Day 23..Lent thought for today........Quiet Waters


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Being Fully Persuaded . . .
"Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed...he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.

"Romans 4:18,20,21

Abraham believed.

Abraham’s faith was strengthened. Abraham gave glory to God, knowing that the God of the Universe had the power to do what He had said He would do. Abraham trusted God. So with us, when we trust God it brings Him glory. You become a witness to His faithfulness and trustworthiness when you proclaim your belief in Him.

Like Abraham, when we believe, our faith will be strengthened. God cannot tell a lie. He has not lied to us, therefore we know that what God has promised He will bring to pass.

When we see His promises to us come true over and over again, our faith grows stronger and stronger. Each time we believe, God is glorified. Abraham was fully persuaded regarding the promises of God. The Greek words translated "fully persuaded" actually provide a word picture of a ship that is carried forward under full sail. Its sails are fully stretched, catching the wind that blows into them. Abraham had let out his sails.

He knew that God would fill those sails and take him where he had promised. Let each of us this day let out our sails with full assurance of faith, knowing that the winds will come to take us where He has promised.

Father, we believe that You will keep Your promises to us. We are confident in that. Help us to open up our sails and submit ourselves to the wind of Your Spirit. Take us where You wish and do with us what You would that our lives might bring You glory as did Abraham’s life. Give us the trust and conviction that he had. You have the power, there is no question; we wait to see that power work in our lives. Amen
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