Concoction for Detangling Hair


New Member
I don't recall where I got this formula from but I finally did it last night because my hair was dry and nasty feeling after a hennalucent. After I did this mixutre I washed w/ my normal shampoo and condition and I had an incrediable slip to my hair. Check it out!

1) Section hair down center w/fingers or comb.

2) Gently and thoroughly saturate each section.

3) Before-hand, you will take a plastic pitcher that holds say 2 q. of water.
Pour in about 1/8 c.-1/4 c. of vinegar or so (cv or white). I just eyeball amt. Then pour in ALOT of conditioner. I use a cheapie or something I won't buy again for this stage. My hair is a few inches past my shoulders so I dump in about 1/2 c. or so.
Add about 3 tbsp. of light oil - Amla, coconut etc. I also put in about 2 tbsp of Elasta Recovery, but that's optional. Fill w/water, stir with hand.

4) Pour SLOWLY over each section, holding palm of other hand under hair to catch liquid against hair. Don't rub or manipulate hair now! Loosely pin up each section for about 3 min.

5) Take down. Gently finger comb as much as you can. Rinse about 3/4 of mixture out. Don't overrinse.

6) Shampoo only ONCE. Massage scalp moving hair as little as possible. Don't rub and manipulate hair length. Gently squeeze length, milking shampoo down it. I do this for about 60 - 90 seconds each side. Your hair will be clean, so don't worry about short time frame. Shampooing too long & multiple times causes tangles. Gently rinse each section.

7) Now apply your good conditioner liberally. Again, pin up hair. Let sit for about 3 min.

8) Take hair down. Gently finger comb. Only at this point should you comb hair. I use a seamless wide tooth comb from Sally's by Cricket ($1.99). Seamless ones are a must. Gently rinse, cool water.

9) Do another vinegar mixture, now just minus the conditioner. Again, use the coolest water you can stand to close those cuticles. Do NOT rinse out.
10) When towel drying, do not run. Gently pat/squeeze dry. That's it!

I skipped step 11 and my hair today is moisturized and shiny
This is Selah's Tangle Buster Routine. I believe Selah is/was a member of the Longhairlovers site where this site branched off from.
Miosy said:
I skipped step 11 and my hair today is moisturized and shiny

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There has to be a step eleven come on I would really like to add this to my website.