
As for those who asked about anything in it being harmful, there are impure versions of DE being sold, often for the cheaper prices. Heavy metals and poisons like arsenic can be found in impure DE. Since there are so many known deposits in the Midwest to the West coast of the U.S., ppl often don't take the time to make sure that the DE they have and are selling is of pure grade, as recommended by the FDA.

Below is some information I found from a seller of DE about choosing the right purity, to save yourself some health issues, as well as pets (if being used for them):

"Many people think that all Diatomaceous Earth is the same. However, it's important to use food grade DE for your animals. There are over 600 deposits of DE west of the Mississippi. The vast majority of these deposits are very impure and can contain all sorts of foreign material, including dangerous chemicals such as arsenic.

Impure DE can look exactly the same as food grade DE and is often sold at greatly reduced prices. Therefore, before buying, always ask the supplier to furnish you with a complete mineral analysis to ensure that you're not using a potentially dangerous product on your animals."

(Obtained from Valchemy, LLP sale information.)

I plan to order some, but will make sure that what I'm getting is pure grade. You can do this by requesting a mineral analysis before you order from the seller. That's a breakdown of all the trace and larger amounts of minerals found along with the DE. It's also important to note that when using DE (either consuming or sprinkling/spraying for bug control) you SHOULD NOT BREATHE IT IN. Masks should be used. DE is harmful and irritating to the respiratory tract since it is a fine dust. Be careful ladies, while you also try to be healthy! People are quick to start using something (jumping on bandwagons) without knowing OR DISCLOSING the precautions to others.

(This is why I decided to come back and inform those who don't know, as I do extensive research before I put anything in my home or body). DE destroys bugs specifically by desiccating their bodies. Not desecrating...desiccating (a desiccant is a de-hydrating substance). It basically causes their exoskeletons to break open, and their insides dry out. So, it doesn't kill them via chemical poison. It is quite safe for use, as long as you don't breathe it in, and are careful about the purity.
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Orissa, can u share the ebay seller's link? Thanks. Hadn't thought about ebay.

This one product would eliminate me from ordering hair vit, spirulina, fiber supplement, calcium magnesium.

Yodie, I will be ordering from Ebay as well. So far, I've found a good seller named Valchemy that has free shipping, pure grade, and low prices. I'm ordering from them tonight. If you want, just go to Ebay and do a search for "food grade diatomaceous earth" and it will bring up all sellers/auctions and Ebay stores with it, as well as sponsored links of outside websites that carry it. HTH! :drunk:
Yodie, I will be ordering from Ebay as well. So far, I've found a good seller named Valchemy that has free shipping, pure grade, and low prices. I'm ordering from them tonight. If you want, just go to Ebay and do a search for "food grade diatomaceous earth" and it will bring up all sellers/auctions and Ebay stores with it, as well as sponsored links of outside websites that carry it. HTH! :drunk:

Thanks. I ordered this morning from another vender that lives in the same state. I realize that I need to do better research.
I ordered from this vendor. http://cgi.ebay.com/BioGenic-Flour-...emQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item27af0c6290
Everything appears to be fine, but they only have a score of 8, with 100% positive feedback. I already paid my money.
I have been watching this thread for a minute and I must say that I am very interested in this now that I have seen so many great reviews on it. I will probably be purchasing it on the weekend after pay day:yep:.
I have been watching this thread for a minute and I must say that I am very interested in this now that I have seen so many great reviews on it. I will probably be purchasing it on the weekend after pay day:yep:.

Okay I couldn't wait so I bought 7lbs of food grade DE from www.morethanalive.com a few minutes ago. The PJ in me came back temporarily, I had no control:nono::blush:. Anyway, I can't wait for it to arrive:look:.
Yodie, I will be ordering from Ebay as well. So far, I've found a good seller named Valchemy that has free shipping, pure grade, and low prices. I'm ordering from them tonight. If you want, just go to Ebay and do a search for "food grade diatomaceous earth" and it will bring up all sellers/auctions and Ebay stores with it, as well as sponsored links of outside websites that carry it. HTH! :drunk:

That's who i bought mine from!:yep:
Any more updates? I read about DE as an effective candida killer (antifungal). I was going to buy the supplement that used it, but the price was prohibitive (more than $100). Thanx for the info.
That's who i bought mine from!:yep:

Yes, girl! They seem to be very professional. Mine arrived today, and it looks and appears to be the same consistency of all purpose flour, but just floats into the air easier. I didn't even open the bag, and I could already feel some particles (dust-like) in my throat! They are right when they say you need to wear a mask and goggles. I won't do all that, but I will hold my breath to avoid inhaling it, lol!

I am taking 1 tsp a day with applesauce, apple juice, or yogurt. We'll see how it goes, and I will come back in a while and update you ladies on my opinion/experience! It came in the mail this afternoon, but many say it gives you hella energy, and a sistah IS looking to relax and sleep tonight! So, I will be taking mine in the MORNINGS ONLY! lol :)
Anymore updates?

I got mine and I stopped already! Lol! Let's just say it didn't feel good in my lungs at all. Kept feeling like I had to cough. I felt it after my 2nd day. Anybody else have this reaction? Yes, I purchased food grade off ebay, but I'm aware that people can give you what they want. I'm not against trying another brand, but I won't take anymore of what I have.
Got my 1lb bag...it is the consistency of flour and it was double packed...

I mixed it with some orange juice...I couldn't taste it...

I also bought some Alta Silica supplements - will try to figure out how to incorporate both - may alternate days...
I got mine yesterday, I also mixed mine with orange juice and didn't taste a thing. I put the D.E. in some sugar free pudding today and it was fine as well, nothing to report yet. I think i need to drink more water.
Update: Ive been getting such good sleep. Last night I took Aloe vera, chlorella, and MSM (as usual) and I was out like a light. I didnt hear my phone at ALL when I got notifications and stuff. My tummy is flatter and I dont eat as much. I also eliminate easily and sometimes twice a day (since I started taking DE).