Crown and Glory Method


New Member
Hello Ladies,

I feel that my hair has been the same length for a few months now. I guess this is because my hair grows at a slow rate for me to really notice the growth. (1/2 and 3/4 of an inch in 2 months) So, I am thinking about using the "Crown and Glory Method". Can someone tell me the exact process? Has anyone here tried it or currently doing it? If so, what were/are your results. Thanks Ladies!
Hello Obssessed,
I currently employ the crown and glory methods to my hair regime since December, 2002. You or your hairdresser parts the hair in medium sized sections and applies single exstensions firmly (not tightly)to individual partings, leave them in for 1-2 months.

During the time braids are worn you must moisturise daily with African Pride braid sheen spray and strengthen them with a leave-in treatment called Infusium 23 Original for damaged/unmanageable hair.

Once a week, wash the hair twice with creme of nature shampoo, diluted in a large cup of warm water. After this wrap towel around braids to soak up extra water.

For conditioning, pour braid spray into plastic bowl, then dip the towel in and wrap it around and press it onto the braids to give the hair enough moisture, next spray infusium on scalp and hair.

After two months, carefully remove braids without damage to hair, your hair is supposed to have some moisturise, not dry/breaking.

To avoid unecessary tangling/breakage during the shampoo, place hair in four large braids/twists then wash with a my hair with clarifying shampoo (the recommended one is Sebastian Laminates Shampoo) to only remove build up (then switch back a week later to normal creme of nature).

Deep condition with the recommended Le kair cholesterol strengthening and conditioning creme for 40-60 minutes with plastic cap, hooded dryer etc, before you wash the conditioner out firstly, detangle each hair section and comb out gently, re-braid sections, finally, rinse out cond. Apply oils/moisturising products. Optionally you could use Robin's ends sealing technique if you ends are shedding, locks in moisture down to the cortex, to prevent furthur shedding/dyness.

Keep hair in protective styles, redoing them once a week for two months. I wear natural bantu knots, cornrows, twists and cover my hair satin scarves, before I go to sleep.

Continue washing and conditioning hair once week and moisturise daily with braid spray/infusium (I tend to use more heavier creamier moisturisers like breakfree).

After the two months your ready to apply exstensions, again.

And this is the whole technique from start to finish.......

Check out my hair results at

Here is an email message sent to me, by Robin Woods I hope you find her suggestions helpful.

Hi Denise:

How often would you recommend i wash and deep condition my extended hair?
answer: Once a week. Apply the infusium23 to your scalp after you towel squeeze
the apply the braid spray to the scalp

But....don't add these two to your scalp daily or it will be too complicated to take your braids out.

Daly lightly spray the braid spray....lightly.

No deep conditioning because the conditioner may not come out of your braids because it is thicker than shampoo and adhere to the hair and it could dry it out.

These two products will be enough.

If you slightly wear your hair for two months it may become matted at the base and it may start and become dehydrated especially if you don't have the proper products to last.

If you do decide slightly longer than two months, make sure you shampoo weekly and have enough Infusium 23 and braids spray.

The braids above your ears and in the back (nape of neck area,) monitor them because this is where a lot of build up comes. So, redo them like every three weeks if you have to. This is the part that seems to be the problem area of taking out your extensions.

thank you very much den1. sorry it took me so long to respond. also thanks to 26inchhair for the helpful info!
I'm also using the crown and glory methond and I have to say it works!!! I 've been doing it for a year (with relaxed hair) and my hair has been it's healthiest and longest in years.

My technique is a little different from Den's. I keep my human braids in for three months . I wet my hair almost everyday and I do a condition wash 1-2 times a week.
I also do deep treatments (including protein treatments) every month or so. This has kept my hair looking and feeling healthy.

When I remove my braids, I sometimes wait a 2-3 weeks before relaxing. I relax and keep my hair out for 4-6 weeks and then I rebraid and start the process all over again.

This technique has helped me retain most if not all of my growth. I definitely think you should give it a try. Just remember not to braid your edges tight and touch them up as soon as you get significant new growth. Also don't pull your hair up into a pony tail very often as that can also cause your edges to weaken .

Thanks SweetNic_JA. I think your method will suit me very well since I am also relaxed. I was thinking that if I get microbraids that I should have them braided all the way down so that my ends are not exposed. I am still looking for styles that will suit me in this process. Anyway, thank you very much for your input!
Thanks for the compliments, obsessed.
obsessed i'm usin the crown and glory technique to help with my hair growin, my regiment is slightly different to den1's and sweetnic ja. I have my hair braided durin half term break and then keep extensions in for 6/7 weeks in which time i condition wash and then apply curl activar to the part of braid that my hair reaches. I prefer curl activator to both the braid spray and the infusium coz my hair doesnt lik all the protein in there and the braid spray seems to dry quickly and doesnt moisturise my hair as much as i'd lik it to. I sleep on a satin bonnett everyday without fail and wen i take it out protein and moisture condition and keep hair protected for 2weeks b4 gettin hair done agen. Most important thing i've realised is NEVER to get hair braided tight coz breakage almost always occurs if i do this. I only let myhair rest for 2weeks instead of the month robin suggests because by the time i need to get back to sch i currently cant really protect my hair unless in braids and cant wear it out coz its too short
is anyone useing the method without added on extensions, I dont wear them and I want to use this method without the extensions
Happylocks, you can use this method with any braided (with or without ext), twisted, cornrowed or weaved hairstyle. She says so on her website and it totally makes sense. you may have to alter it a bit and do some things differently, but it still works the same because you're using the same method. You also don't necessarily have to keep your style in for 2 mths. Could be more or less depending on you. i've followed the method with my weaves and flat twists. Happy growing!